We lost.

Bad news from San Marino for VHF contesters:


Brief news comment from our friend Tilo DH1FM from DF0MTL contest group:


5.28 - Prohibition of cross mode (CW-SSB) QSO in contest rejected (fortunately) :-)

5.29 - 70 cm: beacon band will move to 432.400-432.490 (shame :-(((       )

5.31-5.33 - 50MHz contests - no changes - shame - it look, that HF lobby is stronger :-(

5.34 - common subregional VUHSF Field day at 1.st May weekend has rejected

5.40 - Publication of VHF Contests results list within 2 to 5 months rejected. Only recommendation to do it. So no improvement. :-((

5.42 - electronic contest logs (EDI): "just for Info".Recommendation only. :-((

5.43 - No evaluation of suffix appendix after / . Rejected. Shame, it keep chaotics environment :-(

For original suggestions look here. More info in German about that:

> > http://www.darc.de/referate/ausland/iaru/r1c02/tagesberichte.html 

Some information of it were translated into English by the automatic translator http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr ) :



Report from the Committee C 5. VHF/UHF/SHF Von Hellmuth Fischer, DF7VX, 

131102 PA0EZ, Chairman of the Committes C5 opens 10 November 2002 the first meeting on Monday. To the conception present VHF/microwaves Manager(30) from countries (22) went it to the first item on the agenda, which itself essentially with still different points of action of the Lillehammer - conference 1999 concerned. 

Particularly to emphasize is, which was not possible it to date within the IARU region 1, an expert person closes here, who can fill out this important function as satellite co-ordinator for the IARU region 1. On Monday 10 November 2002 still possible installation of a satellite of specialist from the DARC these very important interests with large specialized knowledge have represented could, could not regrettably not be realized. 

The complete agenda covers 43 single points in the appropriate order to be specified here. The requests to those by me one reports here as appendix (zip file) to this report to find. 

DOC C 5,3, of the DARC became presented in the 70 cm volume plan under the category. Usage, uses. taken up. Thus the frequency is 439,9875 MHz for the Procsac applications a component 70 cm of the volume plan. 

DOC C 5,4 the footnote i. in 145 MHz the volume plan is changed accordingly, so that the so-called kanalisierte enterprise of digital applications in the frequency range 144,800 to 144,990 MHz now possesses a correct status. 

DOC C 5,5 under this point were represented very in detail the problems of the different frequency assignments of today's and future view. The necessity for the operational readiness level of very expert radio amateurs pointed itself to that national and internationally existing frequenzmanagement committees as essential. 

DOC C 5,6 the use of the frequency range 144.630. 144,640 MHz as expenditure frequency range for linear transponders, as well as 144.660. 144,690 MHz as input frequency range for linear transponders with majority one agreed. Thus results now also for the Federal Republic of Germany the possibility of the use of linear transponders in 145 MHz the volume. 

DOC C5.7 by the use of the frequency 144,800 MHz for the APRS system, with a range of +/- 6 kHz is it necessarily a new so-called critical frequency/dividing line to be specified. This is now the frequency 144. 79400 MHz. 

DOC C 5,8 the use of 1.6 MHz SHIFTS in 435 MHz the volume plan is subject within the IARU to region 1 unites characteristics. The clear clarification of the Repeater SHIFT situation in Belgium this becomes in 435 MHz the volume plan by the indicator ON. marked. As additive mentioned the idea also in 435 MHz the volume the use genuine 12.5 kHz of a frequency allocation to ethablieren does not meet agreement. 

To DOC C 5,9 see the summary. Principals OF Bandplanning. Plant 1/(ad hoc Working Group, GÂSR, OE1MCU, DF7VX, LA8KV, PA2DWH) 

To DOC C 5,10 see the summary. Principals OF Bandplanning. Plant 1/(ad hoc Working Group, GÂSR, OE1MCU, DF7VX, LA8KV, PA2DWH) 

DOC C 5,11 this request concerns itself with at present an assignment not yet possible with us to the amateur radio service within 70 MHz the range. It was specified that in the frequency range 70.030 MHz to 70.050 MHz beacons can be operated. 

