VUSC for Windows

Version 7.08

OK1DIX (c) 2025


1. VUSC - VHF/UHF/SHF/Contest for Windows

2. Technical prerequisites

3. Installation

4. List of files

5. Program start and configuration

6. Contest operation

7. Contest evaluation - log creation

8. Database maintenance

9. QSL maintenance

10. CW/SSB control

11. Network operation

12. Network – installation and configuration

13. TRX control and band switch

14. Packet radio, DX cluster, ON4KST chat and posting results to SloVHF web

15. Communication with the program AirScout

16. Sound recording

17. Rotator

18. Appendix - schemes and pin-outs of the interfaces and adapters

1. VUSC - VHF/UHF/SHF/Contest for Windows

This program
has been developed for the VHF/UHF contests as a successor of the previous MS-DOS version. Operator experiences of contest stations OK2KKW, OK2A, OL4A, OL9W, OK1KUO, DM7A, IZ4BEH, PE9GHZ and others have been used for its development. The program design is similar to the contest program N1MM. Of course any ideas for improvement are very welcome. Currently there are English, Czech and German program versions including the relevant manuals. You can also check out the VUSC Web page for latest updates and news.

2. Technical prerequisites

The program is designed for using on the PC with operating system
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11. Program is not supported on Windows 95, 98, Me, NT and 2000.

Hardware requirements:
Processor: at least Pentium III
· RAM: at least
256 MB may vary depending on the databases size and number of QSOs in the contest
Free space on hard disk: about 30 MB, depending on databases size, apart from recorded sound files.
Ports (optional): serial RS-232C (COM) (CW keying, elbug paddle, rotator control, TRX, band switch control), parallel Centronics (LPT)(CW keying, elbug paddle, rotator control, band switch control), USB (rotator control)
Sound card (optional)
Network card (optional)
Display resolution: at least 1024x768, optimal 1280x1024 and higher

 Software requirements:
· Windows XP/Vista/7/8
/10/11 with DirectX 9.0c or higher
· LINX DLportIO Driver
, optional, only for keying/paddle or rotator and band switch control via parallel port LPT (valid only for 32 bit Windows)
· MBUSB Driver
, optional, only for the rotator adapter on USB port with PIC, see the chapter 17 on the rotator control (valid only for 32 bit Windows).
Arduino UNO R3 driver for the rotator adapter, optional (see the chapter 17 on the rotator control)

RAM size and disk space depend on the database size and recorded sound files. Author will appreciate any feedback concerning program usage on different PCs and Windows versions.

3. Installation

If you install on Windows XP check the version of DirectX first by running the program dxdiag.exe, usually located in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 or C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32. The program will show result like this:

If there’s no DirectX or the version is older than 9.0c download it from (search for the "DirectX 9 Redistributable").

A new installation of VUSC is
accomplished by double-clicking on the self extracting archive file VUSC_setup_<version>.exe. Choose the language "English" and the installation directory. The entire installation directory path must NOT contain any spaces, dots or hyphens!

If you intend to use the LPT (parallel) port for CW keying, band switching or rotator control, install the DLportIO driver by running Install.exe in the subdirectory DriverLINX\install after the VUSC installation.
If you intend to use the USB adapter with PIC for the rotator control install the MBUSB driver for the PIC. These two options are available only on 32bit Windows, though. The driver for the rotator adapter with Arduino UNO usually installs automatically with some exceptions. See the chapters 17 and 10 on the rotator control and CW/SSB control for details. If you want to use Microham for keying and/or TRX control you have to install the Microham USB driver (a very confusing name as it's much more than a driver, see the Microham documentation).

If you want to upgrade the VUSC to a higher version enter simply the existing installation directory as
the installation path. Only new and/or changed files will be installed and all your settings will be retained.

If you want to uninstall the VUSC program from your PC simply delete the installation directory and the relevant shortcut. As the program doesn't make any use of the Windows registry database it's not necessary to uninstal it in the Windows control panel.

On Windows 10/11 you may experience a minor problem that the text cursor (called caret in Windows) stops blinking and disapears after about 5 seconds. This may be a nuisance as you don't see its current position and you may be uncertain where your next typing occurs. It's Windows 10/11 standard behavior for some unclear reason. You can fix it by changing the value of a key in the Windows registry. Proceed as follows:

1. Type the program name regedit in the search box in the lower left corner of the Windows desktop. A List of matching names pops up.
2. Click on the entry "Registry Editor"
3. Locate the key "
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\CaretTimeout"


4. Double click on the key and change its value to 0xffffffff.
5. Close the registry editor and reboot the PC.

4. List of files

The complete installation contains following files:

· VUSC.EXE - contest program

· VUS_BASE.ASC - ASCII call/locator database file sorted by stations

· VUS_BAND.ASC - ASCII call/band database file sorted by stations

· VUS_BASE_DEF.ASC - default ASCII database file sorted by stations

· OWNH.HDR - stored individual data of the log header sheet

· QSL_BASE.ASC - QSL database ASCII file

· CONTLIST.TXT – list of evaluated contests

· QSLTEM.HDR - QSL label form

· VUS.HDR - log header form for contests evaluated by distances

· VUS2.HDR - log header form for contests evaluated by locators/multipliers

· VUS3.HDR - log header form for Nordic Activity and Tesla Contest

· QRBPAT.DAT - file containing the point pattern for the evaluation by locators

· VUSC.HTM - English documentation in HTML format
(with graphical files in GIF format)

· VUSCWIN.CFG - configuration file containing CW memories, port settings and other technical parameters, window layout, font setting etc. There are also configuration file templates for various display resolution vuscwin1024.cfg, vuscwin1280.cfg and vuscwin1600.cfg to make the setting easier.

configuration file with the same structure as VUSCWIN.CFG used for the quick restart.

· ROTATOR.CFG - rotator configuration and calibration.

TRANSCEIVER.CFG - configuration file with the TRX parameters

KEYER.CFG - configuration file with the keying/audio interface parameters.

RIVER.PNT, ISLAND.PNT, COAST.PNT, COUNTRY.PNT  – Files with the direction map data.

Following files are created while working with the program. They are mostly located in the subdirectory of the same name as the contest.

· #######.DIX - contest file (located in the main directory)

· #######.BIN - work file (located in the main directory)

· #######_$$$.LOG - log file from one band

· #######_$$$.EDI - contest log file from one band in EDI format.

· @@%%%%%%.EDI - contest log file from one band in EDI format for sending by e-mail named according to the general contest rules (located in the main directory)

· #######_$$$.LDB - sorted list of calls with their locators from the relevant band.

· #######_$$$.SUM - summary sheet of one band (calls with their contest numbers) as required by some contest rules.

· #######_$$$.QSL - file to print on QSL labels

· #######_$$$.ADI - file in ADIF format for upload to
eQSL, LoTW etc

· #######_$$$.REM - list of QSOs with remark

· QSL_BASE.DAT - QSL binary work file

· Subdirectory ####### for storing of logs, sound files, work file backups and other contest specific files. Only the files ######.DIX and @@%%%%%%.EDI are stored in the main
VUSC directory.

Symbol legend
####### - stands for the name of the contest
@@ - category number according to the general contest rule
%%%%%% - own callsign
$$$ - three characters band code:
144 - 144 MHz
432 - 432 MHz
129 - 1296 MHz
232 - 2320 MHz
340 - 3400 MHz
565 - 5.6 GHz
10G - 10 GHz
24G - 24 GHz
47G - 47 GHz
76G - 76 GHz
120G - 120 GHz
34G - 134 GHz
248G - 248 GHz

5. Program start and configuration

Before the start you should check the right local time and time zone setting in Windows
(Control panel->Date and Time). It’s not necessary to set UTC time on your PC provided the system time and the local time zone settings (including the daylight saving option) are correct.

On Windows XP start the program by double clicking on VUSC.EXE file or on the shortcut on the desktop. On Windows Vista/7/8/10/11 use the right mouse click and choose "Run as Administrator". You can also set this permanently by right clicking and setting the VUSC.EXE properties as follows:

If the attribute "Run this program as an administrator" is set you can also start the program by double clicking on a file with .dix extension. In this case the program starts in the normal mode (no quick restart, see below) and opens the contest from the .dix file. The following popup window appears at the very first start:

Expand the application list and find the file VUSC.exe in the VUSC installation directory:

When starting the program by this method next time the following popup window appears:

If you leave the check box checked the assignment of the .dix files to the VUSC.exe becomes permanent, no popup window appears any more and the .dix files get the VUSC icon. CAUTION! Also in this case the entire directory path to the .dix file must not contain any hyphens, spaces or dots.

If the program is launched directly (i.e. no double click on a file) a small popup window appears with the question "Quick restart?". Normally respond "No". "Yes" is only for fast renewing of the previous state for example after PC crash (see below). When starting the program for the first time after the installation respond always "No". At the first start following pop up window may appear:

Check both boxes for private and public networks and click "Allow access" to enable the local network and Internet access.


