From: Vladimír Petržílka [mailto:ok1vpz<at>]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 11:15 PM
To: 'iv3kkw<at>'
Cc: 'ok1teh Petrzilka'
Subject: FW: Re: Question about Calendar

Hi Alex

we got your second version of the IARU Contests list draft. Remind my emails in the attachment, please.

For example we are missing there Czech Winter QRP Contest.

Anyway - thanks a lot for such large effort to coordinate all EU VHF contesting! It is very appreciated!

We are looking forward to get the final version for publication on OK2KKW VHF portal.

Best 73


From: Vladimír Petržílka [mailto:ok1vpz<at>]
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 3:36 PM
To: 'Alex IV3KKW'
Cc: 'dl5nah<at>'; 'Petr Kašpárek'; 'OK1DOM'
Subject: RE: [Iaru_contest] IARU Contest Calendar


Hi Alex
please correct mistake in OK2ULQ table. The Czech Winter QRP Contest in February (it is not organized by CRC), has first run is on 432, the second on 144MHz.
Please accept corrected version:

BTW: it is similar time plan, like in the German BBT.