DOC C 5,12 was back pulled and into the summary. Principals OF volume plan engineer with included. Plant 1/(ad hoc Working Group, GÂSR, OE1MCU, DF7VX, LA8KV, PA2DWH) 

DOC C 5,13 this request was not continued to discuss, but reason of its contents also into those. Principals OF volume-plan-engineer-included. Plant 1/(ad hoc Working Group, GÂSR, OE1MCU, DF7VX, LA8KV, PA2DWH) 

DOC C 5. 14 in this of the RSGB brought in paper is represented the current, as well as the future microwave assignments to the amateur radio service. This results in the suggestion: if always possible/must each kind of the Amteurfunknutzung in these frequency ranges is to take place in primary assignments of this frequency spectrum. This suggestion meets general agreement. 

DOC C 5,15 for this is it necessarily the text existing as draft for VHF of manager manual to prepare (see plant 5) 

DOC C 5,16 also this request becomes in the summary. Principals OF volume plan engineer discussed. Plant 1/(ad hoc Working Group, GÂSR, OE1MCU, DF7VX, LA8KV, PA2DWH) 

DOC C 5,17 the request of the SRAL to introduce here the use of the classes of emission APRS on the frequency 144,825 MHz was back pulled by the SRAL representative. 

DOC C 5,18 the request was discussed in detail, however there are no concrete suggestions like the frequency range 50.0000. 50,020 MHz to be used is. 

DOC C 5,19 this request of the SRAL was withdrawn after a short discussion over the for and against. 

DOC C 5,20 this request meets the ungeteilte agreement of all present ones. 

DOC C 5,21 this information paper will become briefly discussed and all members of the Committes C 5 requested this information about this alternative EME frequency range their members the knowledge to bring. 

DOC C 5,22 QSL maps for beacons, a good idea not only in VHF of manager manual to be published is. To support the federations asked by an appropriate publication into their amateur radio magazines this suggestion. 

To DOC C 5,23 definition of a procedure for the new classes of emission FSK 441 (WSJT) see separate representation. 

Plant 3 DOC C 5,24 this request of the SRAL was treated particularly in detail, since it concerns here a not simply solvable problem. Nevertheless it was agreed upon to affect the members into the amateur radio federations going by that for the classes of emission telegrafie as also as possible the frequency range proven for this classes of emission is used. Practice observed at present to use here also frequencies in the so-called SSB range for the classes of emission telegrafie it could to the fact lead that the explicitly proven range for this classes of emission remains more and more unused. This cannot be in the sense of the radio amateurs. 

Here DOC C 5,25 definition for a complete Meteorscatter (ms) connection (QSO) is formed a working group, in order to revise those to date no longer very current publications to this topic in VHF of manager manual. 

DOC C 5,26 in the request of the Norwegian amateur radio federation is suggested the frequency 144,800 MHz for the classes of emission APRS. This request we by the majority affirmatively. The additive to the Nichtbetreiben of so-called NICHT, likewise contained in this request, LINEAR transponders in the frequency range 144.000. 144. 794 MHz spareless one paints. 

DOC C 5,27 this PZK request becomes in the paper. Principals OF volume plan engineer treats. Plant 1/(ad hoc Working Group, GÂSR, OE1MCU, DF7VX, LA8KV, PA2DWH) 

DOC C 5,28 this request, of the Polish amateur radio federation is likewise pulled back. 

DOC C 5,29 also this request becomes entire into the paper. Principals OF volume plan engineer integrates plant 1/(ad hoc Working Group, GÂSR, OE1MCU, DF7VX, LA8KV, PA2DWH) 

