NEWS              Translation from Czech.  Archive: 201320122011,  2010,  2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 & 2000

Do you know this PA producer? EOY
is always good occasion for Club retrospective. Where to go today midnight?

Be ready for Quadrantids. Christmas comet visible by naked eyes. RF transistor and new beacons. FT991 manual.

On 2m is QRV EME/MS DX-ped. 1A0C (pics) and already made a lot contacts. Mystery? Next suggested reading.

On 27.12 in the Netherlands has performed SSB EME test. Updated pics from our club history. Not only for radars.

What OK1TEH made in 2014 via tropo from home. Higher VHF bands operators should to know morse telegraphy.

ON6MP and his steam equipment. When you are looking for VHF DXing. Within last days of 2014 search for 1A0C.

Merry Christmas to all readers of OK2KKW web page! Please remind of Czech traditional Christmas VHF Contest!

Nice video by F6ETI/p JN15 from MMC 2014, since 5:29 you can listen to 944km OK2A QSO. Satellite splatters?

New transmission methods of internet connectivity over telephone line (resp. along telephone line) attack 144MHz.

CRC published corrected OK MMC results for final 7 days checking. Test of VLF transmission. How to fix a mast?

Ham radio challenges: fast TV on 146MHz, or long time effort of Atlantic crossing (2m tropo)? OK0EA QRV again.

Video from ISS by KD5MDT. Contest log VUSC still support rules of traditional Christmas contest, but OK1IA not.

It seems, preliminary OK results of MMC has some system errors. We are looking for new evaluation.  Sun flares.

Some errors in OK MMC evaluation. Would be OK2A call higher in result list? Check your errors as well as please!

Czech preliminary MMC results for final verification, logs of 9A/YU/E7/LZ & other stations for crosscheck are here.

Our Radio Club celebrate 25 years since issue of first OK2KKW license. Waiting for 2m Aurora? 6/4m by SP3RNZ.

Nice video LA4YGA from his 4m MS DX-ped. into southern tip of LA (# JO37). DL8YHR prepares new EME DX trip.

Geminids 2014: OK1TEH, OK1RK, OK1DQT, OK2PMS, ES3RF, RD3FD, UT5EL, S56P. 23cm EME from YL2GD.

ARRL EME Contest 2014 u OK1TEH (2m + 70cm log). New 13cm EME allocation in JA. Tatry 2014 - pics: 1, 2, 3.

2015: 50 years of VHF beacons in OK. Sun flare of M 8,7 class. More. Antenna masts robbery as well as in USA.

OK0EA beacon is off. No info from responsible operator yet. About history of OK1KAI club. Crazy questions (CZ).

MMC 2014 in PA, OM, ON, G, DL and IK. 2m EME Newsletter DF2ZC. Love letter. DX reception of 70cm beacon.

Geminids 2014: F8GGD, OK2PMS. And what abt. you? Let us know! Technics by RA3WDK. OM MMC tentatively. 70cm QSO OK - A6 has OK1DFC, congrats!  70cm MS QSO OK - 9H succeeded by OK1TEH. 2014 Geminids.

MS weekend. Technical knowledge of present license holders is not very good. Test your skills. More: 1, 2, 3 & 4.

ARRL release proposal for ARRL EME Contest rules update. Selfspotting & chat use would be newly acceptable?

Geminids 2014: be ready for MS peak on Sunday 14.12. 2m DX-ped. OH8K KP46 is already QRV. And even KO19?

Czech radiocomm. authority open 70MHz (based on special license) for amateur radio use as well as in next year.

ARRL EME Contest II. part by: OK1YK, OK2POI, OK2DL, OK2ULQ, S53MM+2, SP7DCS. Nebraska on 2m EME.

Reception of 7W TX from distance of 2,3mil. km presents 331 000 km/W. Even on 70cm! Congrats. Web

Klínovec from JO60LK. On Dec.10th. is anniversary of one important legal obligation. About USB adapter troubles.

CT1DMK's statistics show EME activity in ARRL EME Contest since 1977. OK0EP is still alive. OK1TEH speech.


Australian expedition for July Contest 2015? Date of VHF meetings 2015 in SP. IARU UHF Contest results: F & G.

OK2TPQ's rotator controller. Yagi building. Few pics from Ústí/L ham meeting. Geminids are already behind doors.

Dynamics of HF reception in Contest. Compare VHF here & here. Constructions on M1BXF web. Interesting BPF.

Al, K2UYH released new EME Newsletter for 70cm & UP. Don't forget to join 2nd leg of ARRL EME Contest 2014.

Plan of liquidation of AM & FM broadcasting. Abt. EMC of WIFI + LTE on 13cm. More. Mysterious satellite. For fun.

Czech final results of IARU R.1 UHF/SHF Contest 2014.  Reception of OK0EL by DJ5AR. 70cm EME from Maine.

We got delayed message, that Arne, SM7AED is S.K. too. He worked 1st 70cm QSO between OK - SM in 1961.

First 13cm QSO OK - PZ has achieved by OK1KIR, congrats.  Reception of PZ5EME on 13 cm EME by G4BAO.

We got sad news, that we lost one of the most well known UHF friend Valerij, RA3LE (ex UA3LBO) in age of  74..

First 70cm QSO OK - PZ wkd OK1DFC, congrats. 34th anniversary of 1st 23cm OK EME QSO. 2m 8x9elY RX3A.

First 2cm QSO OK - PZ & 100th DXCC countries (2nd 23cm DXCC award ever) has gained by OK1KIR. Congrats!

Info: email change, where should be sent MMC logs for international evaluation. 70cm gear for Sun orbit satellites.

First 2m OK - PZ QSO completed by Jarda OK1RD, congrats!  Some surprise for 1. Dec? MS shower Phoenicids!

Pics by PZ5EME. ARRL EME Contest by OK2POI. Are the Super Sun flares possible? Response may read here.

OK amateur radio literature. Another FM Contest. Will be for EME on 144 / 432MHz better x or + antennas setup?

Short info abt. age structure of CRC members. Where DL0GTH made QSO in UHF-C on 432MHz and OK2A not?

Interesting maps of EU VHF contest activity within IARU UHF/SHF Contest 2014. Check day on SHF by OK1EM.

MS opportunity: Geminids! Even & odd impedances. More. Reality. Echo mode WSJT 10. Who reported LX0OHB?

Prefinal results of UHF Contest 2014 in OK for last check. Error logs. Comments. ARRL EME-Contest by OK2DL.

MMC2014 by OL4A & SP3KWA. OL7C pics from MMC. HF interference by VDSL. Web CANFI. Waiting for XV4F.

UHF Contest results in Slovakia and Italy. VHF DX-pedition to Surinam. ARRL EME Contest OK1YK. Web HB9Q.

Advent's OK meeting in Usti. Czech and Slovak Cubesat.  FT991 - how much?  Results of the UHF Contest in DL.

Temp switch IC. OM6BB's PEP Wattmeter. Harmonic mixer for microwaves. New beacons in SP. QSL by FW5JJ.

MMC 2014 by F8KID + pics. Delayed report by DR9A from UHF Contest 2014. Debate on OK_list. Delay module.

Remind OFRA and disillusion of 1989 hope. ARRL EME Contest 2014 by: OK2PMS, OK1CA, OK1KIR, OK2ULQ.