Normally (i.e. no "Quick restart") the program reads the settings from the configuration file vuscwin.cfg. It contains all settings like windows layout and sizes, fonts, CW memories, logon data etc. except for the technical parameter of keying, TRXs and rotators which are stored in the separate files keyer.cfg, transceiver.cfg and rotator.cfg (see the chapters 10, 13 and 17). If the file vuscwin.cfg does not exist like for instance at the very first start after the installation one of the template configuration files (vuscwin<number>.cfg, see below) is used according to the screen resolution. All settings including the windows layout and fonts changed during the program run are preserved in the configuration file quickstart.cfg which has the same structure as vuscwin.cfg. This file contains the current configuration of the running VUSC including the open contest, network connections, displayed bands, network messages, to-do list etc. If you choose "Quick restart" at the program start, the configuration file quickstart.cfg is read instead of vuscwin.cfg to renew the latest state. This option is usually used during the contest if you need to restart the PC, after Windows crash or similar problem. If you terminate the program with "Contest->Save and Exit" the current settings are automatically saved in the file vuscwin.cfg for the next start. The configuration can be saved also explicitly at any time by using "Contest->Config->Save". For better overview when changing the technical parameters (used ports, pins, addresses etc.) you can display the technical parameters using "Contest->Config->Display technical parameters".

To make the setting easier the template configuration files (vuscwin1024.cfg, vuscwin1280.cfg, vuscwin1400.cfg, vuscwin1600.cfg, vuscwin1700.cfg and vuscwin1900.cfg) for various display resolutions are supplied with the program. The basic windows layout and fonts from these files can also be set at the runtime by choosing "Options->Resolution<number>". You can also specify another configuration file if you choose "Options->Resolution->User". You can have more configuration files (copies of vuscwin.cfg) stored in the working directory for different situations (for example additional display, specific resolution etc.). You can also use this option to renew the proper layout if a window "disappears" or other problems occur with the windows layout or fonts. The configuration files contain many other parameters (see below), but only the windows layout and fonts are set in this case. Other current parameters remain unchanged.

The size, layout and fonts of all windows can be further changed depending on your display resolution and individual needs. When choosing the fonts ("Options->Font") of the log grid choose one of the non-proportional fonts, so the cursor position always fits to the characters. The most common non-proportional fonts are:

Andale Monospace, Arial Monospace, Consolas, Courier, Courier New, Letter Gothic, Liberation Mono, Lucida Console, OCR-A, OCR-B, MICR, Source Code Pro, Terminal, Typewriter, Typewriter Elite, Typewriter Gothic.

Also choose the fonts of the column headers so the fonts of the log grid match the column width.

You can close most of the windows you don't need by clicking on the cross in the
title bar. For technical reasons some windows are permanent and can't be closed. Closed windows appear again at the program start. All windows can be minimized in an icon by the right clicking on their title bar and choosing "Minimize". If the configuration is saved by "Contest->Config->Save" the windows stay minimized even after the restart. The minimized windows can be restored to their original size and location by double clicking on the icon.

Problems when starting VUSC

In rare cases the program may crash after the start. If it happens at the first start after the new installation a bug in the sound card driver was identified as the most common reason. The driver crashes when a DirectX function is called. In this case start the program from the Windows command window (Start->Run, cmd.exe) with the argument nosnd:

vusc.exe nosnd

or modify the program shortcut (right click on VUSC4Win icon) as follows:

It switches off the sound card entirely.
The sound card functionality (SSB CQ call, CW monitor and audio recording) is disabled, but the CW keying and elbug functionality are retained.

The crash may also be caused by the DLPortIO driver already installed for another application on Windows 8 and 10 (typically on those systems upgraded from previous versions and on 64bit systems). VUSC crashes because it's a 32-bit application which can't run with the 64-bit DLPortIO.dll. You can either uninstall the DLPortIO driver from the Windows (if you don't need it for another application) or start VUSC with the parameter nodlp the same way as with nosnd.

If the program crashes after the upgrade to a higher version delete or rename the configuration files vuscwin.cfg. One of the template configuration files will be used then according to the display resolution the same way as after the new installation, but you will have to renew your private setting in this case.

6. Contest operation

If a contest was not opened at the start by double clicking on the file .dix either create a new contest in the menu command "Contest->New" or open an existing contest file with "Contest->Open". Following file formats can be read: VUSC specific format (extension .dix), EDI format (.edi) or a crash recovery file (.bin). These file types can also be merged with an open contest using the option "Contest->Add". In this way you can merge logs from different bands if the network was not used in the contest. A text file ("*.txt") can also be added to an open contest. The text line format must look as follows:

<YYMMDD> <HHMM> <Call> <RST> <QSO number> <Received RS(T)> <Received number> <Locator>

Field delimiters are any number of spaces and/or tabulators.

CAUTION when adding a file! If there are QSOs with the same number on the same band in the added file they will be overwritten in the log!

When opening a new contest enter the contest name, contest (evaluation) type, own locator and the contest callsign. There are following supported contest types:

- Distances

- Locators w/o multipliers

- Locators with multipliers

- Czech Activity

- Nordic Activity

- AEGAN Contest

- AGCW Contest

- Tesla Memorial

- Dutch Activity

MOON Contest

Swedish Nordic Activity

If the contest
type is "Locators with or w/o multipliers" you can redefine the points for the locators by using your own locator pattern file. Check the file QRBPAT.DAT (evaluation of the Czech Activity Contest) as an example

The old .dix files from the MS-DOS VUSC version higher then 4.03 can be opened, but they are automatically converted to the new Windows format when saved and can not be used by the MS-DOS version any more.

The program VUSC has primarily been designed for on-line usage by the operator
in the the contest; no paper log is needed. For that purpose the contest data are secured, so they don’t get lost even if the program and/or computer crashes for any reason. Only the last QSO currently being entered may get lost. In this case either use the option "Quick restart" or open the relevant contest file with the extension .bin. If a .bin file with the same name exists in the same directory when opening a .dix file (i.e. the program was not correctly closed) a warning message is issued and you can decide if you want to read the original file or the crash recovery copy containing the most recent state. This applies for the quick restart as well. Before any major change in the log (for instance adding another contest into the open log, saving a contest etc.) a copy of the .bin file is saved in the contest directory. Last five copies are retained. In addition you can write backup copies (for instance on a flash disk) at any time during the contest by using the command "Contest->Save as" or program automatic periodical backup copy in the menu "Options->VUSC".

he log has a classic form. It means that the QSOs are entered as they have been made in time on all bands. (the same approach as in the CT contest log from K1EA or WinTest). There are usual fields like time, call, QSO number, report, received code and locator. The field MP indicates a multiplier, RM a remark to the QSO and M indicates the mode. All fields including the QSO number can be changed at any time also in the previous records. Be careful, though, when manipulating QSO numbers because the other stations have them already in their logs. Also avoid putting higher QSO number before the lower one or entering two or more QSOs with the same number on a band as it may overwrite existing QSOs especially when the network is active. In the MOON Contest where the QTH name is a part of the exchange the remark window automatically pops up with the # (hash) as the first character after hitting <ENTER>. This indicates that the text is the QTH name instead of the remark. You can use CTRL/N as for the normal QSO remark any time if you need to reopen and change the QTH name, but don't delete the hash character at the beginning otherwise you lose the extra points for the QTH.

Normally you move over the input fields using SPACE (right) or TAB (left) key. When moving with the SPACE you can select
in the "Options->VUSC" if you want to jump to the sent report field or directly to the received code field. Another option is to invoke a special typeahead window ("Options->Typeahead"). The data can be typed there in any order and entered with the ENTER key similarly as in the programs TACLog or Atalanta. The program automatically distinguishes the data type, which is also indicated in the lower part of the typeahead window. If the automatically determined type does not fit it can be changed with the SPACE key.

After bad experiences with too restrictive input data checks, the program allows enter
ing double and/or incomplete QSOs. All data can be changed at any time and all changes are immediately reflected in the entire log and also updated on other computers (nodes) in the network if it's used. For faster data entering it is possible to omit the callsign prefix and report 59(9). Also the first two letters of a locator if omitted are automatically extended, first according to the callsign prefix, then (if the prefix is not found) according to boundaries of one big WW locator (i.e. the locator defined by the first two letters) around your own QTH. There are following parameters in the "Options->VUSC" for this:

"North-South default border" and "East-West default border" - big WW locator extension boundaries
"Default prefix" - callsign extension.
"Length to expand the QSO #" - the number of characters from which the report and QSO number are expanded.

To avoid unintentional data change (especially by inexperienced operators when working in the network) you can lock the entered QSO.
The change must be confirmed in the warning popup window in this case.

If not entered manually the current UTC time is automatically supplied for the QSO provided the time and time zone are properly set in Windows. Check the "Date and time" setting in the Windows "Control panel". If you work in the network the clock must be synchronized on all PCs. It’s absolutely necessary to synchronize time on all nodes in the network using "Network->Band to synchronize" before entering any QSO. Otherwise the data may be lost or damaged! See the chapter 11 on the network operation for details.

If you enter the QSOs from your paper log after the contest you have to enter the QSO time explicitly
in the format HHMM. If the hour does not change you can enter only the minute. After entering the QSOs you have to set the right contest date and, if necessary, the time shift using "Edit->Time shift"

When entering call and locator the program checks the current contest for dupes and entries from other bands and two databases with the callsigns, locators and bands from previous contests as you type. The results are displayed in the windows "Current Contest Check" and "Database Check" respectively. The first database is the callsign/locator database. There are three possible database checks. The callsign check for locators (F9); the callsign must be completely entered except for /P, /A and similar extensions. A list of all locators from the previous contests for this callsign is displayed. The locator check for callsigns (F10); the locator must be entered completely. A list of all calls worked from this locator is displayed. The "super check" (F11) searches for records containing partials of callsigns and locators. You can set which of the three checks is performed by default when entering callsign/locator by using "Options->VUSC->Default database check". Normally you should use "Super Check" for checking the partials. However, on less performant PCs you may experience some delay when entering the callsign/locator especially with a large database. In this case set the default option to "Call Check", which is faster and requires less system resources. The last option "Locator check" may be used for analysis and error check after the contest. The first number at the displayed database record shows the number of occurrences of the combination call/locator in previous contests, the second number is the azimuth from the current QTH as soon as the locator is known after opening a contest. If you have activated the ON4KST chat the records with callsign and locator of the logged on users appear also in the database window with the special label KST instead of the number of previous occurrences (see the chapter 14 on the packet and DX cluster below).

