It was -
or wasn't?
Today I will remember the 23cm band -
by the way - these days it is 70 years since the first OK amateur radio
QSO on 23cm!
Once upon a time there were radio
amateurs who were interested in everything new, trying propagation on ever
higher bands, overcoming circuit intricacies, learning physics and
mathematics because without their knowledge they could not get ahead of
the competition. Competition was a natural companion to their efforts. It's
logical, every man strives to achieve something better and higher. Hence,
amateur radio contests were born - contests to make more contacts over the
greatest distance and with the greatest number of states on the greatest
number of bands. Antennas began to be improved, the laws of the
electromagnetic field were studied. Many radio amateurs achieved top
education and wide knowledge, which was behind the rapid development of
the radio industry during World War II and the post-war years. Probably
the last principled technical revolution that radio amateurs mastered as
one large community was the transition from telegraph to SSB. They even
founded a large amateur radio organization that had a worldwide scope and
represented the interests of all active radio amateurs. Everything was
looking great. But the Cold War started, and some powerful countries
started acting like they owned the whole world, radio spectrum not
included. But physics is not constrained by borders, nor by the political
views of any rich people. Just as it has not been possible (yet) to
privatize oxygen for breathing, it has not been possible to do so with the
radio spectrum. The International Telegraph Union, which regulates the
international postal service, has become the International
Telecommunications Union, to which the member states of the world have
also imposed the regulation of the radio spectrum. Radio amateurs were
there and succeeded in achieving not only recognition of the Amateur Radio
Service as one of the common radio services that others must respect, and
even, by the time of the late 1940s and 1950s, worldwide validity of the
exclusive use of certain frequency bands by amateur radio operators. Those
of them who understood that the future of radio communication lay in the
use of frequencies that were still lying fallow in the decimetre and even
shorter bands. The second group of amateur radio operators unfortunately
stagnated and improved the details of what had already been discovered and
commonly used. Collectors started to hunt for QSL tickets of so called
rare countries, DXpeditions were organized to make money, contesting using
unlimited power and remotely controlled stations. To this was added the
shameful forcing of some radio amateurs to train conscripts in telegraphic
radio communication during the Cold War by the great powers, which was
supported by the armed forces with material benefits that brought more
people into paramilitary associations who did not understand the legacy of
the basic radio amateur principles of friendly peaceful coexistence
between people of all countries, nations and states. Thus, those
interested in operating exclusively on shortwave bands (honouring the
exceptions) have become the majority leadership of amateur radio
organisations and communities, regardless of the political orientation of
individual countries, starting with the Russian Dosaaf and ending with the
American Mars organisation.
Those interested in technology and operation on VHF and GHz bands remained
on the sidelines. These were mainly younger and more educated people who
were of higher social status and very busy. There was no thought of any
positions in amateur radio organizations. When the next technical
revolution occurred - which was digital and mobile - the fossil leadership
of the amateur radio organizations came under pressure from the microwave
lobby - and understandably succumbed... So, under circumstances as yet
unknown, they handed over the hitherto exclusive amateur radio allocations
of the early 1950s to the national radio regulators, apparently free of
charge (perhaps), and so these hitherto blocked frequencies came into the
hands of the ITU. Certainly 21st century radio amateurs should push for a
careful study of the ITU archives and find out who (by name), when and in
collaboration with whom else and from what organisations were involved in
this theft of the century! By the way - in a similar manner, fixed IPV4
addresses that were (supposedly) held in trust by the ARRL were (somehow)
stolen from the world amateur radio community. After the ITU obtained
exclusive allocations of amateur radio frequencies, it promptly sliced
them up so that radio amateurs would be left with nothing but eyes to cry
on... Not surprisingly, the military got most of them - that's the way it
goes in totalitarian societies... Or at least they were allocated to
services that had a direct link to the armies of individual countries (or
military blocs) (for example, radio navigation and radar). Well, radio
amateurs lost these VHF/GHz frequencies - forever! Of course, in practice
nobody actually noticed - radio amateurs remained on these frequencies (mostly)
as a secondary radio communication service. Whereas with radar, this
coexistence was mostly seamless - for if the military transmits, amateurs
do not hear any weak signals from counter stations and therefore do not
transmit (and therefore cannot interfere with the primary operation of the
radar service). Not to mention that the amateur radio service is a truly
peaceful operation and when amateurs transmit, military machines to
support the killing of people are usually silent. But let's get back to
the facts:
allotment year
1947 |
allotment year
2021 |
freq. band MHz/GHz |
E -exclusive,
S - shared |
freq. band MHz/GHz |
E -exclusive,
S - shared |
3,5 až 3,9MHz |
S |
3,5 až 3,9MHz |
E |
7.0 až 7,1 |
E |
7.0 až 7,2 |
E |
14,0 až 14,35 |
E |
14,0 až 14,35 |
E |
21 až 21,45 |
E |
18.07 až 18.17 |
E |
28 až 29,7 |
S |
21 až 21,45 |
E |
144 až 146 |
E |
24.9 až 25 |
E |
420 až 460 |
S |
28 až 29,7 |
E |
1215 až 1300 |
E |
144 až 146 |
E |
2300 až 2450 |
E |
430 až 440 |
S |
5650 až 5850 |
E |
1240 až 1300 |
S |
10 až 10.5 GHz |
E |
2300 až 2450 |
S |
5650 až 5850 |
S |
10 až 10.5 GHz |
S |
As you can see, the
representatives of the amateur radio associations have won exclusive
frequency allocations in the shortwave bands over 70 years, and have de
facto paid for this advantage by surrendering exclusivity in all
commercially valuable amateur radio frequency bands above 146MHz. Is there
any better evidence that the representatives of the amateur radio
associations (which are organized by the IARU) don't give a damn about the
VHF bands and don't represent VHF radio amateurs? The situation is so
serious that it would not be surprising that even today all VHF bands (except
perhaps the de facto borderline two-meter) would be happily traded by
these "fighters" for a few extra kHz - if they were in the CW bands...