Review of the commercial solid state kW PA for 144MHz. MMC2014: OL7C + F stns impressions. Wideband SDR.

MMC2014 video by OK2A (more). Leonids shower are coming. Active broadband mixer up to 23GHz. MMC in YU.

Marconi memorial Contest 2014 by OK2A: just for fun. Battle for 3,4GHz band by antipodes. LX0OHB-4M is QRT.

Winner's rostrum of MMC 2014 will be narrow. Slovak hamradio convention. Interesting circuit. HF TX demolished.

PA stations MMC 2014 impressions. Don't forget upload your MMC log to IARU evaluation. More. QSL is service?

3cm tropo condx: QRB over 800km. Have radio on HF some future? Still operational Oscar 7 celebrates 40 years.

MMC 2014 by: OM3PV & com, OK2M, OM5AW, DH5YM, OK2R, OL3Y. Resistors? OM1002+ & Tajfun1000 PAs.

MMC 2014 by: IK4WKU, OK1KFH. Microtransceiver for 2m & 70cm. New first QSOs abroad: FW, Z2, TF, congrats!

MMC 2014 by: OK5K, OL4N + pics, OK1KOB, OK2PNQ. DF2ZC release new EME NewsLetter for 144MHz band.

MMC 2014 by: OK1FHI, DH8BQA, PA0O, DL0SP, OK2KYZ, SP3SLU.  Zimbabwe by single 23 el. Yagi on 70cm.

MMC 2014: OK1OPT, DH9SB, OK1RIG, OK1AYR, S51ZO, OM3KDX, OM6W, S51ZO, S57Q, HA8V. THz bands.

MMC 2014 by: OK2I, OK2C, OK1ZHS, OL4K. Pics of OM6W. Claimed results in: 9A, S5, G, OK, OM, PA & SP.

Z21EME DX-pedition, first 2m QSO OK↔Z2 has completed by Jarda OK1RD, congrats! OK1KIR has 70cm DXCC.

Full results of DUBUS EME Contest 2014, congrats to all winners. Pics from 70cm EME weekend DX trip in HBØ.

Final OK results of IARU VHF Contest. Weather forecast for MMC by OK1JFH. D-star: operation shift to 146MHz?

Tropo condx 27-29.10 at: OK1TEH, ES3RF, SP1JNY, OE5VRL/5, OZ1FF & more stations.  Expedition Z21EME.

Movie from IZ0CLS visitation, visitation at VE2ZAZ. Arecibo Uncut. Dish installation: IK5VLS, UA3ATS, SM6CKU.

Al, K2UYH released new EME Newsletter for 70cm & UP. Remembrance to excellent tropo on 29th October 1964.

Leave your announce about participation in the Marconi Memorial Contest 2014, weather forecast is available here.

Lunar 2m beacon how was hrd by OK1TEH in QRB 327 800km. RW3BP's article about 77 GHz dish. TR -> UA3?

New IARU VHF Newsletter 64 in short form summarize results of the C5 meeting of VHF managers in Varna 2014.

Independent free & cheap QSL service in SP has yearly fee about 8 € only. OK1YK + 23cm EME. 2m from KO31.

Space run of 2m JT65 beacon to Moon is going ahead. Unlike Aurora we are looking forward to good tropo condx.

IARU UHF Contest 2014 by IQ4AX. Commercial view to 6cm band. Pics of 2m &  70cm PAs. Microwave couplers.

Large Sunspot 2192, which produce flares up to X class, unfortunately didn't flames suitable CMEs for Auroral fun.

Claimed results of UHF contest in YU. New PA transistors 1, 2. Useful SW tools. 145MHz TX on the way to Moon.

IARU VHF Contest 2014 OK results for final check.  Complete Czech claimed results of UHF/ SHF Contest 2014.

UHF-C. 2014 by: OL9W, OK2PNQ, IK4WKU/6, PA0EHG, F4EEJ, 9A5AA. DJ5AR's presentation: "Let's Bounce".

Will you take a part in MMC? ZS1II's web and 2m QRP. Microwave meeting in Prague. Interesting web of F1GHB.

OK1YK finished his new EME project: 4,5m dish, see pictures. UHF Contest 2014 by PA + F stations & IK3GHY.

Report from UHF Contest by OK2A. OK2A contest logs. IARU VHF Contest: DL results. 60th. anniversary of BBT.



UHF Contest 2014 by: OK1VM, UR7D, OK1KWV. Antenna raising: G8T. More. On FM A4 to VU. Larcan PA web.

UHF contest 2014 by OK2I, OM6A, F5KDK/p. Simple 23cm filter against QRM from GSM + WIFI and 23cm driver.

Valuable PE9GHZ's web. Bulletin PA Microwaves and links to hamradio projects. 144MHz NewsLetter by DF2ZC.

Smith chart for design of non-symmetrical splitter. What you fill in into "PWR" box of EDI contest log? Happy day.

UHF Contest 2014 by OK1CJH, SP1JNY, HA8V, 9A4QV at 24GHz. Flashback to UHF Contest 2004 by OK2KKW.

First 6cm QSO OK - OHØ assigned for OK1KIR, first 2m QSO OK - V60 (V60EME) worked Ivan OK1IL. Congrats!

Animation by S51ML from the IARU VHF Contest identify centre of EU VHF activity. OM6BB transverter for 70cm.

UHF Contest 2014 by OK2M, OL3Y, OK5K, F4EDA, IK4WKU, F5LBL. Remind ARRL EME Contest. Microwaves.

UHF Contest 2014 by OK1KUO, OK1JFH, OK1OPT +, OM3PV, DR5T, G3XDY, 9A1CBM, 9A2SB, S51ZO, S50C.

First 3cm QSO OK - OH0 completed by OK1KIR & 9cm QSO OK - HA has assigned to OK1MAC, congrats!

OK2AQ made 3cm EME QSO with VK7MO. EME DX-ped. OH0/DL1YMK, more. Rotator modification by OK1YK.

UHF Contest 2014 by OK1AYR, OL7M, DJ5AR. Interesting Polish tube? Would be usable for 144MHz contesting?

UHF Contest 2014 by OM6A + OM6W, OK1KUR, SO1D, 9A1CBM. Sent contest logs: French, British & Holland.

Over 200 kilopoints on 70cm in UHF Contest by DL0GTH. What wkd SP2DDV on 70 + 23cm. Sent logs in Poland.

Simple new mode 8x multiplier for modest oscillators. MMIC for 23 + 13cm. USB sensors for GHz PWR metering.

UHF Contest 2014 by: OK2C, OK1NWD, OK1EM & IQ1KW. Claimed scores in:  9A, S5, OK, OM, SP and IARU.

Remind to annonce your contest activity in IARU UHF Contest!  Weather forecast C-test. BLF188XR for VHF PA.

September tropo condx 2014 by: OK1RK, OK1KOK, OK1ZHS, OK2PMS, SP3IYM, TM40KRK, 9A1CAL, RA3LE.

OK1DIX released new version (6.39) of the VUSC4WIN Contest log. Communication with HB9DRI. Info from IARU.

Tropo log OK1TEH. Report from 16.International EME Conference in France. What's new on G0KSC antenna web.

Second day of nice tropo condx. European results of June 50MHz Contest. OK1SQK says sorry to CRC practise.

New IARU Region-1 president has elected. It is Don Beattie G3BJ. Released new EME NewsLetter for 70cm & up.