DOC C5.30 this request is brought in by the Danish amateur radio federation and is to minimize now the situation in the Nordi countries with a very strong use of the ISM assignment in 435 MHz the volume somewhat. The nordischen countries, here Denmark Norway, Sweden and Finland have very substantial problem with input the frequency range of their automatic stations, there itself these almost exclusively in the so-called ISM frequency range (433.050. 434,790 MHz find. To the minimization of this not insignificant problem there is the possibility some changes of volume plan to accomplish according to the statements of these countries concerned only within the IARU region 1 defaults. Of the EDR suggested possibilities of substantial changes in the existing volume plan for the frequency range 432,000 MHz to 435,000 MHz are discussed again very in detail. Turns out, which does not want to probably accept a majority of the present federations of these changes in the spoken form. After this contentwise and extraordinarily material discussion by the Chairman a tuning with the following result is led here (9:7) against the acceptance of this request. However agreement was going by obtained to speak again about this topic around possibly possible changes this situation into that nordic countries something defused to think. On Wednesday, 13,11,02 the topic was discussed again very in detail and the following compromise settlement was found. The Telegrafband in 435 MHz the volume plan is reduced by 50 kHz. The new range begins now with 432,000 MHz and ends with 432,100 MHz. A second change concerns to date with 432.800. 433,000 MHz proven beacon volume. Here there was a clear majority for a transfer and a reduction of this range votierte. The new beacon range is into the frequency segment 432.400. 432,490 MHz (similar to 145 MHz beacons assignment) to be shifted. In the FRG are of it approx.. 20 beacons concerned, which can accomplish such a frequency change however according to my estimate. For the further relaxation of the situation one agreed upon, the assignments to the enterprise of linear transponders in 435 MHz the volume (432. 600. 432,800 MHz) in the so-called Usage. To shift range ders 435 MHz of volume plan. There the use of these linear transponders Eingabe/expenditure. Frequencies effected in the FRG only relatively rarely, this is to be problem-free too accomplished also here from my view, particularly since it does not bring any effects on the used frequencies and the enterprise of these plants with itself. However it knows to Kollisionsproblemem to borders FRG/Denmark to come, which appears solvable however by a coordination of frequencies for these different applications. Other assignments in the FRG, as they are manifested in 435 MHz the volume plan e.g. by footnotes, do not have influence on these measures. This modified volume plan suggestion such a thing with majority was accepted and is for the nordischen countries possible the possibility of a problem solution, here the shifting of the input frequencies of the automatic stations operated there to make. 

DOC C 5,31 the change and/or the summary of different Contest of dates leads here to no agreement. A shooting statement is not possible yet. 

DOC C 5,32 is not continued to pursue. 

DOC C 5,33 the suggestion of the Danish amateur radio federation in that 50 MHz June Contest the two first parts of the QTH Locators to only convey, is by the majority rejected. 

DOC C 5,34 is not continued to pursue. 

DOC C 5,35 the changes in VHF of manager manual, suggested in this request, are accomplished in such a way. 

DOC C 5,36 in one ad hoc working group (DARC, DF7VX, RSGB, G3PFR) the current and also the future microwaves uses (24 - to 250 GHz) see plant 2 fixed 

DOC C 5,37 information paper, here the definition of a Working Group of meeting, C5 Committee presumably in the Febr. 2004 in Vienna. 

DOC C 5,38 as satellite co-ordinator is nominated Graham Shirvillle, G3VZV (G3VZV@AMSAT.ORG) 

DOC C 5,39 information paper of PA0EZ, Chairman C5 to general problems. 

DOC C 5,40 this request is concerned with the Contestergebnissen. These are after the request as fast as possible in the Internet. to be published, and/or are by the evaluating federation as fast as possible to the individual federations in electronic form to be dispatched. This is to take place not later than 2 months after the Eingangsdeaedline for this Contest. Latest however maximally 5 months after that the Contest accomplished became. 

DOC C 5,41 this suggestion is rejected with majority. 

DOC C 5,42 the request 42 is to be regarded as an information paper. This is to serve to ask or remind also of the fact again all federations for it that the Contestlogs is submitted to the plotters of these competitions if possible in electronic and uniform form (EDI format). 

DOC C 5,43 this suggestion does not meet agreement. 

Conteste: here the countries for the evaluation in the coming years are responsible: 

September 2003 SARA October 2003 Slovenia 

September 2004 Austria October 2004 France 

September 2005 France October 2005? 

50 MHz Contest 

2003 SSA 
2004 EDR 
2005 PZK 

ATV Contest 

2002 RSGB 
2003 DARC 
2004 VERON 
2005 REF 

The meeting ended with nominating to the re-election of air Dogterom, PA0EZ as a Chairman for the Committee C5. 

Plant 1. Principals OF Bandplanning. 
Plant 2. Microwaves assignments. 
Plant 3. Meteorscatter/FSK441 (WSJT) Procedure 
plant 4. all request papers (ZIP file) 
plant 5. RSGB 50 MHz volume code Plant 1 Draft!! 