For quick filtering of calls when checking an
incomplete received call/locator you can use meta characters "*" and ".". The "*" matches a string of characters, the "." matches just one character. For example:
If a string DL.KN is entered, all callsigns of
the set DL1KN, DL2KN ... DL0KN with their locators and bands are displayed in the "Current contest check" and "Database check" windows. Similarly if you enter *KN all callsigns ending with KN are displayed. The same rules apply for locators. When you return to the field with the incomplete call/locator with the meta character the cursor is placed on it.

The call and locator in the database window can be copied into the log by double clicking on the relevant line. If you are connected to the ON4KST chat (see the chapter 14) and a unique entry for the callsign/locator combination is found in the ON4KST user list the relevant locator is copied in the log

The second database contains the information about the bands on which the particular callsign has been worked. The results appear in the "Current Contest Check" window in blue under the header "QRV on:". The information can be used especially to arrange for skeds on the other bands.

Apparently wrong database records in the locator database (for instance if a locator differs only in one letter against the currently received locator) can be marked and
lately removed from the database by clicking on it and deleting with <DEL> key or by choosing "Delete" from the menu in the "Database check" window. The records are permanently deleted from the database only if you respond "Yes" to the question "Do you want to permanently remove deleted records from the database?" when terminating the program. See the chapter 8. on database maintenance.

For general overview different types of statistics including the direction map
are available in the menu "Statistic" of the window "Statistics". There are QSO and point time statistics, azimuth/locator overview as well as direction map for each band. The window size and position change automatically according to the selected statistic so the map or graphs are correctly displayed, but it also can be changed with the mouse as needed.

To enter and edit the QSOs use following keys:

Arrows UP, DOWN - move over the records.

Arrows LEFT, RIGHT - move inside of the field.

SPACE - move to the next field right

TAB - move to the next field left

Home - move cursor to the begin of a field

End - move cursor to the end of a field

Page Up - list of one page up

Page Dn - list of one page down

INS - toggle insert/overwrite mode

CTRL/Page Up - jump to the begin of the log

CTRL/Page Dn - jump to the end of the log

Delete - delete character under the cursor

Backspace - delete character left from the cursor

CTRL/W, F12, ALT/W - wipe out a not finished QSO

CTRL/N – enter a remark to a QSO, it's indicated in the column RM of the main window

Return, Enter – Save a new QSO or confirmation of changes of an existing QSO, without the confirmation no change is made and the old data are restored.

, Enter - same as Return, but in addition a window for entering the band and frequency for a sked appears and a message is sent to another node in the network according to the chosen band.

Right click on a QSO – Context menu with the most frequent QSO operations

Right click on an entry in the band map or cluster/chat window - Context menu with options to copy the callsign/locator into the log or in the chat window or start an request to AirScout 
(see the chapter 14).    

Function keys:

F1-F8 CW/SSB memories (see below)

ALT/F1-F8 CW/SSB memories with repeating (see below)

F9 - locators database check for a call

F10 - calls database check for a locator

F11 - super check partials of calls and locators

F12 – wipe out current line

General control keys:

ALT/A - database window

ALT/B – band selective display

ALT/C - packet window

ALT/D - band down

ALT/E - send sked

ALT/F – find a call

ALT/G – create log

ALT/H - help

ALT/I - QSO context menu (the same as the right click on a QSO)

ALT/J - to do window

Airscout check

CTRL/ALT/K - Airscout check with the display of the path in AirScout

ALT/L – switch to the message window in network mode (see below)

ALT/M – mode change CW/SSB

ALT/N – send CW from keyboard

ALT/O – open a contest

ALT/P - not used

ALT/Q - quit the program without saving any file. All data entered/changed since the program start is lost. Only  a copy of the work file (*.bin) is saved in the directory of the same name as the contest for security reasons.

ALT/R – log recalculation

save log

ALT/T - time shift and/or system time set up. It serves for correction if time was wrong set at the contest start.

ALT/U - band up

ALT/V - statistics window

ALT/W – wipe out a not finished QSO

ALT/X - program exit with saving of the contest file and configuration changes (file vuscwin.cfg).

ALT/Y - not used

ALT/Z - band map window

ALT/- - CW speed down

ALT/= - CW speed up

ESC - return to the main window

Sound recording control:

CTRL/R – record

CTRL/S – stop record/playback

CTRL/P – pause record/playback

CTRL/B – back (playback)

CTRL/E – forward (playback)

Rotator control:

CTRL/< - turn left

CTRL/> - turn right

CTRL/space - stop

CTRL/?, CTRL/G – turn to the azimuth of the current QSO (if the locator is valid)

The mouse click at the edge of the position indicator turns the rotator to that azimuth

The technical parameter setting (ports, packet, connector pins, sound card etc.) is described in the relevant chapters below.

7. Contest evaluation - log creation

If the network was not used during the contest it is better to merge the logs from all bands (PCs) into one
.dix file with the "Contest->Add" function, although the separate evaluation on every PC is possible, too. You start the evaluation of the relevant band from the menu option "Create Log". In the following dialog choose the band and fill out the header page.

All header data for each band are stored in the file OWNH.BIN, so you don't need to repeat the constant data as first operator's name, QTH etc. By editing of files VUS.HDR (evaluation by distances), VUS2.HDR
(evaluation by locator and multipliers), VUS3.HDR (Nordic activity contest) and QSLTEM.HDR you can change the format of header page and QSL label. In the file QSLTEM.HDR the strings in the format @n@@# are placeholders for the QSO data. You can change their order and/or layout on the QSL label or even omit them. On the other hand the item length can not be changed except for the contest name. The numbers denote the QSO items as follows:

1 - contest name
2 - own
3 - own locator
4 - call
5 – date
6 - time
7 – band
8 - own RS(T) and contest number
9 – mode
10 – power
11 - antenna

In the files VUS.HDR, VUS2.HDR and VUS3.HDR it is only possible to change their layout. The strings @@@@@ are used as placeholders for the variable header page data.

The following files are created after the evaluation for every band:

· contest log from a band to print (.log)

· sorted list of calls with their contest numbers (.sum)

· contest log in the EDI format for electronic exchange (.edi)

· contest log in the EDI format for electronic exchange (.edi), named according to the general contest rules.

· sorted list of calls with their locators used for the database update (.ldb)

· file with the QSL labels to print (.qsl

· ADIF format file for QSL upload and other purposes (.adi)
(if the option is selected)

· file containing the QSO
s with remarks (.rem)

All files except the EDI file named according to the general VHF/UHF contest rules are stored in the separate contest subdirectory. The first two files (.log and .sum) can be printed; the EDI-files are for the electronic data exchange (e-mail, web upload etc.). The .ldb file contains data for the database update (see below).
The file with the extension .qsl contains the formatted text to print on the QSL labels. The .adi file is in the ADIF format for the QSL electronic exchange via, LoTW or similar servers or for import into other programs. The program does not print the files directly, due to the very wide spectrum of printer types with various formatting options. The files contain only the ASCII data in pages separated by <FF>. For printing it is recommended to load the file into any word processor/editor (for example MS-WordPad) and format the output according to your needs. In the worst case the files can be printed using the command in the command prompt (cmd.exe) window:

print /D:<printer name> <filename

8. Database maintenance

As mentioned
above there are two databases, callsign/locators and callsign/bands. Users can build up their own databases from the previous contests. Sample databases containing about 500 records are provided with the program. After opening the contest as soon as own locator is known the current azimuths are calculated for each database record. So the azimuths are not the part of the database files.

The primary database files are VUS_BASE.ASC and
VUS_BAND.ASC. For the regular database update after the contest reply "Yes" to the question "Do you want to update the databases?" at the end of the band evaluation run. The information about callsigns, locators and band from the currently evaluated contest and band are entered into both databases then. Also the invalid database records marked with the <DEL> key in the "Database check" window during the contest will be removed after confirmation. Every time a new contest and band is evaluated the occurrence counters of the combinations call/locator are bounced. The files are in the ASCII format and can be edited with any text editor (Notepad, WordPad, etc.). You can fix errors like cancelled prefixes, typo errors etc. The contest name and band are entered in the file CONLIST.TXT to avoid double processing. The file CONLIST.TXT can be edited as well for eventual reevaluation of a contest/band. Before updating databases the old databases are saved in the files VUS_BASE.OLD and VUS_BAND.OLD. If any error occurs you can renew the previous state by renaming them back to VUS_BASE.ASC and VUS_BAND.ASC.

If you decide not to update
the database within the contest evaluation (not recommended) you can do it later by using "Contest->Database->Add file". In the following dialog window select and open the file <contest name>.ldb, the sorted file with the calls and locators created during the evaluation of the particular contest and band stored in the contest subdirectory. The same method can be used to include information into the locator database from other sources or even to merge two VUSC locator databases.

The file must have following format:<callsign><separator><locator><separator><number of QSOs><separator><any contents>

The separator is any number of spaces or tabs. If the number of QSOs is not present it defaults to 1.

After manual editing the locator database file or contest evaluation you can read the new database into the memory using "Contest->Database->Check and load". The database is checked sorted and read in. The same procedure is also done when starting VUSC normally (not quick restart). This applies only for the locator database, the band database is updated only after the evaluation of the relevant band. If the locator database file is not found or the database check at the program start detects error(s) an error message is issued and the default database file VUS_BASE_DEF.ASC is opened. Check and, if necessary, edit the database files manually in this case.