VHF Contest 2014 by: OK1CJH, UR7D, TM0W. CRC's membership fee increased? Extremely rugged BLF183XR.

On 2m has activated MS DX-ped.SV8/HA1YA KM29. This weekend await good tropo condx OK to OZ, SM. More.

IARU Conference in Varna has begun. Look here to member associations representatives, participate in C5 group.

U.S. FCC refused K9STH petition for 4m allocation. Look into TriQuint article focused to utilization of GaN devices.

New IARU R.1 VHF Handbook - version 6.14. JM1WBB SK. Australian WIA consider 4m. OK0EA is partly out of.

About testing of reception of VHF beacons beyond radio horizon. July VHF Contest results + pics from Switzerland.

LNA with PGA 103+ MMIC include measurment. GHz active mixer. More. Low path filter for 50MHz. Abt. kW PAs.

Completed results of July VHF-C in OK. This year is missing list of unique QSOs. Broadcasting leave Short waves.

VHF Contest 2014 by: OL7C, IK4WKU, SN7L + claimed results in SP. Yagi antenna without reflector. PNWVHFS.

VHF Contest 2014 by F6KQV/Pm claimed results of French contestants. OK2PMS's flashback to 5B DX-pedition.

VHF Contest 2014 by: F8BPN, TM2F, SV1BJY, HB9GF. Large hamradio web library of N5DUX. TX sideband noise.

VHF Contest by: OL9W, OL3Y + pic, F8KID + pic. 5B/PE1L news. Did you catch FB MS QSO during VHF C-test?

G8ATD articles focused to microwave constructions. PLL oscillator for 3cm gear. Geostacionary repeater 13/3cm?

VHF Contest 2014 by: OL7M, OL4N, OM7KW, DR4M. HK1H article about 23cm EME test with big horn antenna.

VHF Contest 2014 by: OK2KYZ, OM3KTR, ON4KHG  + map, ON5LL  + map. Update of First OK QSOs abroad list.

Presentation and RW3BP's article focused to Jupiter noise on 77GHz. Video from EME tests. More is here, here.

Story & pics from 2m/23cm EME DX-ped. 5B/PE1L. First 23cm QSO OK - 5B completed by OK1DFC, congrats.

VHF Contest 2014 by: OK2A, 5P5T, DR5T, TM54E, DA0FF, F4EEJ, 9A7B, F4FRF. Who of OK worked 5B/PE1L?

Massive CME toward Earth has confirmed!  Search for 2m Aurora probably already on Friday 12.9 after 16.h UTC.

VHF Contest 2014 by: OK7O, SP3KWA, PC5T, G3SKY, F0FVK and G4FRE. Light telescopic mast by RA1ALA.

On 10.9 sunspot AR-2158 produced strong X 1.6 solar flare with high probable CME, we're preparing more details.

VHF Contest 2014 by: DL0GTH, OK5K, OK2C, OK1OPT + pic, OL2J, SP1JNY, S59R, PA0EHG, 9A1CZG, 9A1N.

VHF Contest 2014 by: IK4WKU, DF0FA, SN7L & OK6R pics. Few comments to July VHF evaluation.  Cyprus DX.

VHF Contest 2014 by OK1STJ, OM6W, OM5AW, S59P, S51ZO, S59DEM, S59DGO, 9A2WA T7/ 9A2GA +2.

VHF Contest 2014 by: OK2M, OL4K, OK2KZB, 9A1CBM. Release of Sept.EME NewsLetter DF2ZC for 2m band.

VHF Contest 2014 by: DQ7A, OK1NWD, OK1ZHS. Claimed scores of: 9A, S5, OK, OM, SP, F, PA + 2 and IARU.

Statistical analysis of VHF Contests: OK-VHF Field day and IARU VHF Contest. Italian results from July VHF-C.

Leave your annonce about participation in the IARU Region I. VHF Contest 2014, weather forecast is already here.

Hamradio equipment oh the Flight to Moon. Interesting map of EU VHF contest activity in July VHF Contest 2014.

How to evaluate VHF Contest. Planetary satellite carrying hamradio. Updated list of our contests results & awards.

Do you remember these VHF meetings in Leipzig & Weinheim? Funny support for telegraphy. Applications notes.

First 23cm QSO OK - HK has succeeded by OK1KIR & first 4m QSO OK - LZ wkd (MS) OK1TEH. 5B4 2m EME.

July VHF Field day Contest 1964 from 2663m ASL. News about Gibraltar EME activities. AVR tester by OK1VM.

Will FT991 be a FT897 successor? 1, 2, 3. However such AC socket should be replaced by regular RF connector!

Holice were rather CB meeting? 1, 2. Final results of July VHFC in OM. Z21EME preparation. University textbook.

Preliminary results of OK July VHF Contest 2014 (however again without logs). On 28.8 were on 2m weak Aurora.

Worldwide EME meeting has been held this year in IN88FS. Report in preparation. Next meeting will be in Venice.

For rich owners of extended ego has ICOM transceiver with better LO sideband noise and knobs with golden lines.

Actual IARU NewsLetter. BTW our info dated 14.8. If CRC didn't soulk, maybe would be supported as well 10GHz.

We are sending two asks to Varna. Perseids by KB7Q. Tropo condx in SV5 & flashback. 55 years since 1.OK MS.

July VHF results in DL, ON + preliminary in OM. SQ7DQX is QRV 3cm EME. Several OK2AQ's news. EME list.

Few personal results of the Perseids MS shower: OK2PMS, SO3Z, ES1RF, F8GGD, DJ5AR, OK1UGA, DH8BQA.

SP6JLW presentation abt. their 10GHz EME gear. More. Fixing 23cm noise. Contest results of OM3AU memorial.

Coaxial cables for microwave use. OK1VPZ's presentation slides prepared for SP VHF meeting Zieleniec: PL, EN.

During Perseids Jirka OK2POI established new 4m MS DX record 2020 km. U.S. have new MS record on 222MHz.

Al, K2UYH released new EME Newsletter for 70cm & above. DF2ZC sent new EME NewsLetter for 144MHz band.

More articles abt. antenna stacking -> G3SEK, K1FO, K1WHS, VK2ZAB, WX0B. Articles on OK1AMF web page.

15.8 web OK2KKW celebrate 14.years of support for VHF hamradio. Thank you for your interest in our information.

This weekend 16 + 17.8 will be held 70cm Dubus JT65 EME Contest, look for W2PU, PI9CAM. VK5APN/8 on 2m.

We got an info from CEPT, that till end of this year they probably will ask EU regulators to adopt new 70MHz band.

Bulgarian hams are allowed since 12.8 be QRV on 70MHz. Web DL1OFC. Has OE1MCU troubles on 23cm band?

Nifty oscillator for 23cm transverter. 23cm PA RX3DR.  Thermostat. Map of WW locators for your statistics. More.

How it looks in Prague on 3cm band: video here. Abt. OK0EN HF beacon. Claimed scores of QRP C-test. 9cm trv.

Update of last year ARRL EME Contest results. Congrats to OK participants results! Join us in SP. EI9E/p pile up.

On 4m start up MS trip 3A/ON7EQ with FB reflections, few pics hereHow to make your first MS QSO read here.

Alpe Adria VHF contest by OK1KRQ 3342m ASL. Perseids 2014 - online MS condx by IMO and MS radars. More.

