During hamradio meeting on Helgoland island 24-25th March DA0HEL
became QRV on 2m and 70cm. On 2m they are QRV also fsk441 MS, on 70cm they
have FT897 + 120W PA and 19el yagi + 50m long Aircell coax. If you wanna
to try CW or SSB test, look at ON4KST chat for Christoph, DK2CRN.
Note from OK1TEH: they were real 559 on 70cm in Prague during Sunday
morning 25th March, QRB 635km.
My QTH is closed
to JO34 direction by wood & hill.
Matej, OK1TEH
PS: Note from 28th March: activity is underway even during this week