If you upgraded VUSC from the
older version without the band database you can fill it using following procedure:

1. Backup the files VUS_BASE.ASC and CONLIST.TXT into a separate directory.

2. Delete the file CONLIST.TXT from the VUSC directory.

3. Start VUSC and open and evaluate the contests
on the relevant bands (i.e. create logs) from which you want to update the band database.

4. Delete the files VUS_BASE.ASC and CONLIST.TXT from the VUSC directory.

5. Copy VUS_BASE.ASC and CONLIST.TXT from the backup back into the VUSC directory.

If you used older VUSC version note that the database maintenance changed significantly since the version 6.34. The utilities tr.exe, usort.exe and dbase.bat are not used any more and can be deleted from the installation.

9. QSL maintenance

VUSC also supports printing of QSL and a simple database of the QSO for which the QSL has been sent. There are several processing options:

No QSL – no QSL are created.

All QSL - QSL for all QSOs of a band are created.

New QSL - only QSL for the new QSOs (which are not in the database yet) are created.

Update QSL Database – if checked, the QSOs are written into the QSL database.

A QSO is considered to be new if the callsign is new and/or the band and/or the locator. Database ASCII file (QSL_BASE.ASC) is sorted by the callsigns and bands and it can be edited by any text editor (Notepad, WordPad) to
fix errors. If you insert a line you have to regard the right sorting. Unlike the locator database this one is updated automatically during the program run. The file QSL_BASE.DAT is only a work file without any other meaning. As mentioned above the ADIF file (extension .adi) is to upload to e-QSL , LoTW, for data import into other programs or similar purposes. If you need only the complete ADIF file from a band without QSL database update choose "All QSL" and do NOT check the box "Update QSL database".

10. CW/SSB control

The program VUSC supports direct CW keying and elbug paddle connected to the serial
COM or parallel LPT port as well as TRX modulation and sound recording. The circuit schemes and the default pin-outs are in the Appendix below. The keying and audio parameters are set for every band separately and can be switched automatically with the TRX (see also the chapter 13 on TRX control). Only one keying/audio interface can be active at a time, though.

The CW/PTT ports, pin-outs and audio interfaces can be changed in "CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Setting CW/SSB". You can use the same port for the keying and the paddle. Note that if the paddle is connected to the COM port there's voltage between the cable shielding (i.e. also paddle body) and the PC ground. Therefore you should avoid direct galvanic contact of the paddle body with the TRX or PC ground. Should this be a problem in your rig installation use the alternative circuit with two P-Channel MOSFETs (courtesy Jozef, OM4AQ). Normally leave the check box "Virtual ports" checked so both physical and emulated COM ports (USB Adapter) work. Uncheck this only on old slow PCs with physical COM ports if you experience problems with the keying and/or paddle. Installation of the DLPortIO driver is needed in that case as described in the chapter 3.

The COM port used for CW/PTT can also be used for the CAT communication with TRX, but the paddle can't be connected to the same port in this case (see also chapter 13 on TRX control). The CW/PTT and paddle can share the the same port, but no CAT is possible on this port.

The program also supports WinKey or MicroHam for CW keying. Set the relevant COM port for the communication under "Port key/Winkey" and check the boxes "Winkey" and "Virtual port
s". Microham requires starting so called USB router before it can be used (see the Microham documentation). For an unclear reason the USB router filters and changes some WinKey commands. Therefore the speed limits and PTT on/off times for the Winkey must be set identically in VUSC and in the USB router. Only then the speed can be controlled from VUSC as well as by the WinKey (MicroHam) potentiometer. For the same reason some Winkey parameters can be set only from the USB Router.

The audio interfaces for the modulation and sound recording can also be set independently for each band according to the relevant TRX in the "CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Setting CW/SSB" the same way as CW/PTT ports. All audio interfaces must be available in Windows before the VUSC start. If you use a detachable USB sound card (typically with Microham) Windows may change the order of the interfaces in the system so the setting will no longer match. Therefore you should always check the setting whether the audio interface order changed. All settings are stored in the configuration file keyer.cfg. For compatibility reasons the settings for 2m band are also stored in the files vuscwin.cfg and quickstart.cfg.

There are 8 CW/SSB memories, which can be programmed and used for the automatic keying or modulation. The memories can be maintained with "CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Program CW" or "CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Program SSB". They are also stored in the configuration files vuscwin.cfg and quickstart.cfg, so they are permanently available. For the TRX modulation (usually CQ) you have to prepare the WAV files by using the Sound Recorder in Windows or similar program. The recommended setting is 16 bit, 44kHz sample rate, stereo.
Unfortunately Windows 10/11 sound recorder does not support the wav file format, but you can use the program sndrec32.exe from Windows XP. Copy the executable from the directory C:\WINDOWS\system32 of Windows XP or get it from the Internet for instance here Copy it into a suitable directory on Windows 10/11 and set the compatibility mode (right click on the sndrec32.exe) as follows:

For CW memory programing there are following symbols :

$O - own callsign

$C – callsign of the current QSO

$L - own locator

$R -
RST of the current QSO

$Q -
RST with short nines

$P - RST played at double speed

$N - contest number of the current QSO

$M - contest number with short
leading zeros

$K - contest number with zeros as the letter O

$<1-8> – memory content under the keys F1-F8

In addition to the standard CW characters there are also following composite characters:

+ - AR

\ - correction

) - BK

( - KN

% - AS

* - SK

When programing the CW memories you have to pay attention not to create a loop by putting a memory symbol ($<number>) into the same memory or indirectly through another memory. The program would work, but after stack exhausting the keying would be automatically stopped. For every memory a button label can
also be set to identify the assigned memories.

The CW keying is possible only in the CW mode
. The speed can be changed from 6 WPM to 60 WPM by using the slide bar in the "CW/SSB/Recorder control" window or the shortcuts ALT/- and ALT/=. The keying can be done either with the paddle or directly from the keyboard in the window "CW/SSB/Recorder control". You can enter all symbol variables and shortcuts (F1-F8), too. You can enter the characters in advance. The characters which have not been sent yet can be deleted with the <Backspace> key.

 The following shortcuts can be used:

F1-F8 -
send memory

ALT/F1-F8 send CW/SSB memory
in the loop according to the parameters set in the "CW/SSB/Recorder control" (see below).

ALT/= - increase the speed by 1 WPM

ALT/- - decrease the speed by 1 WPM

ESC – interrupt
(only in the main log window)

ALT/N – direct CW input from the keyboard

The predefined memories can be sent repeatedly by multiple hitting the relevant key (F1-F8). The CW or SSB memory can also be sent in the loop with pause for RX. Set the parameters in the "CW/SSB/Recorder Control" window, the memory to repeat, the time gap to RX and click on "Start" or use the shortcut keys ALT/F1-F8. Clicking on the button "Stop" in the window "CW/SSB/Recorder control", hitting ESC in the main log window or touching the paddle terminates the keying at any time.

If you use the PC sound card as the modulation source the headphone output is the best choice. You have to set the optimal modulation level by the volume control in Windows or with a resistor trimmer. Of course a shielded cable is necessary for the audio connection. It is also recommended to use a small audio transformer to galvanically separate the PC and TRX grounds. On the modern TRXs with the internal USB sound card it's always better to use this but keep in mind that it must be connected and available in Windows before starting VUSC.

You can also switch on the CW monitor by checking "CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->CW monitor". However, the monitoring may not be quite accurate on some sound chips due to their high latency. Normally it's better to leave it off and use the monitor in the TRX.

The parameters of the software elbug are set in the menu
"CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Elbug". It is possible to change the paddle orientation (CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Elbug->Toggle paddle) as well as other parameters (CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Elbug->Parameters). Before manipulating the parameters you should consider that the elbug is of type with the continously running clock (it's the only way how to program it under Windows) and therefore it is a bit less tolerant to irregular keying. The parameter "Clock" determines the number of clock impulses per one keying impuls (ie. one dit). The more impulses the more accurate keying and reading of the paddle, but it also may cause higher CPU load and limit the maximum speed. The range is 1-8 which allows for the maximum speed of 40 WPM.  The default value of 4 should be OK for usual contest traffic even on less performant PCs. The parameter "Delay" sets the time before polling the paddle after a mark (dash or dit) has ended to avoid adding of unwanted marks. The default value is 3. You can change it according to your individual needs in range 1-8, but it should not exceed the value of the parameter "Clock".  You can also choose the mode of the iambic keying A or B or Ultimatic when using the dual-lever paddle.

11. Network operation

The network enables the communication of connected computers, sending QSOs, skeds, synchronization, sending messages, packet sharing etc. A connected computer is called network node.

After opening a contest a node can (but does not need to) be logged on (assigned to) one or more bands. The band(s) for a particular node can be entered by "Network->Own band". The network is then automatically enabled for this node and the skeds scheduled on other bands and messages can be sent to this node (see below). The assignment of bands to nodes is displayed in the window "Nodes". Only one node can be logged on a specific band, but one node can be logged on more bands. The assignment is valid until a new node logs on the same band. For logged on nodes their IP addresses are displayed. The bands which are not assigned to a node are marked with
IP address Automatic network search for on-line nodes is performed when the program is started or a new band is assigned. The same check is made always when the node list is refreshed by clicking the button "Network ping". "A" (active) next to the IP address and IP in blue means an on-line node, "O" (own) means own band, no mark and red IP address means lost connection. The program also automatically checks the network connections every 20 seconds and updates their status (network heartbeat).