RS condx. Perseids & MS Sprint Contest. QRV MS: YL/OK1MU, SM3/PA2DW (2m), EI9E (2 + 4m), G1KAW (4m).

Results of the OK Microwave contest. 70cm activity map in July 2014 VHF Contest. Received logs from QRP-test.

On 70MHz from Romania. When you will read this list, remind 10GHz in OK. OM7M errected aerials for July VHF.

Claimed scores and QSOs maps of French ops in July VHF-C. Instalation of contest antennas: UA3APA & DR9A.

OK1RR suspended his blog. Who is it? Final results of the IARU Microwave contest in DL, OK, OM, SP, S5. Pic.

Alpe Adria 2014 Contest by: OE/OL1P, OK1FEN, OL6A, OK2FUG, OK2KJI, OK2KJT, 9A4M, OE/S51ML & more.

Perseids 2014 DX activity: EI9E/P IO41, YO6/DK2ZF KN26, 3A/ON7EQ, YL/OK1MU, RM5P KO49. OK1DM's blog.

JA OMs will get new 13cm DX allocation. Within last days activity of Perseids MS going up. Devices from Bulgaria.

70MHz DX trip SP7VC. IARU Conference in Varna web pages. CRC waste opportunity to defend 3cm band in OK.

HW web pages of DF1JM. Nice mixer up to 9cm. How to match 50 ohm antenna radiator to 50 ohm coaxial cable.

American "checking day" & microwave meeting. Light rotator. How to send a QRP & A-A Contest logs. Simulator.

Well-known G6JYB, who for UK hams successfuly defends microwave freq.bands, has elected as RSGB manager.

Simple way to noise measurement use DVB-T SDR. On 70cm around globe. Web SDR in UK. 3cm EME ops list.

Transverter for 6cm by UR6ISU. Last VNA development. Nice 3cm PA module. 12cm band for hardened guys only.

VHF contests of this weekend. More (2). Leave your annonce! MS DXs by use of Delta Aquarids. Poor Es season.

New online map of lightning in EU. July VHF C-test by OZ1ALS. Interesting VNA. Updated QSL of 1.QSOs abroad.

Start up of Perseids 2014. July VHF-C by IK4WKU. EME news OK1KIR. VHF convention in OZ. New 4m beacon.

Three pics of DF0MU contest antennas: 1, 2, 3. Preliminary list of Microwave contest in OK. Some PCB interest?

DR9A comprehensive report from July VHF-C. SP1QXN QRV 23cm. 27.7 test opportunity to rain scatter DX QSO.

Coaxial relays by RLC. Gallery of pics from UA to VHF antennas & Field day.  Dismount of 11m dish by LU2DDA.

70MHz article, written for Radiožurnál. Invitation take a part in Alpe-Adria contest. Rounded waveguides. Circulators.

Young op F.D. result. More. MS DX-ped. EI9E to IO41. Design milestones of Yagi aerials. Time to time is success.

Annual report ECO. MS DX trip OH1OTA in KO19. MS showers in end of July + Perseids. More. July VHF-C OL1C.

Installation of EME dish RN3A + construction of 2m EME antenna with AZ/EL rotor AZ3000V. More. Video F6CDX.

July VHF-C: SN7L, G3XDY. More. OK2ZI sent exclusively to CRC members list of claimed scores of July OK F.D.

10GHz RS condx by: OK1YK & OK1TEH. Videos of VHF contesting PI4GN. Belgian finding. 10GHz SDR (JO61).

Australian microwaves: on 76/78GHz band. Results of memorial OM3AU contest. Design of 20dB/15W 10GHz PA.

OK2A contest logs from July VHF Contest. Sequencer revisited Australian VHF contesting. CRC rep. was there?

July VHF Contest report by OK2A and OL9W. On Sunday were on 10GHz great RS condx, QRB > 700 km! More.

July VHF-C by OK2KCE. Preliminary results of OK Youth ops. Field day + comments. Up-to-date news from KH8.

Congrats! CQ VHF-C: give them at least some points - even EME QSO is valid. On Sunday eve be ready on 3cm!

First 2m QSO OK - KH8 finally succeeded by OK1RD (-14dB) and then OK1IL. Congrats!  65.OK Field day OL7C.

On 19-20.7 will be held Dubus 2m Digital EME Championship. RX of EME reflections almost evoked nuclear war?

KH8 on 2m - who will win in OK as first one? Minutes from last CRC board brings lot of questions OK1DKZ  web.

OK VHF Club established separate table of first VHF QSOs abroad. Maybe due to uncertain 70cm QSO with 4K?

Small EME pistols. Locator uncertainty? July VHF-C by OK2M, video IK4WKU + IQ4AX. LZ9X. Yagi antenna calc.

Antennas of ON5GS. July VHF-C: OL4K, YO4KAK & OK1KEL. On-line calc for Yagi antenna elements correction.

Al, K2UYH release new EME Newsletter for 70cm & up. July VHF-C by OK1YK, OK2KYD, OK2KZB & F stations.

Transistor for nice mixer. Invitation to Summer QRP contest. OM results of the IARU Microwave contest. Fake chip.

Monaco on 70MHz. MS trip I8/UT3UX. MS from JP85. Video from FD: IK3SSG, RT4D, ON4PRA, UA4WP, EU4DGC.

July VHF-C as well as at East: RA5W, RW7A, UN9L, UN9FWW, RK7A, UT7X, UT4UEP, RC9U, RK9YWE, RA9UC.

July VHF Contest: OL7M, OK1KFH, UR7D (překlad), OM3KHT. What wkd in FD on 3cm I4XCC. Remind IARU list!

July VHF Contest: OK2ILA, OK5T. New EME NewsLetter DF2ZC for 144MHz band releasedG3XDY VHF articles.

On two meters over "Big pond"! Final OK results of the May VHF Contest. July VHF Contest by: DR4M and SZ8L.

July VHF Contest: OL3Y, OK2PNQ, TM40KRK, F4EEJ, TM2F, TM54E, GM3HAM, DA0HQ, DL0TB, UT5W (map).

One email. 4m DX trip to JO29, KO10. July VHF-C by OK1FEN & OM3RRC. Contest pics: OK2M, UA4SN, UR7D.

Update of OK 24GHz RS DX record QRB 250km. OK1KKD successfully completed new gear for 47 GHz band.


July VHF Contest: OK1RAW. 2m EME DXP OE/DD0VF (JN47) & his report, he wkd via MS even EA8TJ - 3114km.

July VHF Contest OK1CJH, OK1KMP, OK1KWV, OK2M -pic, OZ1ALS, 9A2SB, HA5KDQ, HG1W, HG1Z, S50G.

HW topics: 1, 2, 3, 4. Who knows KST2Me? Another Field day. On EME from Panama. Who from CRC was there?

Field day 2014 by: OK1EM, OK5K, OM6W, S50C, S51ZO, S59P. New 76GHz 108 km OK DX record has claimed.

Field day 2014 by: DL0GTH, DR9A, OK1KPA, OK1VM, OK2C, OK2I, OK2KCE, OM5AW, OL4K (pics), PA0EHG.

First 2m QSO OK-HP completed by OK1RD, congrats. July VHF claimed scores in IARU, PA & PA stns.reports.

First report HP/KG7HF from his 2m EME DX trip. Photos from Hamradio 2014 convention in Friedrichshafen: 1, 2.

