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Předmět: RSGB News: Summary of RSGB-Ofcom meeting published

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GB2RS News

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Summary of RSGB-Ofcom meeting published

Among the principal items on the agenda were the review of amateur radio licence, the revalidation of licences, VHF spectrum release proposals, amateur radio on the ISS and the public sector spectrum release

1MHz more amateur spectrum likely at 2m

Ofcom have published a consultation paper that makes proposals for the release of VHF spectrum

D-Star repeater replaced by MotoRTBO in Dundee

The GB7DD D-Star repeater in Dundee was shut down due to lack of use and has been replaced by a Motorola MotoTRBO DMR TDMA digital voice repeater

Also in GB2RS this week...


RSGB Construction Competition 2014


Correction to 23 March 2014 GB2RS: GB4IMD


Snakes and Ladders


LBAA Radio Astronomy Group General Meeting


Amateur radio geostationary transponders


Firmware update for the IC-7700


Book a club talk with Richard, G3CWI


Firmware update for the IC-7700


Thai amateurs get extension to 2m band

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