The network is in "
disabled" state after the program start. It means just limited network functions are enabled. This prevents receiving QSOs from other nodes and all log related operations before a contest file is open while the contest is already running on the other nodes. Such situation may occur for example when a node has been connected later during the contest, the node had to be restarted etc. The full network functionality is enabled by unchecking the "Network->Disable" menu item or logging (assigning) the node on a band. Do it only if a contest is open on the local node and synchronization (see below) has been made. Failure to do so may lead to data lost or damage. For security reasons the contest file name must be identical on all nodes in order to avoid overwriting the contest log by the data from another contest by
operator mistake. When the network is enabled a new or changed QSO on any node is sent automatically to all other nodes in the network after entering/confirming it by ENTER key no matter if the node is logged on a band or not. Receiving QSOs from other nodes  can be stopped at any time by checking the menu item "Network->Disable". The network is back in the "disabled" state then.

If a node is logged on a band skeds can be sent to this node on this band from another node (band)
by using "Sked-><band>" in the menu or with the shortcut ALT/E or using CTRL/ENTER when confirming a complete QSO. They are displayed in the "To Do" window. By double clicking on an item in the "To Do" list the QSO is copied into the current line in the log. The skeds which could not be made can be deleted from the "To Do" window by selecting and pressing the DEL key. For relaying information among the bands a text message can be sent either to a specific node or to all nodes in the network by using ALT/L or by clicking in the input box of the window "Network Message". Only nodes logged on a band can be chosen as a specific message target.

If any information from other nodes gets lost during the operation (for example computer crash, network connection interrupt, later connection to the network etc.) you can synchronize the local log with a log on another node using "Network->Band to synchronize". At first the system time and zone setting is transferred. Then you can choose either the transfer of the complete log from the node or just the selected band. A message with the number of QSOs to transfer is displayed at the transfer beginning and the message "Synchronization complete, nnn QSOs transferred" indicates the successful completion. Use the synchronization also when an inconsistence in QSO numbering on the network is detected. If any problem occurs during the synchronization, the synchronization is automatically interrupted after 5 second time out. The broken synchronization can also be reset by disabling and re-enabling the network ("Network->Disable").

The program also detects inconsistencies and differences in the contest numbers. If the difference is not too big that synchronization would impact the source node operation it is performed automatically. CAUTION! All QSOs with the same number on the same band on the local node are overwritten by the data from the network node.

If a new QSO is inserted/changed from a node which is not logged on the relevant band a confirmation is required, because it can cause double numbering on this band. The same confirmation is needed if a band
should be taken over by another node. When running secondary nodes (for example a second search and pound working place in the VHF contest) on one band use the button "Book #" for requesting a contest number from the node which is logged on the relevant band in order to avoid QSO double numbering. The number is booked with regard to the current state at the primary (usually run) node. If the operator at the primary node entered a call and moved the cursor to the next input field, the QSO number is blocked for this QSO and the other operator at the search and pound node will get the next available number. The confirmation of the entry from another node may be not be required in this case.
It can be switched off in the "Option->VUSC" by unchecking the box "Warning when entering a QSO from another band". 

12. Network – installation and configuration

VUSC utilizes the TCP/IP network protocol. You have to configure it in Windows before the operation. If there’s a DHCP server in the local network you don’t need to do any other configuration except checking the firewall setting (see below). If not, you have to set fix IP addresses for every node. Choose the network TCP/IP protocol configuration of the relevant network interface in the
Windows Control Panel and set the IP addresses. Use the address range 192.168.x.x, network mask or any other general recommended range for local networks. Do NOT use the automatically Windows set local IP addresses (usually from the range 162.254.x.x, mask In Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 you can take advantage of setting the fix IP address as an alternative TCP/IP setting so it's automatically used when no DHCP is active in the local network. Check your setting by the command ipconfig in the Windows command prompt window (cmd.exe) and also check the connection between the nodes with the ping command. CAUTION! If you’re using firewall on the individual nodes, make sure that the VUSC port number (default 5068) is enabled for TCP and UDP packets in both directions for VUSC application and also broadcast packets are allowed. Free versions of some firewall software (for example Sygate Personal Firewall) don’t support allowing broadcast packets for a single application. In this case it’s better to switch off the firewall. If this is not possible for security reasons use the option "No broadcast" in "Network->Setting" on ALL nodes (see below), but it means more work with the network setting. CAUTION! The network connection must be on-line before starting VUSC.

If there are more network interfaces installed on your PC (
Ethernet card, WiFi, modem etc.) VUSC picks up the first suitable interface. You can change it in the network configuration of VUSC ("Network->Setting"). The network is re-initialized in this case, i.e. the network is disabled and you have to log the node on the relevant band(s) again. The same applies if you change the VUSC port. If you're changing the VUSC port choose the value greater than 1024 to avoid conflict with other programs.

The communication with nodes connected to non-local network (for example Internet) is possible, but you have to enter individual network addresses and ports in the field "External address" as the broadcast packets are transferred only in the local network. If a node in a non-local network is behind the router define either a port trigger (unfortunately not all routers support this option) or a fix port routing rule on the router to forward the packets for the VUSC port to the relevant IP address where VUSC is running. If there are more nodes behind one router you have to use different port numbers for every node. You also have to check the option "No broadcast" on ALL nodes. CAUTION! You can assign a band only to ONE node no matter if local or external!

There are two kind of external nodes, assigned to a band or not assigned. The assigned ones can also be seen in the window "Nodes". Their IP address is valid until another nodes logs on that band or is changed in the "External address" setting. Should a band be unassigned without assigning to another external node enter the address External nodes not assigned to any band can be removed from the list by selecting and clicking on "Remove".

13. TRX control and band switch

VUSC supports control
(CAT) of certain TRX types through the serial interface. Most of the ICOM types (with the CI-V protocol) and KENWOOD types are supported. Also Elecraft K3 is supported as it utilizes the KENWOOD protocol. Since almost every YAESU model has different CAT protocol, only FT1000 family, FT847/817, FT897D/857D, FT991 and FT736R are currently supported. First you have to connect the serial ports with the proper cable (the cable type can differ for various TRX types - straight, null modem or USB cable in case the TRX emulates the COM port; check the TRX manual). One COM port can be used for both CAT and CW/PTT keying provided that the TRX does not require signals RTS and DTR for communication handshake. The paddle can't be connected to this port, though. On some ICOM TRXs you also need to check if the item "CI-V Transceive" is set to OFF in the setting menu and find out and, if necessary, change the ICOM address (CI-V Address) of the individual model (see the TRX documentation).

The CAT parameters can be set individually for each VHF/UHF/SHF band in the menu "TRX/Band switch->Setting" so that more TRXs can be connected to the PC and automatically switched with the band change. One TRX can be used for more bands (typically with more microwave transverters), but at most one TRX can be assigned to a band. On each band you can set the TRX type, COM port communication parameters and frequency offset to compensate possible shift of the transverter. If the TRX type is set to NONE no CAT communication is activated for the band. If there is a transverter with an IF TRX and the TRX doesn't support direct sending of the VHF/UHF/SHF QRG check the box "Transverter", so VUSC can "learn" the assignment of the
VHF/SHF/UHF bands and HF frequencies for the connected transverters (see below). If the TRX supports direct sending of the VHF/SHF/UHF QRG leave the box "Transverter" unchecked. If you check the box "Change mode/band on TRX" the mode and/or band change on TRX will change the mode or band in the log. However, the band can only be switched this way if the TRX supports direct sending of the VHF/UHF/SHF frequency. Confirm the setting for each band by clicking on the button "Save" and finally click on the button "OK" to write all of the settings in the configuration file transceiver.cfg. In order to see the QRG and mode in the window "Nodes" you have to activate the network and assign the relevant band(s) to the PC even if the network otherwise may not be used.

To activate the CAT control choose "TRX/Band switch->Start". It will start the TRX communication on the current band if the TRX is defined for it. When the current band changes in VUSC the relevant TRX (if defined) is automatically switched and activated together with the relevant CW/PTT and audio interfaces. If the TRX doesn't support direct sending of the VHF/UHF/SHF QRG (i.e. typically an HF TRX with transverter) switch successively all relevant bands in VUSC and set manually the right band and frequency on the TRX(s)
after the first CAT activation to "teach" the program the right assignments between the HF and VHF/UHF/SHF bands. VUSC stores the HF TRX band and frequency for each VHF/UHF/SHF band and uses them when switching the band. After activating the operating frequency and mode are displayed in the window "Nodes" at the relevant band(s). This information is also sent to other nodes on the network and displayed in the "Band map" window as "Qwn QRG". With double click or ENTER on a spot detail in the band map the band is automatically changed, the relevant TRX activated if needed and the TRX is tuned to the spot QRG and the callsign is copied in the log. To change any setting you have to stop the CAT communication first using "TRX/Band switch->Stop". 

The band switch
The band switch works on the LPT or COM port
which can be set also in the menu "TRX/Band switch->Setting". The band number is coded on the upper four data pins (6-9) of the LPT port. On the COM port the bands are coded as bytes starting with value 1 for 2m band, 2 for 70cm etc sent to a controller. The COM parameters are fix: 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit, rate 9600. The switching occurs automatically with the band change. Unlike the rotator LPT port the band switch LPT port can be shared with CW/PTT keying.

