-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Jentzsch [mailto:michael_jentzsch(zavinac)yahoo.de] Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 1:04 PM To: ok1teh(zavinac)seznam.cz Cc: ok1vpz(zavinac)seznam.cz Subject: July Contest. results from France: 603000 points by TM7G de DF5GZ
Dear OM Matej, dear Om Vladimir
as you know, there has been
extrem good tropo propagation on the July Contest.
EA and southern France to G, GI, GM, EI; OZ; LA; SM.
It might be of interest to you
and your OK2KKW Site, that that the results from
France (by REF) are out now:
TM7G made 603000 Points on 144MHz with an average of
I think, this ist the first
time since 1981 ( Sept.. Contest 1981: OK1KHI/P
with 618792 ponints) that a station made more than
600000 points at 2m
in a contest.
About 200 QSO
over 1000km by TM7G!!!
Also extraordinary good results
by TM7G on 70, 23,
13 and 3 cm!Have a look!
5P5T made a very good job in
this year September Contest! But TM7G made the best
Contest of the last 3 decades.
Please have also a look on the
winner of the Single Section:
F6FZS/P. 301 QSO; 214330 points,
He has been working as a QRP Station, running only 3 Watt to 13ele Yagi from times!!!! 63 QSO over 1000km!! The best DX of this opening goes to EA and LA/SM (about 2100km), but the points are with our friends in France.
To your information: Here are
some links:
The list with the results: http://concours.ref-union.org/resultats/2013/2013_rph.pdf TM7G with Slide- Show: http://f1nsr.blogspot.de/ The list with "Claimed Scores" . By clicking on the Call a map with the wkd stations will be generated: http://concours.ref-union.org/logrecus/claimed.php?periode=2013&contest=rph On "Soapbox" you will find this: F6FZS/P Commentaire: bande 144 MHz : FORMIDABLE PROPAGATION TROPO HORS NORME 63 QSO A PLUS DE 1000 KM PARFOIS AVEC SEULEMENT 3WATTS ET 13 ELE TONNA !!! I like to say "Thank You" for your OK2KKW site. It is one of my favorites. 73 de Michael DF5GZ ===================================== Thanks a lot Michael for very interesting message. Let's express a BIG CONGRATS FOR TM2G AND F6FZS for such extraordinary result!!! I'm quite sure, that all readers of our web page will send similar congrats to all, who wrote such exciting history of July VHF Contest! 73 Vlada OK1VPZ