SUBJECT Machine Generated Modulation (MGM) – ALLOCATIONS IN THE 50, 145, 435, 1296 & 2320MHz BANDS

Committee C5

Committee C5 agreed on the principal of using bandwidth as the criteria for the allocation of Machine Generate Modulation (MGM) modes in the VHF, UHF and microwave band plans. 

The Committee also agreed that an exclusive TELEGRAPHY sub-band is still required.

It was explained that there are different requirements for maximum bandwidth depending on the type of transmission. The working group therefore notes the need for two segments. One segment with maximum bandwidth up to 500 Hz (for modes like PSK31) and one segment up to 2700Hz (for modes like FSK441). 

Based on bandwidth criteria one segment should be placed at the current border between TELEGRAPHY and SSB. The second could be placed anywhere in the SSB segment. 
A good solution will be the ”high end” of the SSB sub-band.

· +/- 15kHz (30kHz wide) segments from the present borders between SSB and CW 

· The lower 15kHz (in the TELEGRAPHY portion) will be for MGM with a maximum bandwidth of 500Hz. This is primarily for EME operation.

· The upper 15kHz (in the SSB portion) will be used for MGM with a maximum bandwidth of 2700Hz.

· A 40kHz wide sub-band (in the SSB portion) immediately below the BEACON sub-band will be used for TELEGRAPHY, SSB and MGM modes with maximum bandwidth of 2700 Hz.

· Activity centres will be allocated within these MGM segments. 

Machine General Modulation (MGM) modes on 50MHz, 145MHz, 435MHz, 1296MHz and 2320MHz bands.

50.250 PSK31 centre of activities
50.255 JT44
50.260 - 50.280 FSK441
50.270 FSK441 calling frequency 
Note: Because of differences in the 50MHz band plans allocations within the 50MHz band do not follow directly the recommendations given in the BACKGROUND section of this paper. However specific proposals for FSK441, JT44 and PSK31 have been recommended. 

144.135 - 144.150 500Hz maximum bandwidth
144.138 PSK31 centre of activities
144.150 - 144.165 2700Hz maximum bandwidth
144.360 - 144.399 2700Hz maximum bandwidth
144.370 FSK441 random calling frequency
144.400 - 144.490 MGM added to beacon sub-band

144.390 - 144.400 RANDOM MS SSB to be removed!
144.610 centre of PSK31 activities to be removed
Footnote xxx Throughout the TELEGRAPHY sub-band the use of High Speed C.W. (HSCW) as typically used for meteor scatter will be allowed.

432.085 - 432.100 500Hz maximum bandwidth
432.088 PSK31 centre of activities
432.100 - 432.115 2700Hz maximum bandwidth
432.360 - 432.399 2700Hz maximum bandwidth
432.370 FSK441 random calling frequency
432.610MHz centre of PSK31 activities to be removed

1296.135 - 1296.150 500Hz maximum bandwidth
1296.138 PSK31 centre of activities
1296.150 - 1296.165 2700Hz maximum bandwidth
1296.360 - 1296.399 2700Hz maximum bandwidth
On the 1296MHz band no specific allocation is made for FSK441 usage.

2320.135 - 2320.150 500Hz maximum bandwidth
2320.138 PSK31 centre of activities
2320.150 - 2320.165 2700Hz maximum bandwidth
2320.360 - 2320.399 2700Hz maximum bandwidth
On the 2320MHz band no specific allocation is made for FSK441 usage.

Anlage 2 DRAFT !!

Working Subgroup Report and Recommendations in the mm Bands.

The Working Subgroup on mm bandplanning has reviewed the current situation on the bands above 71GHz where there will be very significant changes to both the Amateur and Amateur Satellite Service allocations within the next 1 to 2 years.

A. Considering that

1. There is need for harmonization of segments in all the mm bands

2. Both Amateur Services should be advised to use the Amateur Primary segments, where these are available, in preference to the Amateur Secondary segments as soon as possible, in any event before the end of the changeover period

3. The new allocations are already implemented in at least two IARU Region 1 countries and will be implemented in more countries, possibly by mid to late 2003

4. In all cases, including 24 and 47GHz, the Amateur Primary segments are allocated to the Amateur and Amateur Satellite services on an equal basis

5. High performance equipment and techniques now available are equally suitable for terrestrial, satellite and eme use, and the advent of a 24GHz satellite downlink has stimulated narrowband activity in the Amateur Primary segment of the band. Therefore it is desirable that such activities be brought together in order to stimulate further activity.