14. Packet radio, DX cluster, ON4KST chat and posting results to SloVHF web

The packet radio operation is supported for modems as of TNC2 standard (currently TNC5+) and for the Internet servers using telnet protocol. For the modem connection to the COM port, use the standard null-modem cable (see the modem documentation). The communication parameters (port, speed etc.) can be set in "CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Packet/Chat Setting". The communication with the modem works only in the terminal mode
(see below).

For telnet servers
on the Internet an IP address or a server name and the port number must be set. The most used servers with their parameters are preset in the program and can be selected from the list. You can find other servers on the web page,65 .

The parameters are stored in the
configuration files. To connect to a modem or a telnet server use the menu "Cluster/Chat->Connect" in the Cluster/Chat window. To disconnect you can use either the menu "Cluster/Chat->Disconnect" or the command on the server.

If the local network is active the computer with the
TNC packet connection can work as a packet server for those computers on the network on which the option "Packet Remote" has been selected. Check the option "Packet->server" in the menu of the packet window. The packet server IP address is then also displayed in the network "Nodes" window under the name "Cluster" with T (telnet) or S (serial). The current packet configuration is displayed in the title of the packet window.

The commands for the packet server as well as the TNC control commands are entered in the lower line of the "Cluster/Chat" window. The communication with the TNC modem runs in the terminal mode. It may be needed to set some TNC parameters (which dedicated packet programs mostly set automatically) manually, especially own callsign (TNC command I), modulation delay (TNC command T), channel select (TNC command S) etc. The TNC commands (escape sequences) are to be entered beginning with the * (star) character. See the modem documentation for details.

For better overview the DX spots from the packet are gathered into the "Band map" window. Four lists are maintained for 2m, 70cm, 23cm and microwave bands. You can select them in the relevant tabs. The new spots are displayed in blue, the spots with already
worked callsigns are black. For microwave bands a bit mask in hexadecimal format can be entered in the dialog "Options->VUSC". The mask determines the relevant microwave bands of the current contest on which a QSO must be made for a spot to be considered as worked. The bits correspond to the bands from the least relevant one. For example 68 (hexadecimal) means 13cm, 6cm and 3cm bands, 78 means 13cm, 9cm, 6cm a 3cm, E8 means 23cm, 6cm, 3cm a 24GHz etc. The spot is considered to be worked if a QSO is made on all of the selected bands. With the "Band->Wipe" the whole map of a particular band can be cleared. In the menu "CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Packet/Chat Setting" the time out can be set after which the items are removed from the list. If you need complete information of a spot click on the entry in the list to display the detail window. The detail window disappears automatically after 5 seconds. Double click on the detail copies the callsign in the log. If the TRX CAT control is active the TRX will also be tuned to the QRG from the DX-spot.

Beside the DX cluster nodes it is also possible to connect to the ON4KST chat using the telnet connection. You have to have an user account on ON4KST chat. Get the user registration on the web site. Fill the username (usually your callsign) in the "CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Packet/Chat Setting" and select the telnet server Select "Cluster/Chat->Connect" in the Cluster/Chat window, enter the password and the chat number as the ON4KST server prompts. CAUTION! The following parameters must be set for the user on the ON4KST server to get the DX spots and messages.

/set dxclx
/set here
/set ann
/set qra <own locator>
/set na <your name>

There are 3 tabs with the communication windows - non-filtered (white backgroud), filtered (yellow background) and with messages sent directly to stations (grey background).  All messages on the chat are displayed in the non-filtered window by default in black
. The messages addressed to you (i.e. containing your user name in parenthesis) are displayed in red similarly as in the web chat. Other lines containing your user name (mostly the lines you entered) are in blue. The commands and messages to send to the chat are entered in the lower (command) line of the "Cluster/Chat" window the same way as for the DX-Cluster servers. The messages sent directly to stations (command /cq) are copied in the window under the tab "Sent". The filtered messages are displayd in the tab "Filter" (see the filter definition below).

Optionally you can constrain
DX spots incoming from the server by bands by setting:
/set qrg  <bands>   the bands can be: 50 70 144 432 GHZ (There may be more bands on the line separated by spaces)

The DX cluster spots
from ON4KST work as usual and come into the relevant lists in the "Band map" window. If you need to refresh the spot lists use the server command "/sh dx 100". To address a message to a station use the command /cq <callsign> the same way as in the Internet browser.

For the complete list of commands and options use the command "/h

You can send a message to more stations (users) in the ON4KST chat at the same time if you enter them separated by semicolons in the "/cq" command, for instance:

/cq OK1TEH;OK1DIX;OK1VPZ pse sked on 144.233 SSB

If you want to send a message to a station which callsign appeared in the chat window you can copy it to the command line by double clicking. It generates the sequence /cq <callsign>. If you do it for more callsigns the list separated with semicolons is created (see above). If you hold the CTRL key, the callsign and its locator are also copied in the log.

There are 9 memories to store strings which can be used to form the commands. Their names are $1 to $9. You can set their content in the menu "Storage->Setting". If you choose the storage name in the menu (Storage->$n) its content will be directly send to the chat. You can use the storage name also in the command line. For instance if the memory $1 contains the string "pse sked on 144.233 SSB" the line:


generates and sends following 3 messages:
/cq OK1TEH pse sked on 144.233 SSB
/cq OK1DIX pse sked on 144.233 SSB
/cq OK1VPZ pse sked on 144.233 SSB

As there are usually many incoming lines in the packet/chat window during the contests, is it possible to define a filter to display only selected lines. They are diplayed in the "Filtered" tab. The filter supports logical operations with individual strings. There are following operators:

~ - negation
& - logical AND
| - logical OR
[] - square brackets to build complex logical expressions (the square brackets are used, because the normal parenthesis may appear in the ON4KST entries.)

The rules of Boolean algebra apply in the evaluation i.e. if there are no brackets the operators are evaluated in the order: 1. negation, 2. AND, 3. OR.

You enter a string like this (without spaces): OK1DIX|[432&~DX]

The entries containing either the callsign OK1DIX or the number 432, but no DX are displayed in the packet window.

If a filter is defined you can switch between the filtered and unfiltered window using the "Toggle" button. The filtered window is indicated by bright yellow background.

The filter can be defined also for the Band map and OK4KST users window by help of the menu "Filter->Define" in the window "Bandmap".

The same Boolean logical expressions as in the "Packet/Chat" window can be used for the fields Call, Locator and DXCC. For the field DXCC pick the standard DXCC prefixes from the help list below. By default they are copied with the OR operator, but the expression can be changed afterwards. To eliminate the already worked stations check the box "Filter out worked stations". To switch the filter on/off use the menu "Filter->Activate". You can also use the context menu on an entry in the user list to include a station in the "Call" field with a negative prefix and filter it out of the list.

In addition to the DX spots the program also gathers the callsigns and locators from the logged on users and displays them in the the "Band map" window (menu "Spots->ON4KST users"). Beside the callsigns and locators the window also displays time since the last station activity - the column "Idle", time to the nearest AP - the column "ASM" (if the connection with AirScout is active) and azimuth, which can be used to address stations in the direction in which the antennas are pointing. According to the current selected band the already worked callsigns are displayed in black, the new ones in blue unless the automatic AisScout request for KST chat is activated (see the chapter 15. on AirScout). A single click on an item in the user list displays the details. Double click on the detail enters the callsign and locator in the log the same way as for a normal DX spot. Double click on the line in the list (out of the detail) enters /cq with the callsign in the packet/chat communication line the same way as in the chat window. The same with the CTRL key does both (/cq and log entry). The callsigns with locators from the user list are also displayed in the "Database Check" window with the special label KST instead of the number of QSOs (see the chapter 6.). Be careful when using it, though, as a station may be logged on with an incorrect locator. The ON4KST user list is refreshed automatically after the interval set in the "VUSC->Options" menu (minimum value is 180 seconds) or directly using the server command "/sh us".

There's also an option to post your current results to the web site You need to get a username on Click on "Register" in the lower right corner and fill out the form as required. Enter the username in the "CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->Setting cluster and chat" The data transfer is activated by entering the interval value larger then 5 minutes. You can see the status of the last data transfer here, too. The transfer is deactivated by default when a new contest is opened/created. You can see the current results on-line here

 Except for the regular interval the result is also transferred when the program is ended by "Contest->Save and Exit". If there's no point change since the last transfer no data is transferred from the relevant band. If the VUSC network is deactivated ("Network->Disable") data from all bands with non-zero result are transferred. If the network is active only the data from own bands are transferred. You can see the results at this link They can be deleted by using your registered username and password.

15. Communication with the program AirScout

VUSC supports communication with the program AirScout by DL2ALF to employ the airplane reflection to make a QSO. The communication requires following settings:

- AirScout communication port (usually 9872)
AirScout server name (for instance AS)

The parameters must be set on both sides. In VUSC enter them in the menu "Network->Setting". In AirScout click on the button "Options" and select the tab "Network". It is recommended not to use more than 3 characters for the server name. After entering the parameters activate the AirScout server by checking the box "Activate Network Server".

To get the current list of flights suitable for a QSO a valid locator must be entered on the current line in VUSC. Request the list of flights by choosing "Network->AirScout request" or by using the shortcut ALT/K. The list is displayed in the window "Current Contest Check".
The individual entries are colored according to their reflection potential similarly as in the AirScout plane map.