July VHF (Field day) by: OK1NWD, IQ1KW, DM3F, S59DEM, S52W. Claimed scores in: 9A, S5, OK, OM, SP, G.

Es opening 2.7 on 2m to EI. OK2KKW in UHF AAC. MMMDX NewsLetter. Useful SW for thermal design of SSPA.

Leave your annonce abt. participation in July VHF Contest ( OK VHF Field day). Weather forecast here, here.

We have more new satellites on the orbit. VHF Field day Contest preparation chat in UA. F4EEJ in June Contest.

OK1CDJ released preliminary final contest results from the May VHF Contest for final check. We won 3, 23, 70cm.

OK1CA's EME news. Nifty device for combiner - twin core semirigid. June VHF contest: F6KLO, F0FVK, IK1KFH.

Based on the DARC negotiations will be for free in DL accessible 70MHz band. And what about CRC negotiations?

S55ZMS beacon. Analysis of former connections show, where would be possible to make a 3cm QSO from home.

G4JNT: update of present frequency synthesizers. OK0EA beacon would be QRV again since 28.6. Web DG0VE.

More to Es on 26.6: what OK1TEH wkd & how loud was TA7OM. Russian Contest log. June 70cm contest IQ4AX.

Gigantic stratospherical erections during storms in USA. Do you have Panama on 2m? 26.6 Es reached even 2m.

Proven DJ6EP's transverter for 9cm. Large publication activity by SP6MLK. Abt. TWTs by Paul WA6PY (in Polish).

RS season: 9A perspective. Panoramic view from SK7MW's aerial mast. Where are hidden Es on 2m this month?

After short break Italian hams have 4m band available again. Last week SP meetings & next weekend mess. More.

New World DX record on 77 GHz is 289km! Video. K2UYH + W6SZ released new EME NewsLetter for 70cm & up.

Claimed scores of 9A QRP VHF Contest, OK1TEH's report from his participation. VE7BQH list of antennas for 6m.

Contest weekend: IARU 6m Contest, 2m 9A QRP Contest & 22.6 will be held Alpe Adria UHF Contest (70cm & up).

In July focuse to DX-ped. HP/KG7HF. On 2m EME are QRV special call stations OL125D and KL7/W1AW - log, 2.

3cm beacon SR6XHC on Černá hora is QRV again. New 33cm World DX record 10686km. Well-known SP2DX SK.

Claimed scores of Czech Microwave contest. OM final results of May VHF-C. OK1YK review of  3cm year activity.

OK0EA beacon is temp.QRT. High temp semiconductors from silicon carbide. New DX rekord: 140km on 78GHz.

Who has a right for record of the first QSO with Azerbaidjan in the Czech DX VHF history? OK1VPZ commentary.

First 70cm QSO OK - 4K maybe were made by OK1KIR. Congrats!  Microwave Contest by IK3GHY: 23, 13, 3cm.

Another maps. Which call were really 4K? Still valid K1FO article abt. aerials. OK1TEH completed EME windows.

Microwave contest by OM6A. VE2ZAZ: why not to be a D-star user. 4K4K on 2m with 10 el.Y. ADI acquired Hittite.

Microwave contest: OL7Q, F6KQV, I4XCC, PA0EHG. Remind traditional SP VHF meeting Zieleniec. 4m beacons.

Alpe-Adria Contest - invitation. Local oscillator for transverters? Microwave contest by OM3RBS & OK1UFF. 9cm.

Startup of EME DX trip to 4K, first 2m QSO OK ↔ 4K wkd OK1RD (-12dB), congrats. Interesting article about Es.

70cm NAC: OK1TEH, OK1ZHS, OK1FEN, SP1JNY. On 15.6 OK1TEH and OK1KIR on 2m via iono(?) wkd EI3KD.

KL6M's 9,2m dish maintenance. Nice pics made from IQ1KW QTH. Technical articles by SP6JLW and PA3CSG.

Lyrids MS shower. 9A QRP Contest. More to PA mods for VHF bands. µW Contest by OM3RRC: 13cm first test.

Next weekend join IARU 50MHz Contest. PWR combiner for low VHF bands. More. Interesting articles about PAs.

Microwave contest: OK2KYZ, OK1CJH, OK2PNQ. First 6cm QSO OK - UN has completed by OK1KIR, congrats!

VK3UM announced new release of his EME SW. OK2PMS + 1DQT wkd ZA on 2m. Microwave contest by DR5T.

Microwave contest 2014: OK1KUO, OL9W, OK2G, OK2M, IQ1KW & HA5KDQ. 16.6 will start EME 4K.

Very good RS condx on 3cm in these days, log OK1TEH, DL7QY, report OZ7Z, RS u DJ5AR even on 23cm. More.

First QSO NA - SA on 33cm and new DX record 50.anniversary since first 70cm EME KP4BPZ HB9RQ: 1, 2.

Design of 15W gear for 9cm by G3PHO. DL0AR & his HW. Microwave contest by: F4EEJ, F6KUQ + 2 & OK2IMH.

Microwave contest by: 9A2SB & others 9A, DL0GTH, OM6BB, OK1EM & S51ZO. Final results of DL May VHF-C.

Claimed results of Microwave contest: 9A, OK, OM, S5. Report by: OL4K, 9A6NDD, OK2C. FT897 discountinued.

How some members of IARU defends interests of radioamateurs and some not. Where to buy good LNA trimmers.

Dirk ON5GS is QRV EME 23cm. µW projects JA1ATI. Why OK2A was not QRV. NAC OK1FEN. ADF4360-7 PLL.

To Strategy of regulation of frequency spectrum. Nice transistor for 13cm. 2,75 millions visitors of OK2KKW page.

Results of 9. ARI EME contest "New Modes" 2014 are here & here. In June were 2m Es 4.6 (G/CT) & 3.6 (OK/G).

Leave your annonce abt. participation in the Microwave Contest & OM3AU memorial. Weather forecast for contest.

New EME NewsLetter DF2ZC for 144MHz band QSO OK-ZA on 70cm has completed by OK1DFC, congrats.

Dubus 23cm REF EME Contest by: OK1KIR, OK1CA, OK2ULQ, OZ4MM, ON5TA, DJ8FR, HB9BBD & SP6JLW.

When you are interesting to hamradio satellites. Brilliant Phase 3 E is still "waiting". Did you like to watch DATV?

In new SDR RX (TX) designers utilize another methods of generating & reception of SSB sigs. Arietids MS chance.

On May 31st were 2m Es OM ↔TA, more. 10GHz RS reports OK1TEH & OK1CJH (2). RX optimization by VE3KH.

FB VHF web IK2OFO. SSTV via EME more here. OK1CA gear for 24GHz EME. OK1DQT in May on 144MHz MS.

DUBUS 23cm EME Contest! 2m transvertor G4DDK. RSGB is changing contest rules. Contest video by IK4WKU.

How OK2PMS worked KP2. PA2CHR will be in Albania. OK1CA completed his 24GHz EME. HMC7149 chip.

May VHF-C: IK4WKU, DJ0MY. Beacons DB0OHZ & ED4YAE. What you can to do on 3cm. More. WA6LET tests.

Last day of  6W/PE1L DX-ped. OK1KIR completed 1. QSO OK-6W at 70cm. First QSO OK-KP2 on 2m (OK1RD).

