Two notes downloaded from the "Make more miles on VHF" server:

LZ9X - KN32  
The LZ9X-Team will be qrv for the PERSEIDS
and the DUBUS and MMMonVHF MS Sprint Contest from the KN32AS
Dear friends, as usual LZ9X will be active during the Perseides Meteor Shower. We will be at 1536m a.s.l. with an IC910H, MGF1302 on the mast,
 2xDJ9BV 4WL, EME power, beer, beer... ... more...

Meteor Scatter: August 2009 and Perseids Shower 

 It’s now time for what is certainly the most popular among meteor showers: the Perseids. Perseids maximum is
predicted by IMO on August 12, between 17.30 and 20 UT with ZHR=100 hr-1.
There is the possibility that Perseids
may produce increased rates in 2009, as well as more than one peak like in recent years. Especially the encounter
with a dust trail ejected by parent comet in year 1610, could lead to significant meteor rates enhancement. For
more details please do have a look to shower predictions for August 2009 at our MMMonVHF MS-Propagationpage.
Meantime there are as well an ACTIVITY-OVERVIEW for the upcoming PERSEIDSS-Shower.
If you want to be added in the list, please pass an info via MMMonVHF Contact-Form.