There are following options for AirScout usage under the menu point "VUSC->Options" in the "AirScout" section.
- "Automatic request when entering locator" - The list of flights is also requested after hitting <SPACE> in the locator field, provided the locator is valid.
"Automatic AirScout request for KST user list" - If you are logged on the ON4KST chat the AirScout is automatically requested for the entries in the KST user list. The entries are colored according to their reflection potential. The details can be displayed by the right mouse click and context menu on the relevant entry.
"Send watch list from KST user list to AirScout" - Populates the watch list in the AirScout with the data from the KST user list.
- "Switch display in AirScout" - Switches automatically the currently displayed QSO in AirScout according to the request from VUSC. This can also be invoked explicitly for an individual callsign by using CTRL/ALT/K.

Note that when requesting the AirScout information it can take a couple of seconds till AirScout gathers and sends the information back and it also will load the PC, especially the CPU. Therefore when using the automatic data gathering for the KST user list it is recommended to reduce the number of requests by using the filter in the band map window and to define the distance limits in "Options->VUSC". If you don't use the AirScout directly (i.e. you use only the server functionality) you can reduce the system load by not starting the airplane map (green arrow) and by deletion of the calls and locators in the AirScout input boxes.

It is also recommended to run AirScout on a remote PC in the local network to distribute the CPU load. In this case make sure that local firewalls are set to allow broadcast packets for the AirScout port (usually 9872). For details see the chapter 12 Network - installation and configuration. Especially note that if there are more AirScout servers in the network they must have different names and ports.

16. Sound recording

If you have troubles with receiving a DX station it may be useful to record the
audio signal for further examination. Choose the relevant signal source (microphone or line-in) in the sound mixer recording control in Windows. Double click or use right click on the little speaker in the Windows task bar to get the mixer control and go to the menu "Option->Properties->Recording" to get the recording controls. Set the appropriate signal level so the recorded signal is not distorted. Use a shielded line to connect the TRX speaker with the microphone or line in input on your PC. A small audio transformer for galvanic separation is recommended. If your TRX has its own sound card or you want to use the sound chip from Microham choose the relevant audio interfaces for input/output in the "CW/SSB/Cluster/Chat->CW/SSB Setting". (see the chapter 10 for details).

The sound recorder controls are
Record, Playback, Back and Fast Forward. You can choose either the button controls or shortcuts mentioned above. The usage is similar to a normal tape recorder. The sound files .wav are stored in the contest directory in the subdirectory sound. Their name consists of time stamps of the record start and end, record hour and minute and the callsign. The hour, minute and callsign is taken at the end of the recording from the current line in the log. Beside the normal controls confirming a QSO with <Enter> terminates the recording. If the box "Permanent recording" is checked in the "CW/SSB/Recorder control" window a new sound file is automatically started and the recording continues.

When the recording is running the seconds are counted in the main window. One minute represents about 1MB of the disk space. The files have the standard WAV format and can be played by any Windows player and/or be further processed. Be careful when using the recorder in order not to overfill your hard disk with the sound files.

17. Rotator

The hardware
VUSC supports up to 10 rotators simultaneously. The maximum number can be set in "Options->VUSC". The rotator control is possible through COM (also virtual), LPT or USB port. The COM port control supports Yaesu and SPID rotator standards (for more information see the relevant Yaesu/SPID documentation). The settings of the COM-port and rate are made in the menu "Rotator->Setting". Select the values from the lists and confirm with the "Set" button. You can also change the rotator name here if necessary. Do NOT check the boxes USB or USBCOM. You may experience some delay in the rotator position display when using the older SPID rotator controller. It's not an error, it is due to its low communication speed which cannot be changed. 

The rotators connected through LPT or USB port can also use a special VUSC protocol. They require a simple adapter either with the PIC or Arduino microcomputer (see below), but the VUSC protocol provides more features compared to standard protocols. The adapter schemes are in the Appendix. There are two options for the USB connection. The older one with the PIC CY7C63001AFWP1 and newer one with Arduino UNO R3. Both have pros and cons. The adapter with the PIC has a bit less accuracy and works only on 32bit Windows (the PIC manufacturer does not deliver the driver for 64bit Windows), but you don't need to upload the firmware and the installation is simpler. The new adapter with Arduino works on all Windows and it's smaller, but the software installation is more complex as you have to upload the firmware.

There are PCB boards for all types of adapters. The PCB data are available in the files vusc_generic_new.brd and vusc_arduino.brd in Eagle format. The PCBs are double sided and silkscreened so the corresponding scheme can easily be identified.

A potentiometer or another sensor which delivers linearly proportional voltage
theoretically from 0 to 5V (practically about 0.1 to 4.9V) as position indicator is a general prerequisite for the USB or LPT adapter. The potentiometer value can be from about 200 ohms to about 30 kOhms. The higher potentiometer value increases the risk of inducing of interference voltage in the connection wires when transmitting. The potentiometer can be fed either from a voltage or current source. The voltage source requires 3 wires for connection, but it works with all potentiometers independently of their value. The current source needs only 2 wires, but it must be adjusted to the individual potentiometer value. The output of the external sensor is to be connected between the point C and the ground (see the scheme).

adapter for LPT and PIC is designed with the 8-bit ADC0804LCN converter which has sufficient precision for usual contest antennas. Normally 8-bit digital information comes to the LPT data signals D0 to D7 (pins 2-9), but the program is able to evaluate also 9th bit on the ACK signal (pin 10). You can use your own A/D converter with more bits for higher precision if you change the circuit accordingly. The adapter with Arduino utilizes its internal 10-bit A/D converter so the ADC0804LCN is not used (see the scheme). The maximum input voltage must not exceed 5V in any case, because it may destroy the A/D converter. Therefore there is a protection circuit with LM393N in the adapter. There are DIP switches on the board to select the voltage or current source and the relevant protection. The following table shows their setting for each case.

Position sensor DIP1 switch 1 DIP1 switch 2 DIP2 switch 1 DIP2 switch 2
Potentiometer (voltage) OFF OFF OFF ON
Potentiometer (current) ON ON ON OFF
External sensor ON OFF ON OFF

There are also 4 jumpers for the connection of DC (for example Yaesu) or AC (for example Kenpro) rotators. They are marked with JP1 to JP4 on the PCB. If all jumpers are installed (connected) the DC power supply used for the adapter is also used for the rotator motor i.e. the power supply must be sized accordingly. The motor is connected to the pins RE1A and RE1B on the board. If all jumpers are disconnected the motor AC voltage is to be connected to the pins AC1 and AC2 and the synchronous capacitor to the pins RE1A and RE2B. The side motor windings are connected to the pins RE1A and RE2B and the middle point wires (connected over the limit switches) to the pins RE2A and RE1B. In this case the DC power supply is used only for the adapter and can be a small one (about 200mA).

CAUTION! Arduino must be fed only from an external power supply 7-12V either from a 7808 regulator connected to the DC power supply (see the scheme) or a separate small wall power supply. Do NOT use 5V from the PC USB connector as the voltage can vary with the computer type and/or load and thus impact the voltage reference of the Arduino internal A/D converter (i.e. the calibration of the feedback potentiometer). Use a special USB cable with the 5V line cut or disconnect it on the USB connector in the adapter.

Up to 3 rotator adapters can be connected to one Arduino. The red line in the scheme separates the parts of the adapter needed for Arduino. The following table shows the connection points marked in the scheme and on the PCB board to Arduino pins.

Arduino pin connection table
Point in the scheme Rotator A Rotator B Rotator C
G pin A0 pin A1 pin A2
P pin D4 pin D8 pin D10
Q pin D5 pin D9 pin D11
X pin D2 pin D6 pin D12
Y pin D3 pin D7 pin D13
AR pin 5V pin 5V pin 5V
GND pin GND pin GND pin GND

The pins marked as DIGITAL on the Arduino board are the D pins and the pins marked as ANALOG IN are the A pins in the table. Points P and Q for the manual control in the scheme are connected directly to Arduino and so they are not (unlike with the PIC adapter) on the adapter board.

Old USB adapter with PIC - installation and calibration
The programmed PIC circuit CY7C63001C-PXC (order Nr. CY7C63001PFW variant 1) is used for this adapter. CAUTION! The PIC adapter works only under 32-bit Windows as the MSUSB driver for 64-bit systems is not available.
The PIC can be ordered together with the Windows driver MBUSB at the company AK MODUL-BUS GmbH on the web page for about 15,- euros. Unfortunately the web page is only in German, but the ordering is simple. On the web page find the field "Suchbegriffe" (Search) and type CY7C63001C. You will see a couple of links, choose "Mikrocontroller CY7C63001C-PXC mit Firmware". On the next page check under the title "Bestellen" (Order) if the order number is CY7C63001PFW and choose "Port-Chip Variante 1" in the field below. Put the number of pieces into the field "Anzahl" (Number) and click on the button "In den Warenkorb" (In the cart). This puts your order into the cart. Click then on the icon Cart in the upper right corner and you'll get to the check out page in English. Major credit cards as well as PayPal are accepted. Download also the latest driver version from,254447591177330 or click on "Downloads" on the ordering page. Under the title "Treiber fόr den Mikrocontroller CYC63001 mit der Firmware Port-Chip Variante 1" or "Port-Chip Variante 2" click on "Details" and click "Download starten" on the next page. The archive zip-file contains files MBUSBprt.sys and MBUSBprt.inf.

Extract the
zip archive into a suitable directory. You can also use the driver supplied with the VUSC installation. On Windows XP the driver installation is done automatically when the PIC gets connected to the PC for the first time. Windows will find a new hardware and ask for a driver. Enter the directory with the extracted files and finish the installation. On Windows Vista, 7/8/10/11 the driver must be installed manually before connecting the PIC to the USB port. Right click on the file MBUSBprt.inf and choose "Install".

