Club history
As mentioned on the front page, OK2KKW has been partialy related to the former OK1KRA club station, a very famous VHF/UHF station in eighties. Our current operators have been almost all experienced operators of OK1KRA, who made a good reputation of that callsign during a lot of contests and VHF/UHF DX opennings. Unfortunately in early ninetees this club station splitted into two groups due to various reasons and almost all of active operators founded the new OK2KKW. OK2 is of course a Moravian district number, but as we were looking for a good new callsign we were offered this one by a friend living in Brno. The callsign was registered to his company there and not used for a long time. Originally we intended to change it to OK1, but after a great success in our first contests we kept the OK2 prefix, although all our members live in Prague.
We would have won even our very first contest on 144 MHz in 1990, but unfortunately we had sent a log with a wrong date. From October 1990 till 1997 we won all 70 cm multi op contests in OK we took part in, except for 1991, when we made an expedion to the Netherlands (as PA/OK1WC), where we took the 3rd virtual place in PA-UHF contest.
Very flat top of the hill at 1030 m a.s.l. - our contest QTH and the 70 & 23 cm operation stand in a caravan on the top of an old military radar ramp
We succeeded also in our contest expedition to the IARU UHF contest to France in 1994. We won in both F and OK as well. (log of F/OK2KKW/p) Later on, the representatives of Czech Radioclub Contest Comitee changed rules. The stations are taken into the OK results only if they take part in the contest from the territory of Czech Republic. Our next expedition was to G in October 1998 for the UHF contest. Our good friend G8DWQ is the landlord of a nice pub in Toft Monks near Beccless in Norfolk county JO02 square. We tried the contest from the other side. It was an exciting experience. We were surprised by the very low activity there and how important are big gun antenna systems in the fix direction to the east (rotators are almost not necessary, HI). We had only single antenna for 70 cm band, so our results were not briliant, but still we took 3rd place in UK 70 cm multi op category ( UK list of UHF contest results).
Our stable contest QTH in OK is located near the Czech-German border in JO60JJ square, at 1030 m a.s.l. It is not any superior QTH, because hills of almost the same high are all around in distances of tenths kms, but we have a small cottage there and relatively low local QRM. Because the famous Klinovec hill (JO60LJ 1253 m a.s.l.) is about 10 kms to the east, we are very screened especialy to the OK and SP9 area. We found out that the forest in the very interesting PA, DL direction has grown up in last years and overgrew our masts. Also the activity on 144 and 432 MHz is moving more nad more to the east. Due to all these factors our results in last 3 years are not as good as before.
But still this QTH is not so bad. Our personal best results was in the 1995 UHF contest, when during superior condx we made 700 QSOs at 70 cms. Nobody made similar result on 70 cm in OK list yet. ( Log of UHF contest 1995).
Minor problems we have in contest s with interference with OL7C (another contest station, placed only 3 kms from us in the same locator) and from 23 cm radar applications but I think it started be problem almost everywhere.
At last we must apologies to everybody, who are waiting to our QSL cards. We are not members of Czech radioclub from good reasons and so we are not able send contest QSL to everybody. But soon at this internet page will be placed our contest logs with possibility downloaded QSL for you. If those internet QSL will be sent to us directly (to OK1DIX or OK1VPZ), we are ready personaly confirm it and return to you promptly. Thank you for patience.
If anybody from you has interest to join us, OK2KKW club station is open to invite any new interested hams, who want to work for success of this team at all bands.
We hope meet you in the next contest.
OK1VPZ August 2000