Pro zajímavost (by ok1vpz): když je
tranzistorový PA řádně ochráněn (v tomto případě pravděpodobně jak
tepelnými a nadproudovými ochranami, tak i ochranou proti nevyvážení
jednotlivých sdružených jednotek), dokáže přežít i takové brutální
-----Original Message-----
From: [On Behalf
Of Fausto Coletti]
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Moon-Net] ON0EME beacon???
And then there are those who say that the LDMOS are fragile.
73, Fausto IK4NMF
----- Original Message -----
From: Eddy Jespers
To: Edward R Cole
Cc: ;
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Moon-Net] ON0EME beacon???
The ON0EME 1296 moonbeacon had a burned out center pin on the N connector
on the Ecoflex 15 cable going to the feedhorn.
The problem is fixed with new connectors but we will change these to 7/16
connectors soon.
So all RF was left inside the beacon box. This wiped out the webserver as
well as the switches and ADSL modem, so we had no remote access anymore to
the beacon.
The power amplifiers have been transmitting in an OPEN coax for two full
moon passes. I measured the output power and all is back to nominal, so
the power amplifiers and hybrid couplers / loads survived.
So the beacon should be up and running again this evening.
73's ON0EME team
On 21-okt-2013, at 18:15, Edward R Cole wrote:
I get this when I try to verify the beacon status:
The requested URL " " cannot be found or is not available. Please
check the spelling or try again later.
I received a signal below 1296.000 MHz last night but could not verify if
the beacon was running. The info on the main page implies the beacon is
sending CW but all I hear is very long QRSS CW which does not come out to
be "ON0EME"? Yet the signal peaks on the Moon? Unfortunately, no one is
awake when I see the Moon, so there are no eme signals.
I have been reluctant to take any skeds until I can confirm I am seeing
some eme signals. Moon was in a clear cold sky last night so no issue
whether I pointed correctly (ambient temp =0C). I didn't bother spending
an hour outside in the dark and rain this morning to get the dish turned
to toward Moonset like I did yesterday (again with no stations QRV).
73, Ed - KL7UW