Worse, the IARU member organizations were silent for decades. I wish they
hadn't, when they are commanded by shortwave officers... Worse, it left
even VHF managers in the lurch... Until Galileo came along - a project
funded by the European Union. The first to point out the operational
collision was
G3LTF in 2005.
That's 17 years ago! Unfortunately nothing happened and the sheep kept
quiet. After all, it was "just VHF"... IARU Reg.1 was about shortwave,
especially the 6MHz band. As with the
EESS project. which
threatened to destroy the 70cm band, no one from the member organizations
came forward to lodge a formal protest to the IARU..The development
continued and the RSGB only started to deal with it seriously relatively
recently.That is why OK1TEH applied to be a member of the RSGB, so that we
could get up-to-date information. But there was silence. Until
June this year.
G4SJH presented an
EMC analysis prepared for IARU also during the EME meeting in Prague.
The fundamental flaw in this analysis is that it communicates to the
reader virtually only this (and I'll be vulgar): 'we know that the
23cm band is deeply f***ed... But we will try to do everything we can to
preserve the ability of all amateur radio services that use this band to
operate on it. Although it may be necessary to limit the radiated power to
just 1W RF power..."
This is a tragedy.
I spoke at length with author and try explained to him that
publishing some IARU analysis and resolutions is the worst thing the IARU
can do now. When they understood that 23cm was deeply f**ked up, they
should have prepared a Plan B first, because the results of the analysis
clearly show that the biggest problem for the compatibility of the two
services is the operation of unattended transmitters, especially those
that operate around the clock - i.e. ATV converters and FM/DSTAR
converters. Their operation needs to be urgently terminated and
negotiations with the ECC and ITU need to be triggered (lobbying in
advance for success, explaining and listening carefully and accommodating
opponents) and in particular negotiating with the spectrum advisory body
working for the European Commission (under DG Connect) as well as with
representatives of the ECC's Freguency Management Group (CEPT) and the
association of European regulators BEREC and persuading them, that 23cm is
the most used EME band in the world and banning its use would cause total
damage to the amateur community - which is why the IARU should propose (in
addition to banning other types of traffic) moving DX narrowband traffic
to the 1299 to 1300MHz band. That is, to show a willingness to suppress
mutual interference as much as possible, and to show that even radio
amateurs will be harmed but want to come to an agreement. Except IARU R1
didn't do all that... And he should have been working on it for at least
the last 5 years! I guess it's too late now...
Do you know what is likely to happen then? When WARC
2023 decides that the IARU must ensure the immediate termination of
operations in the 23cm band that interfere with Galileo receivers, the
European Commission's Spectrum Commission will take this conclusion to the
European Commission. And the latter will issue a EC Decision which has the
force of law and must be respected by EU Member States. The result will be
that the CTU will cancel amateur radio traffic on 23cm (and perhaps for
precautionary reasons elsewhere). Why have all these shortwave bodies (IARU,
CRC, DARC, EDR, etc, etc, etc...) been asleep for so many years? Well,
because it's "all about VHF" after all.
Expect the cessation of amateur radio operation in the
23cm band no earlier than January 1, 2024, and no later than summer 2024.
Get ready for it. The 6cm band is already basically liquidated here in OK
- CTU moved WIFI there (5725 to 5950MHz free of charge) even though it is
against international harmonisation - the 3cm band is very endangered as
well as, 9cm was liquidated by CRC. In addition, the 24GHz - the first GHz
band with amateur radio primary allocation is allowed to share fixed free
data service traffic, so there will be drifts of interference there over
time. I guess someone from CRC is trying to convince CTU that GHz traffic
needs to be channeled to HF among prospective CB youth...
I wrote to G4SJH in conclusion:
The radio amateur service in the 23cm band were
exclusively allocated many years ago. Who and when in IARU (or ARRL)
decided to continue to be a secondary service? Can ITU submit such consent?
Moving of narrowband types of operation to the 1299MHz
segment must be the next step after termination of all broadband radio
amateur operations in the band
We should consider that the end of the operation of
all unmanned radio amateur transmition outside the segment of 1298 to
1300MHz, including de facto stop of unmanned FT8 transmit. Or limit any
unmanned device power to 1W RFor so.
We shall consider that the potential interference of
navigation receivers is usually less critical in practice than the
measurements presented by Barry G4SJH. Narrow interference, albeit of the
same power level as broadband data, does not cause its interruption, but
only a higher error rate and because the radio amateurs in their
communication will do always a longer gap at the transmission (due to RX),
the interference disappears and the data are then loaded correctly. Thus,
satellite navigation will be not interrupted by sharing of radio amateur
signals, but only it may create some possible delay.
The 100W power level, which are now counts for radio
amateur broadcasting, is as insufficient, all who run EME and similar
types of DX operation knows it well. The negotiations could therefore
monitor the performance restrictions over time - for example, the average
(mean) level of radio amateur transmission in any minute period must not
exceed the 100W. This is closely related to the potential interference of
data transfer, listed in the previous point. The power level EME
transmitters using a parabolic mirror as an antenna should not be subject
to power restriction if the antenna is used in elevation higher than 30
degrees above the horizon.