May VHF-C by IQ4AX. Crossband repeater DJ6EP. 13cm transverter by OK2UKG. OK1FEN's pics from Kozákov.

VHF DX-pedition to Senegal exceed estimations. Congrats to OK1KIR!  Will CRC supports youngster radio clubs?

Programmable GHz oscillator ZL2BKC. New OM is QRV on 23cm now. Update of some OK2KKW pages: 1, 2, 3.

 2m DX-ped. to Azerbaian. Present DX-trip: Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania - QRV EME and MS on 70 + 144MHz.

Directive 2014/51/EU of the European Parliament & Council in the matter of commercial radiocommunications eq.

May VHF-C by: OL9W, DF0FA. Web pages of DH5YM. VHF activity in Senegal QRT. Foto from history: OK3CDI.

Al, K2UYH released new EME Newsletter for 70cm & up. FB 4m Es to EA7. 23cm QSL by 9Y4TBG for OK1KIR.

Since Friday check FB RainScatter condx. Send your log into Pokuplje contest, this year has category for 70cm.

Already on 24.5 check new intensive Camelopardalid MS shower, radiant you may observe as well as over WSJT.

Atyune - useful software for matching circuits. Legendary HAARP probably goes QRT. 2m DX-pedition to Panama.

OK2A logs from May VHF-C. Reminder to Tesla Rožnov production. FT847 switch ON troubles? See modification.

May VHF-Contest report by: OK2A. HA5UA gear. News by CRC. Hamradio convention Dayton. New MS shower?

May VHF-C by: TM57M, F8KID, OL7C, OK1KOB, F6KCZ, F5PVX, S51ZO, HA5KDQ. Check online Es observation.

Not only EME, even super tropo DX QSOs are feasible from 6W. Es season is here. 70MHz opening reached EA8.

First time this year the Es MUF reached 144MHz. How to install MAP65 and Funcube Pro+ for reception of EME.

May VHF-C by: OK7O, YU7ACO, IK6LZA, OL4A, G4ZTR, IK5ZWU/6 and DL0BA. DD0VF trip to Hiddensee island.

May VHF-C by: OK1KUO, OK1CJH, OL4K, OK2IMH. EME Invitation. What CRC suggested for IARU conference?

OK2FUG report from May VHF-C 2014. Last development of U.S. hamradio licensing. Commercial ferrits proposal.

Saturday trip to Kozákov. 13cm QSO OK-6W, congrats! Senegalian on-line log. OK2PMS report abt. 6W QSO.

OK1KIR celebrate 30.years anniversary of the OK 13cm EME QSO by next success, 23cm OK-6W QSO.

May VHF-C by: OL3Y, IQ1KW (photogallery). Reports 6W/PE1L from first & second day of DX-ped. plus some pics.

First 2m QSO OK - 6W has completed by OK1RD, congrats! May VHF-C by: DL0GTH, DR5T, OK1KJV, OM3PV.

May VHF-C by: OK2KYZ (story), OL7Q, PA0EHG, 9A/S51LM, S51ZO, S57NAW, S59DEM, S57O, S57Q, S57M.

May VHF-C by: OK5K, OK2PNQ, F4EEJ. Read: here, here. Last news of VHF DX-ped.6W. Aquarids MS shower.

May VHF-C by: OL2J, OK2PMS, SO3Z, OK2KYZ (pics), DR4M & OZ7ZLooking for good MS condx on 24. May?

May VHF-C by: OK1EM, OK1OPT+pic, OM6W, OK1UFF, OK2C, OK1KAD, OK1KFH, IQ1KW. Reports from PA.

May VHF-C by: OK1NWD, OK1ZHS, OK1FHI, OK1VM. Claimed contest scores: 9A, S5, OK, OM, SP, G, IARU.

Weather forecast for contest. When you will travel at EU Northwest. Easter contest report by OK1KFH. Tip & trip.

Beginning of Es season. Genuine, or fake: PA by OM Power, or from BY? And Daiwa wattmeter? IF filter, or Icom?

New World CW DX record on 24GHz: VK3NX - LX1DB 16468km. Rotator controller unit suitable for remote station.

OK2PMS report: 2m QSO with Reunion. Lyrids on line. Don't forget send an announce about your contest activity.

Final Czech results of the IARU March VHF Contest. How to modify Yagi aerial in case of use another diameters.

Activity from KO20. Easter contest by OK1OPT. EME blog YO8RHI. 76GHz LNA & feedhorn. French VHF meeting.

Easter Contest by OK2KJT. EME NewsLetter for 70cm & above bands. ČRK still divulge story abt. 2394 members.

PLC issue again, even with serious threat for VHF bands. Pictures collection from EME VHF DX-pedition 9Y4TBG.

Easter VHF Contest by OK1FEN. MS log OK1DQT. First Es new season? Transponder test of Lithunian satellite.

Cups for winners of OK VHF Championship 2013 on 2m & 70cm. Present lightnings may support first Es of 2014.

Congrats to OK2UUA! Lyrids are here. VE7BQH released new version of table compares EME Yagis performance.

Report, log and pics from HB0/PA2CHR DX trip. OK1DXD article: how to start on 70MHz. News from FR/DL1RPL.

Additions of confirmation's QSL in first OK abroad QSOs list. From radioastronomy. Update of 70cm EME gallery.

Few hours to meteoritic shower Lyrids, opportunity for spring MS DXing. Flare on Sun. Nice 150W GHz transistor.

Digital QSO via Aircratf scatter on 10 & 24GHz bands. Detail report of 372km tropo QSO on 24GHz. Satellite news.

Do you have on 2m Reunion island? Now you have a chance: DL1RPL has this PA, FT897 & LNA. 18.4 anniversary!

On Sunday remind P.A. & microwave DUR Contest! Finally OK1TEH succeed 2m QSO with 9Y4TBG by single Y.

Next Monday will be Easter VHF Contest. Give the points as well as to young ops. Final results of Winter QRP-C.

A bit old articles, suggested for thinking. Redesigned controller of aerials switch for contesting Response to email.

Antenna of 9Y4TBG DX-ped. Best demolition show... process of parabolic dish destruction. GaN HEMT tranzistor.

One famous anniversary. We can't be everywhere. Deep dissappointment. HAARP dismount? Who is OK1RAW?

March VHF Contest results for revision. First 23cm QSO OK - 9Y. Inspired relation of HW corner & diploma thesis.

On 11.4 celebrate 50 years since first intercontinental 2m EME QSO. More. OK multiband results of UHF-C 2013.

First 23cm QSO OK - T8. Such info abt.CRC. GS3PYE trip to IO68. Future of 13 & 9cm in UK. For ego polishing. 

50MHz web IW0FFK. Smith chart SW for Linux. Do you have on 70cm at least 50W + 20el.Y? Try W1AW/1 EME!

Tobago is since 8. April on 2m QRV EME. Real pile-up.. Take care: they are watching you. Look for LNA devices.

EU released new EMC directive. CRC again lost deadline for defence of 10GHz band in OK through IARU support.

Finland extended 4m allocation. DUBUS EME Contest by SQ6OPG. ISS ATV moved to 2369MHz. Web G4DHF.

DUBUS EME Contest by OK1KIR, OK1CA, OK1KKD. Militarism is close to CRC. Will FCC reallocate 6cm band?

Old VHF hams measurment procedures: PA linearity test. Beacon keyer. 2m cavity filter. T88QX 23cm EME plan.

