Hello Mateji,

On 8/25/2024 8:05 GMT, DL7YC and RW3BP managed an EME CW QSO, the WORLDWIDE FIRST TIME EVER without any computer involvement........LIVE, purely manual operation.

This has never been achieved before!!! 

The time of the QSO was set in the area of ​​the lowest libration (< 200 Hz), whereby the 2.4m mirrors used on both sides helped a little bit, to make the signals more narrower.

By concentrating the energy reflected by the moon on a very small frequency range, the echoes at DL7YC reached approx. 5 dB above the noise (analysis with Spectran V2.0 / 2.4 kHz BW). The CW signals from DL7YC at RW3BP were even a little louder due to a slightly higher output power. (Listen to audio file enclosed)

Station equipment used at DL7YC: 2400mm prime focus precision dish, f/D 0.38, Scalar feed from CT1DMK, RW3BP preamp 1.3dB NF uncooled, HUGHES TWTA 42 Watt @47 GHz on feed, WR22-WG switch, DB6NT TRV, DB6NT Multi-Oscillator Sun noise (August 2024) 13.5dB at 45 degree elevation, Moon noise (August 2024) 2.1dB max at 50 degree elevation (night, clear sky) 

Station equipment used at RW3BP: 2400mm offset precision dish, f/D 0.6, two dual-mode feeds, each for TX and RX, RW3BP preamp 1.2dB NF uncooled, homemade SSPA 30 Watt @47 GHz at the feed, water-cooled design, Sun noise (August 2024) 15.0 dB at 45 degrees elevation, Moon noise (Winter 2023/2024) 3.02dB !!!! max at 60 degrees elevation (cold, clear sky). Due to the elimination of the WG switch, the values ​​are higher !!! 

Vy 73 Manfred, DL7YC


PS: Congrats!!! by all ok2kkw team