6. In the future, there should be no compatibility problems between the two Amateur Services

7. It is almost always easier to get approval for unattended devices, for example beacons, in the Amateur Primary.

B. The following proposals are made in the light of current information and are confirmed by Committee C5

1. The same principles should apply to the 24 and 47GHz bands in addition to the bands above 71GHz

2. Detail within the Amateur Primary segments should be agreed and implemented by 1 January, 2004

3. Narrowband modes should be within the following bands, and in line with current practices 

24.00 to 24.05GHz as now, Primary
47.00 to 47.20GHz as now, Primary
77.50 to 78.00GHz NEW, Primary
122.25 to 123.0GHz NEW, Secondary only 
134.0 to 136GHz NEW, Primary
248 to 250 GHz NEW, Primary

4. The bottom 1MHz of each current segment above 71GHz should be set aside for narrowband use, including beacons, except where this conflicts with existing amateur uses. For example, satellites on 24.048GHz, where the recommended segment remains 24.048 to 24.050GHz. This 2MHz segment should be able to support adjacent Amateur and Amateur Satellite activity without mutual interference and will bring close together all narrowband modes, which should encourage further activity in this band. 

5. Interim, both the old and new allocations should be shown in the IARU Region 1 bandplans.

San Marino 12.11.02, G3PFR, DF7VX

Anlage 3 DRAFT !!


1. Introduction

The goal of the procedures described is to enable contacts to be made by meteor scatter reflection (MS) as quickly and easily as possible. As the reflections are of very short duration the normal QSO procedure is not readily applicable, and special measures must be taken to ensure that a maximum of correct and unmistakeable information is received. The best meteor showers are mostly strong enough to make some of these measures unnecessary, but to encourage use of all generally listed showers there is no reason why the suggested procedures should not always be used. 

2. Definitions

Two types of MS contacts, arranged in different ways, may be distinguished: 

a. A scheduled contact, where two interested stations agree in advance on the mode (for example on telegraphy SSB or FSK441), frequency, timing and period of the contact. 

b. A non_scheduled contact, where a station calls CQ or responds to a CQ call. Such contacts are often called "random MS". 

3. Timing

It is recommended that stations use 2.5 minute periods on telegraphy, 1 minute periods on SSB, and 30 seconds in FSK441. This practice gives quite satisfactory results. However, growing technical standards make it possible to use much shorter periods and amateurs may wish to arrange 1 minute schedules for telegraphy and shorter periods for SSB and FSK441 especially during major showers. 

a. All MS operators living in the same area should, as far as possible, agree to transmit simultaneously in order to avoid mutual interference. 

b. If possible, northbound and westbound transmissions should be made in periods 1, 3, 5 etc. counting from the full hour. Southbound and eastbound transmissions should be made in periods 2, 4, 6 etc.

c. When arranging schedules, one or two hours duration for the schedule may be used. Starting times should be on the hour (e.g.0000, 0100, 0200 UT etc.) 

4. Scheduled duration

Every uninterrupted scheduled period must be considered as a separate trial. This means that it is not possible to break off and then continue the contact at a later time. The duration of scheduled periods is usually one hour or, in some cases, two hours. 

5. Choice of frequency

a.Scheduled contacts

Scheduled contacts may be arranged on any frequency, taking into consideration the mode/bandplan, but should avoid using known popular frequencies and the random MS frequency segments 144.095 - 144.126 MHz (telegraphy) and 144.195 – 144.205 MHz (SSB). 

b.Non_scheduled contacts

The frequency used for CQ calls for non_scheduled contacts should be 144.100 MHz for telegraphy and 144.195-144.205 MHz for SSB and 144.370 for FSK441.
QSO's resulting from the CQ calls should take place in the 144.101- 144.126 MHz frequency segment (telegraphy).

Users of FSK441 should indicate the frequency they intend to carry out the QSO by adding the three digits of the nominated frequency. For example CQ383 indicates that the station will listen on 144.383MHz for a subsequent contact.