March VHF-C DL results. Crimean radio amateurs lost 50MHz band. Frequency synthesis for GHz beacon. More.

NAC by OK1FEN. ARI digital mode EME Contest. 3cm EME reception with 50cm dish. Web 13cm, ATV ZL1WTT.

OK1DIX released new version 6.38 of Contest log VUSC.  Novelties in Yagi antenna design with bended radiators.

TEP at 6m by EI3KD. Summer VHF meeting: OZ, SP6. Tuesday evening VHF Fun in 2m NAC: SO3Z & OK1TEH.

Upgrade of 23cm part of famous beacon transmitter OZ7IGY. Few pics of matching circuit for DK7ZB's 70cm Yagi.

Opportunity to launch geostacionary satellite with ham radio transponders? Useful tool for designers. K7MEM web.

March VHF contest 2m OK results within last 27 years. Not each hamradio entity in EU is transparent like RSGB.

MS QSO to IO57 has completed as well as by OK2PMS & OM5CM. Congrats! Next presentation focused to EME.

Actual EME NewsLetter for 70cm & above bands. Nice PWR transistor. As well as here. Will be GM4YHF in IO88?

Introduction into EME - articles by G4ZTR and G4SWX: here, here. On 70MHz across Atlantic? Members of CRC.

23cm PA modules G4BAO. More. OK1TEH made 2m MS QSO to IO57RT. TNX Martin!  New OK1GTH's projects.

Take your rig to holiday, make a fun for others. ARI EME Contesting by I5WBE. RF path loss calc & QRM limits.

Written 30 years ago: Microwave Handbook K4TWJ. Belgian VHF activity in March VHF-C. Not only about F5ZRB.

OK1TEH wrote 70cm report from March VHF Contest. EME DX-pedition Senegal. Results of Winter QRP-C in DL.

Small DX-trip GS3PYE to IO68. Waveguides, semirigids. March VHF-C by IZ1ESM & IK3SSG. 2m up to 147MHz?

Detection of microwave noise of Jupiter planet. Nice device for LNA. March VHF-C by DL0BA. Contesting in USA.

4m TEP is in time of equinox opened almost each day. March VHF-C by IQ4AX"UFO" QSO 9A↔D4 discovered.

Earth were in 2012 closely passed by super CME. Great radioastronomical discovery may confirm K1JT research.

Mysterious 144MHz DX QSO 9A↔D4 has confirmed. Do you believe it? SWR & temp protection for small SS PA.

10GHz band defence strategy in USA. French regulator discussed with REF issue of new hamradio bands option.

Using of Graves radar for VHF tests. ARRL EME Contest 2013. Several spring meetings: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

We believe in future of the amateur radio in our magic 3cm band. How to do it? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

IARU sent actual version of VHF Contests calendar for EU region. DF9IC presentation focused to 70 & 23cm PAs.

March VHF by: OL7C, OK1ELA. MS DX-ped GS3PYE/P to IO68. 2m tropo by SP3IYM. Do you know memristor?

G3WDG's 24GHz EME gear: 1, 2, 3. 13cm Dubus contest by: OK1KIR, OK1CA. A bit another microwave contest.

Worldwide DX record on 24GHz has registered for G3WDG and VK7MO. Details.  OM contesting in last 20 years.

4m TEP! Do not forget to send a logs from March VHF Contest till Monday 10.3 into International IARU evaluation.

This weekend would be QRV NC1I on 70cm EME, reachable for stations with 50W & 19el Y. FG4KH by OK2PMS.

March VHF: OL3Y, OL9W, OK1KOB, OK1OPT, OK2PMSThis weekend will be 13cm Dubus REF EME contest.

Draft of IARU contests list. Change of rules in Italy. Preparation of changes in Cz. electronic communications act.

Be ready for FB tropo condx! Announcement of 2m EME DX-ped. FR/DL1RPL. EME by W1AW/7. OK2ULQ's tests

March VHF C-test: OL4A, OK1KAD, OK1CJH, OK1FEN, OK2KYZ (report), claimed scores in PA and comments.

Lunar EME calendar 2014 by W6SZ. Total nr. of DL stations decline year by year. March VHF: DJ5AR & OK1EM.

March VHF C-test: OL7C (OK7KM), OK1NPF, OK5K, OM6W, OK2KYZ (pics), IQ1KW, HA5KDQ, S51ZO, S57O.

RSGB effort to defend hamradio bands. More. March VHF Contest: OK1KJV, OK2C, OK1FHI. Abt. coaxial cables.

March VHF Contest: OK1NWD, OK1ZHS, OL4K, OM3WFC. Claimed scores in: 9A, S5, OK, OM, SP, G & IARU.

March VHF Contest: SO3Z. Few more words abt. Aurora of Feb.27 2014. BPF OK1VM. Trip to KO52 for 2m MS?

Agenda of EME 2014 international meeting in France. From ISS board has pushed out UHF LY satellite CubeSat.

Short history of hamradio in SP Map by DF5AI show us, where is able to make Au & FAI QSOs from your home.

On 27.2 evening was time for Au QSO from OK to LA on 2m. Report by SP3IYM4m TEP from SV, IK to ZS agn.

Al K2UYH released new EME Newsletter for 70cm & up. G3LQR celebrates 80.birthday! 4m DX-ped. 4O/PA2CHR.

Send your annonce about participation in March VHF Contest!  Updated weather forecast for contest here & here.

We were successful in restoration of VHF DX condx overview by OK2POI. Rounded elements 13cm Yagi. Real RF.

50 years anniversary since very important discovery - relict radiation. Pre-final results of OK Winter QRP Contest.

Notification of CTU "Spectrum strategy" here. New EMC collisions in freq. spectrum. Interesting 10GHz PLL LNB.

Here you can buy directly from producer the anchor rope, well known as Mastrant rope. Italian 70 MHz web page.

OK1TEH's 70cm MS tips & tricks. Site Master up to 40GHz. Ham radio & WIFI sharing in UK. Via satellite by FM.

Has Ionospheric lightnings above Adriatic see correlation to Sporadic EPics gallery VK3UM - how to move dish.

Czech ham radio books in e-form: here, here. RSGB defend ham radio bands. How to lock PC to NTP for MS/EME

Claimed scores of Winter QRP Contest. New version of EME Planner has released. Czech Radiocomm.strategy?

From Czech amateur radio history: Karel Špičák OK1KN. How Mr.Janda reminds one old article abt.10GHz. More.

Tester of electronic devices. F6FVY re-released again his locator application. Delayed video from last Field C-test.

Transvertors for 70MHz band: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 a 16. Do you know G4JNT's web page?

Programmable miniature oscillators by Epson. What has written 10 years ago. Links from history. PEP wattmeter.

Bulgarian regulator approved regular use of  70MHz band. More to DC/DC voltage converters. Decent mixer for 2m.

Two new 23cm beacons in SP4. Ham radio Cubesats launch. Interesting devices. Winter QRP Contest: OK2KOJ.

Many hams use QRP on VHF and don't know it!  OK2KKW web has been chosen by National library for archiving.

Time domain reflectometer by OK1CJH.  DUBUS EME Contest: VE6TA, VE1KG and OK1CA. OK3RM's MW PA.

Few words abt. noise. On MS + EME will be in May QRV Macedonia. Winter QRP Contest: OK1FEN, OK2UWQ.

