---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: F2CT <F2CT(a&t)wanadoo.fr>
Datum: 10. 5. 2014
Předmět: [Moon] EME 2014 last news


Hello to All « Lunatics »  

As you know EME 2014 Conference will take place in less than 4 months. At today are registered around 100 delegates and partners from 20 different countries. Logistic and technical staffs are still working hard in order that this meeting be a success.

Our goal is to gather all Hams interested by EME, Radioastronomy and also by all Radiocommunications modes .. If you have a look on the program you will see that lot of talks deal with SHF propagation, Antenna systems , SDR , SSPA , LNA , etc but also with some very interesting subjects such as relationships between Hams , scientists , students and partners project between some radio-observatories where Hams are working.

 So all people are welcome.

Our community is so “small“ all around the world that this conference organized every 2 years must become the opportunity
to gather and to publish widely our knowledge because EME is the only solution to make intercontinental

contacts on U/SHF and microwaves without satellite help ! Don’t forget that !

 At IARU R1 VARNA in september 2014 and WRC 2015 conferences, frequencies allocations for Hams and new bands plans projects will be “on the bench“ . I think that our community must be very carefull.

So don’t forget that registration dead line is on May 31th for those who wish to be lodged at the Belambra resort and on June 30th for those who whish to take part only at the Conference talks.

But remember that in Brittanny, all Hotels are full up at the end of august and it’s very difficult and expensive to find rooms.
We know that some of you reproach us for organizing this conference during the week but as I already explained, it was the only solution In order to gather all people in a same location and also to propose nice activities for partners enjoying
Bittanny and granit rose coast.

Sorry fort that trouble but as most of you I’m not retired ! when I decide to attend an EME meeting I must take one week minimum to travel , visit new country and spend some time with EME friends !!!  

So many thanks for all Hams registered , for all kind words and messages we received. Logistic and technical staffs are working hardly for all our community. So they must be respected for their contribution. Finally, it’s not a F2CT EME Conference but the EME 2014 Conference for all our community !!!  

Many  thanks also for all contributors and sponsors  

We are waiting for your booking as soon as possible. 



73 Guy F2CT

"always further outdistances , always higher in frequency !"