It may take dozens of seconds till the USB communication is established when connecting the controller for the fist time.
Otherwise the PIC behaves similarly as other USB devices (for instance flash memory). It can be connected and disconnected at any time while the PC is running. However, the interface must be connected before activating the rotator window in VUSC.

Set up procedure for one rotator:
1. Check
that the maximum voltage at the point C is between 4.5 and 4.9 V. If the current source is used for the feedback potentiometer adjust the voltage with the trimmer if needed.

2. Set the voltage at the point A about 0.1V lower then the minimum voltage at the point C
using the trimmer 820R. Then set the voltage at the point B about 0.1V higher than 50% of the maximum voltage at the point C using the trimmer 3k3.

3. Start VUSC and open the setting window by "Rotator->Setting". Choose the relevant rotator from the list in the upper left corner. Check the USB checkbox. You can also change the rotator name (the default names are Rotator0, Rotator1 etc.) here according to your needs. Close the window by clicking OK.

4. Connect the adapter to an USB port and activate the relevant rotator in the menu "Rotator->Rotator-><Name>". Open again the setting window ("Rotator->Setting") and select the relevant rotator from the list in the upper left corner. Turn the antenna to both end switch positions and check if the counter value displayed in the "Potentiometer calibration" section is between 258-268 and 500-510. If not adjust finely the trimmers 820R (low value) and 3k3 (high value) in the adapter.

5. Turn the rotator to the left end position, enter the azimuth value in the left field of "Range" and confirm with "Set". Turn the rotator to the right end position, enter the azimuth value in the right field of "Range" and confirm with "Set". When setting the values make sure that the indicator turns in the same direction as the rotator. The azimuth values must be positive and not overlapped. For example if the beginning value is 60 degrees and the rotator turns over 380 degrees the end azimuth value will be 60+380=440 degrees (not 80).

6. Optionally assign the rotator to the relevant band(s) in the lower part of the setting window.

7. Check if the button controls Left/Right work properly. You can change turning direction by checking "Motor reverse" if needed.

8. Close the setting window by clicking OK.

CAUTION if you're using more rotators with the PIC USB adapter. Unlike LPT or COM ports the MBUSB driver does not support explicit USB port numbering. Therefore make sure that you connect the individual adapters to the PC and open the rotators in the same order as they had been during the calibration so the stored calibration values match the individual rotators. This applies for normal program start or after PC reboot. In case of quick restart (without reboot) it is assumed that the rotator configuration didn't change and the program uses the last USB port number assignment before program termination.

The new USB adapter with Arduino - installation and calibration
This adapter utilizes the Arduino UNO R3 with USB interface. One Arduino can handle up to 3 rotators (see the scheme below). Arduino requires the USB/COM port driver for firmware upload and communication with VUSC. CAUTION! Manufacturers may use various FTDI chips as USB/COM converters so the driver installation may differ even with the Arduino boards looking identical. The driver mostly installs automatically on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 when the board is connected to the PC for the first time. If the chip CH340 is used (mostly by a Chinese manufacturer) as USB/COM interface a special driver from must be installed manually. Also on Windows XP the driver must be installed manually (see the description here After the driver installation connect the board to the PC and find out Arduino COM port number using right click on the "This PC" icon on the Desktop and selecting "Device Manager". Expand the tree at "Ports (COM & LPT)" and look for the entry "USB-SERIAL (COMx)" where x is the Arduino COM port number. Then upload the firmware by using the XLoader utility. First download the utility from or or and install it. Start XLoader and enter the parameters:

Arduino COM port: COMx
Baud rate: 115200
Arduino type: UNO(ATmega328)
Hex file: vuscrot.ino.standard.hex (i.e. the firmware file from the VUSC directory)

Set up procedure for one Arduino adapter:
1. Check that the maximum voltage at the point C is between 4.5 and 4.9 V. If the current source is used for the feedback potentiometer adjust the voltage with the trimmer if needed.
Do it for all rotators connected to the adapter.

2. Connect the adapter to the USB port, start VUSC and open the setting window by "Rotator->Setting". Choose the relevant rotator from the list in the upper left corner. You can change the rotator name (default Rotator0, Rotator1 etc.) on the line under it if needed. Check the USBCOM checkbox and set the rotator identification A, B or C according to the pins to which the rotator is connected (see the table above). Select the Arduino COM port and Rate 38400 and confirm both with "Set". Repeat this step for all rotators connected to the adapter and close the setting window by clicking OK.

3. Connect the adapter to the USB port (if it's not already connected) and activate the relevant rotator(s) in the menu "Rotator->Rotator-><Name>". Open again the setting window ("Rotator->Setting") and select the relevant rotator from the list in the upper left corner. Turn the antenna to both end switch positions and check if the minimum counter value displayed in the "Potentiometer calibration" section is less than 200 and the maximum value is in the range from 950 to 1020. If the feedback potentiometer is fed from the voltage source the maximum value is guaranteed automatically. In case of current source adjust the maximum value with its trimmer (see the scheme) if necessary. If the minimum value is higher than 200 you may think about mechanical shifting the feedback potentiometer gear in the rotator.

4. Turn the rotator to the left end position, enter the azimuth value in the left field of "Range" and confirm with "Set". Turn the rotator to the right end position, enter the azimuth value in the right field of "Range" and confirm with "Set". When setting the values make sure that the indicator turns in the same direction as the rotator. The azimuth values must be positive and not overlapped. For example if the beginning value is 60 degrees and the rotator turns over 380 degrees the end azimuth value will be 60+380=440 degrees (not 80).

5. Optionally assign the rotator to the relevant band(s) in the lower part of the setting window.

6. Check if the button controls Left/Right work properly. You can change the turning direction by checking the box "Motor reverse" if necessary.

7. Repeat the steps 3. to 6. for all rotators connected to the adapter and close the setting window by clicking OK.

LPT port adapter - installation and calibration
The LPT adapter requires DLPortIO driver (see the chapter 3.) and a dedicated LPT port. Note that it works only on 32bit Windows. Otherwise the procedure is identical with the installation of the PIC USB interface with these changes:
- Skip the part describing PIC and its driver installation.
- Point 3. Make sure that neither USB nor USBCOM checkboxes are checked. Then select the LPT port from the port list and confirm with "Set".
- Point 4. If you use your own A/D converter with 9th bit the minimum counter value should be between 2 and 12.
- On the PCB don't mount the PIC, the X-tal and the USB socket. Connect the relevant signals directly to the LPT port according to the scheme.

CAUTION! Parallel port LPT may be in an undefined state after booting the PC. Don't switch on the motor power supply before activating the rotator window to avoid unwanted switching on the motor. Also when closing the program switch off the motor power supply before rotator control deactivation.

Common for all adapters
After the calibration the software
end switches are automatically set to the beginning and end azimuth values. If you have hardware end switches in your rotator make sure that their beginning and ending positions comply with the minimum and maximum voltage on the potentiometer. When the setting window is open the overlap range is indicated in yellow on the indicator edge. If the rotator turns in less then 360 degrees the non-accessible range it is marked red. If you need to limit the rotating range more than the default end switches (for example due to interference or obstacles in the range) open the setting window ("Rotator->Setting") and set the software end switch positions by left (lower limit) or right (upper limit) mouse button click on the edge of the indicator. The initial (calibration) end switch positions can't be exceeded, though. During the normal operation the overlapping range is marked with green, but it turns yellow if the rotator gets into that range.

If you just need to rectify the antenna direction on the already calibrated
rotator you don't need to repeat the calibration. Aim the antenna to the known azimuth (for instance a beacon), enter its azimuth in the field "Rectification" and click "Set". This option works also for the rotators utilizing the Yaesu protocol. If you want to retain the setting for future contests use "Contest->Config->Save". The rotator configuration is stored in the file rotator.cfg. For compatibility reasons with previous versions the configuration of the first rotator is stored also in the files vuscwin.cfg and quickstart.cfg. You can copy and save these files and use them in the next contest.

Rotator control
shortcut controls:

CTRL/< -

CTRL/> -

CTRL/space -

Auto (turn to the azimuth of the current locator)

CTRL/' - cyclically switch the active rotator

The click
on the edge of the position indicator turns the rotator to that azimuth

You can control the rotators with the buttons (Left/Right/Auto/Stop) in the relevant indicator window
or with the manual switches connected to the adapter (see the schematics). The keyboard shortcuts work for the active rotator i.e. the one with the red arrow (the others are blue). The active rotator is switched either according to the band assignment or explicitly by using CTRL/'.

18. Appendix - schemes and pin-outs of the interfaces and adapters

Use only shielded cables for all connections between the computer and TRX. The shield should be connected to the signal ground (GND). The 100 Ohm resistor in the collector of the keying transistor is only for the protection. It can be leaved out if necessary.

Arduino adapter bottom side (view from the top side)

Arduino adapter top side

Arduino pin connection table
Point in the scheme Rotator A Rotator B Rotator C
G pin A0 pin A1 pin A2
P pin D4 pin D8 pin D10
Q pin D5 pin D9 pin D11
X pin D2 pin D6 pin D12
Y pin D3 pin D7 pin D13
AR pin 5V pin 5V pin 5V
GND pin GND pin GND pin GND

The pins marked as DIGITAL on the Arduino board are the D pins and the pins marked as ANALOG IN are the A pins in the table. Points P and Q for the manual control in the scheme are connected directly to Arduino and so they are not (unlike with the PIC adapter) on the adapter board.

PIC/LPT adapter bottom side(view from the top side)

PIC/LPT adapter top side

For the usage with the LPT port don't mount the PIC, the X-tal and the USB socket. Connect the relevant signals directly to the LPT port according to the scheme.