On telegraphy, the following procedure should be used by the caller to indicate during the CQ on which exact frequency he will listen for a reply and carry out any subsequent QSO: 

i) Select the frequency to be used for a QSO by checking whether it is clear of traffic and QRM. 

ii) In the call, immediately following the letters "CQ", a letter is inserted to indicate the frequency that will be used for reception when the CQ call finishes. This letter indicates the frequency offset from the actual calling frequency used. For instance, CQE CQE CQE would indicate that the operator would listen on the calling frequency + 5 kHz. 

A = 1 kHz Call would be CQA CQA CQA
E = 5 kHz Call would be CQE CQE CQE
N = 14 kHz Call would be CQN CQN CQN
Z = 26 kHz Call would be CQZ CQZ CQZ

In all cases the letter used indicates a frequency higher than the CQ frequency. 

iii) At the end of the transmitting period the receiver should be tuned to the frequency indicated by the letter used in the CQ call. 

iv) If a signal is heard on this frequency it may well be a reply from a station who has heard the CQ call and replies on the frequency calculated from the letter used during this call. 

v) When the caller receives a signal on the frequency indicated during the call and identifies the reply as an answer on his CQ, the transmitter is QSY'ed to the same frequency and the whole QSO procedure takes place there. 

Example: DF7VXS wishes to try a random MS experiment on telegraphy, and wants to start with calling CQ. He first checks his receiver in the range 144.101 - 144.126 MHz and finds a clear frequency on 144.107 MHz. He decides to call CQ on 144.100 MHz, and he must now add a letter to his CQ call to indicate on which frequency he intends to listen. In this example he has chosen a frequency offset of 7 kHz, and therefore he will have to include the seventh letter of the alphabet, the letter "G", in his CQ call. Note that the station receiving the CQ call will reply on a frequency exactly 7 kHz above the one on which the CQ call is heard. 

If an operator instead of calling CQ wishes to listen for a CQ call the following procedure should be used: 

i) Listen on 144.100 MHz for telegraphy. (Note that when there is considerable activity during major showers stations calling CQ may QSY lower than 144.100 MHz in order to be on a clearer frequency). 
ii) When a CQ call is received, note the letter which follows the letters "CQ" in the call. From this letter calculate the frequency offset which the calling station will use for receiving replies. 

iii) QSY the transmitter higher in frequency by the number of kHz's found, and transmit a reply during the appropriate period. The format for the reply can be found in section 7. 

iv) As the QSO will take place on this higher frequency, continue to transmit and to listen (during the appropriate periods) on this frequency. It may be that the station calling CQ will not hear your first reply, but may do so during one or more subsequent periods. Hence there is no need to return to the calling frequency. 

Example: You receive SM3BIU who is calling CQH CQH CQH. This tells you that, regardless of the exact frequency SM3BIU is using for his CQ, he will be listening for a reply exactly 8 kHz higher, as H is the eighth letter of the alphabet. Having established that the CQ was "CQH" you will call him 8 kHz up. 

N.B. The letter system should not be used for SSB contacts!
(De Haan, September 1993)

6. QSO procedure for scheduled contacts and random operation

a. Calling

The contact starts with one station calling the other, e.g. "DL7QY SM3BIU DL7QY ....". In telegraphy the letters "de" are not used. 

b. Reporting system

The report consists of two numbers:

First number Second number
(burst duration) (signal strength)

2 : up to 5 sec. 6 : up to S3
3 : 5 _ 20 sec. 7 : S4, S5
4 : 20 _ 120 sec. 8 : S6, S7
5 : longer than 120 sec. 9 : S8 and stronger

c. Reporting procedure

A report is sent when the operator has positive evidence of having received the correspondent's or his own callsign or parts of them. 

The report is given as follows: "UA1WW I1BEP 26 26 UA1WW I1BEP 26 26 ....". The report should be sent between each set of callsigns, three times for telegraphy, twice for SSB, and must not be changed during a contact even though signal strength might well justify it. 

d. Confirmation procedure

i) As soon as either operator copies both callsigns and a report he may start sending a confirmation. This means that all letters and figures have been correctly received. 

Confirmation is given by inserting an R before the report: "SM7FJE G3SEK R26 R26 SM7FJE ...". A station with an R at the end of the callsign could send "GW3ZTH I4BER RR27 RR27 ...". 

ii) When either operator receives a confirmation message, such as "R27", and all required information is complete he must confirm with a string of R's, inserting his own callsign after each eighth R: "RRRRRRRR HG5AIR RRRR ....". When the other operator has received R's the contact is complete and he may respond in the same manner, usually for three periods. 

e. Requirements for a complete QSO

Both operators must have copied both callsigns, the report and a confirmation that the other operator has done the same. This confirmation can either be an "R" preceding the report or a string of "RRRR..."'s as explained in paragraph 7.d.ii.

