first in EU !
We are very pleased, because
REF, the French amateur radio association after a long time finally
released Official list of the International IARU 2004 UHF/SHF Contest
results, where our Contest
club OK2KKW
was evaluated as the European winner in the Multi operator category on the
most occupied 70cm band, where we beat our long time rivals
DL0GTH and OL4A.
This win is for us even more valuable, because our opponents reached
brilliant results as well and behind our success is not some bad luck on
their side. We are proud, that after long years, where we were several times
in the top ten of the International VHF Contests results, we finally reach
(side by side with other superb OK stations) the entitlement to have a
record in the European VHF
However we need accent, that
this success was resulted not only as our club effort only, but as
well as result of help our friends from
OL9W team. And due to that this success
should be consider as their's success too.
Unfortunately, Official
REF Contest results are not complete yet and more national result,
such a
I, OM,
HA, S5,
9A and very probably even more, were not evaluated at all as a part of
the International result
list. We are very surpriced, that such uncompleted results could
be published as an Official... |