Last weekend was classic REF Dubus EME Contest. How to make your first morse EME QSO? Read more here.

Interesting reading here, here. Polish regulator approved ham radio use of 122GHz. Voltage doubler for SMA relay.

Swedish example how to prepare a transparent strategic plan aimed to defence of V-U-SHF amateur radio bands.

Final results of Czech VHF Contest Championship 2013. Winter QRP Contest: OK1RAJ, OL6A. New LY2013SAT.

How I prepared 3cm beacon. QRP from SP6. Krušné hory - where we do it and we like it: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.


When you want to compare transceivers performance, look here. More here, here, here. What dynamic has A/DC.

OK1KIR  24GHz EME with F1PYR. Is today last chance for 70cm EME QSO with W1AW? QRV will be LU1CGB.

Exist some coherence to discover mystery of TEP QSO? What DC7AS wrote about OSCAR projects. PA DR9A.

Auroral character of propagation near equator? On 70cm! Nanotechnology based receiver. CRC response to IARU.

What has written 30.years ago? Interesting presentation abt. mm radioastronomy. Check via EME PI9CAM again.

On the Sun is observed great Sunspot 1967, stay tuned for next info. First week in February would be tropo to UA.

Feb. 1 and 2 will be held well known BBT. On Sunday 2.02 Winter QRP test. Take care, strong wind is comming.

Aprox. propagation attenuation to opposite station. More. Dish gain. 23cm transverter US4ICI use up to date filter.

Bulgarian 23cm transverter. Moldova 2m EME. Photos on W9EVT web. New version WSJT & JTMS for 70cm MS.

European MMC results. OE3SOB & DL1OFC pages. Christmas contest by OK2KZB. More. RA3WDK transverter.

Do you have on 2m 9S4 QSL? We did. Appeal for VHF managers - and will CRC do it? Remind to Winter contest!

6m EME from VK9? Update of Contests VHF records  table and some QSL pics for first QSO from OK to abroad.

EME callendar DL7APV. Panoramic adaptor by G4HUPW1AW/5 QRV EME? OK1VEI update of OK VHF toplist.

Good opportunity for MS DX QSO? Directional coupler for SWR protection of solid state driver on 144 & 432 MHz.

Controversial CRC activity is supported from taxes of non members by more, than million CZK yearly. See budget.

OK Christmas contest: results, logs, awards. What frequency has OK0EA on 23cm? IARU conference web page.

EME article from YO. Translation. How to show signal covering. 70cm digipeaters in OK. VHF contesting in Texas.

VHF Communications magazine has closed, UKW Berichte, DUBUS, Radiožurnál are still alive. AF noise source.

Maybe you have this HW at home. Old U.S. AM radio stations guide. How important is operation of VHF beacon

Rules of the 9.ARI EME "WSJT" Contest & results of 2013 year. Results of 20. CW EME ARI Contest. Congrats!

Few words in the matter of EMC between ham radio operation in 70cm band & SRD wireless technology devices.

Preliminary results of Czech VHF Championship. Video TEP DX QSO, QRB > 6000km. What has wrote by expert.

Active again: TEP condx PJ - LU TEP DX QSO 5064km. EME W5UN. Check your cables 1, 2. ARRL celebration.

Looking for 5m dish? 60m topic. MS condx monitoring in 3m band. Disputes abt. days of ARRL EME C-test 2014.

Is the mysterious 2m DX QSO 9A↔D44 real? If yes, what kind of VHF propagation? Antennas G4CQM & G6HKS.

New EME NewsLetter for 70cm & up. Make a note? We have paid again annual prepayment for OK0EP operation.

UKuG publish Scatterpoint newsletters from 2012. How to construct 3m dish? EME rotator controlled by Arduino.

Remind January tropo condx: 1974, 2008. Phonetic Alphabets of many countries. What has written 10 years ago.

History of EME operation & technology by EA3UM. What CRC claims. Radio project, good to know something abt.

Remind Czech winter VHF Contest. Pics of OK5Z. Funkamateur 2013. How to made transformer. Meeting in PA.

Ultra low sideband noise OCXO for transverter. OK1VUM confirms release of new CRC's general rules for Contests.

300 W PA & 23cm XVTR OM6BB. OM3WFC advisement. 2m TEP discussion in 9A. Promotion of EME hamradio.

OM8AND propose contests list for 2014. Interesting discussion abt. this article. More. M0DTS projects. Acal BFi.

CME arrived to Earth, but the impact was much weaker then forecast, so 2m Aurora in EU is not probable today.

Quadrantids 2014: OK1DQT, OK2PMS, OK1TEH, OK1RK, EI3KD. Geminids & TR by: OK1RK, OK2PM, OM5CM.

Final national results of the MMC (CW) C-test: OK, OM, I, DL, S5, G, ON, HB. Check magnetometer and Aurora.

SP6GWB invites all hams to SP VHF meeting in Zieleniec. New 23cm beacon. Reminder: DUBUS EME Contest.

On 7.1 were observed strong X range Sun flare & Coronal mass eruption directly to Earth! CME would arrive 9.Jan.

OK1DFC after half year of silence put resignation to operate OK-VHF Club web. Some pics of OK5Z club activity.

On the Sun is large spot AR 1944, maybe we could after long time await some Aurora? Stay tuned for next news.

Last 144MHz EME NewsLetter by DF2ZC. Why most of RF cables has 50 Ohms impedance. New SW AirScout.

BIAS design for SSPA with bipolar transistors. News on MODS.DK web.  DG0VE production. Comparison: 1 & 2.

Quadrantids 2014: current condx, even on 70cm were made few FB QSOs. Mini MS DX-ped.OH9EKT. PA ON7EQ.

Smart 23cm PA. Russian VHF Awards. Morse keys collections: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. EME DX-pedition to 6W.

Qudrantids MS shower (more). Radiant position promise the best condx from MS QSO on 3 & 4.1 morning to OH.

On HF is active DX-ped. 1A0KM. They would be even QRV 2m MS. Jested tower visit. Interesting web of G4HUP.

We celebrate 50 years since activation of first OL licences for young operators in OK and it support OK VHF era.

Ooops - New year again? Well - let's to have in 2014 good health & welfare!  Lot of happiness by OK2KKW team!

===============================================  PF 2014 ===============================================

140 years of Maxwell equations for modern Radiocommunications. Tropo report by OK1TEH. VHF PA: 2 x GU84.

Interesting I.C. for 2m LNA.  On 17.12 CRC presumably confirmed new Contest rules for VHF / UHF 2014 events.

Czech preliminary final results of MMC / A1 Contest. Tranzistors for 23cm PA? Current limit calc for PCB design.

Info by IARU. Invitation: ARI EME Marathon 2014. Illustrationall, but apposite picture. New OK links. QRN LED TV.

DX activity, good to follow. More here. 23cm PAs. Web F6CSX. 40.years of DK0BN. Changes of UK license rules.

How to fix the thermal drift of PWR LDMOS transistors in PA. More here. One "home brewed" solution. Reminder.

CRC pushed DL5NAH to re-evaluate IARU UHF Contest. He did it again to hide incompetence of CRC's managers.

DARC released international results of VHF & UHF Contest 2013.  CRC did not sent a logs into IARU evaluations!

Ivan OK1DAQ během UHF Contestu 2014



An older news from previous years - please click here:  2013, 2012201120102009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 & 2000

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