7. Missing information (telegraphy only)

If a confirmation report is received at an early stage in the contact, the other operator has all the information he needs. The following strings may then be used to ask for missing information: 
BBB.... both callsigns missing
MMM....my callsign missing
YYY.... your callsign missing
SSS.... duration and signal strength missing
OOO.... all information complete
UUU.... faulty keying or unreadable

The other operator shall respond by sending only the required information. This approach must be used with great caution to prevent confusion.

Note. These procedures were adopted at the IARU Region 1 Conference in Miskloc-Tapolca (1978), later slightly amended at the IARU Region 1 Conference in Noordwijkerhout (1987), Toremolinos (1990), de Haan (1993) and San Marino (2002).

Anlage 4 ( ZIP File aller Antragspapiere) 

Anlage 5 DRAFT !!


Committee Committee C5.15 (VHF/UHF/Microwaves)


At the informal IARU Region 1 meeting, Friedrichshaven 2001, there was a discussion regarding misuse by operators of the intercontinental DX section 50.100 - 50.130MHz within the Six Metre band. Those attending the meeting agreed that there was an educational problem and reference was made to the UK Six Metre Group voluntary operating code of practice for Six Metre operators. 


A. To include the UK Six Metre Group voluntary operating code of conduct within the IARU Region 1 VHF Managers Handbook.

B. For VHF Managers and other officers of national societies to actively promote the operating code of conduct in their associated magazines or other medium (e.g. Web sites, packet radio etc) as appropriate.

In summary the proposed code of practice could cover.


Please read these recommendations carefully and try to adopt their use in your everyday operating.


It should be recognised by all 6M operators that Six Metres is a DX band as well as carrying normal amateur radio QSO's. All 6M operators should always treat each other with respect and tolerance.


Always respect your local band plan as issued by IARU.


Do not cause nuisance and disturbance to other operators with local QSO's within the 50.100MHz to 50.130MHz DX window.


True Six Metre DX'ers spend about five percent of their time transmitting while ninety-five percent of time is spent listening and observing changing band conditions and propagation modes. This will be far more effective than just calling CQ DX at random.

50.100 - 50.130MHz DX WINDOW

The DX Window is widely accepted and should, in principle, be used for inter-continental DX QSO's only. The definition of what constitutes a 'DX' station lies with an individual operator especially when a station within your own continent constitutes a new country.


This should be used for long-range DX contacts only. Do not under any circumstances engage in local continental QSO's on this frequency even for a minute or two. Do not encourage pile-ups on 50.110MHz.

50.110MHz CQ'ING

LISTENING is the first rule of working rare DX on Six Metres. So think twice before calling CQ on 50.110MHz. But the occasional CQ is good as it can discover an unrecognised opening.


Follow the style and take the lead of the DX operator in providing information. Otherwise keep it simple as there are other stations waiting in line.


You should listen to the DX stations carefully and not continue to call if they request a particular country or prefix if that is not you. You should NOT call if you cannot hear the DX station!


When a DX station creates a large pile-up, split-frequency operation is recommended. To minimise interference with other DX stations operating simplex, it is recommended that a maximum split of 10kHz is used.


It is always tempting to call a rare DX station every time you hear it. This should be avoided as it means that you are taking away the opportunity for the DX station to work a new station and give them their first QSO with the DX country.


CW is probably the best mode of operation on Six Metres due to the usually weak nature of many real DX openings.


All FM transmissions should be made above 50.300MHz for the obvious reason that FM is wideband and could wipe out weak DX signals.


Proper adjustment of transmitters will minimise distortion and reduce interference with operators on nearby frequencies. The correct level of audio setting for the microphone in use is essential for readability and minimal distortion. Linear amplifiers should be only driven so that they
operate in the linear region and in any case should only be used when propagation conditions require it. Please note that poor receiver performance with respect to adjacent channel rejection and overload will also limit your effectiveness.

This is a summary of the recommended Operating Code of Practice as issued by the UKSMG. The full version can be found on the Internet. 