New RF PWR components by Freescale (June 2012), suitable as well as for amateur radio applications

RF Power
Documentation : Fact Sheets
RFLANDMBFS, RFLANDMBFS: Land Mobile LDMOS Transistors - Fact Sheet, pdf, 418K
Documentation : Supporting Information
LANDMOBILE_TRN_SI, New Generation of Land Mobile Radio Products, pdf, 765K
Development Tools : Printed Circuit Boards and Schematics, Printed Circuit Boards
AFT05MS031N_520NB_PCB, AFT05MS031N 520 MHz Narrowband PCB DXF file, zip, 216K
Development Tools : Printed Circuit Boards and Schematics, Printed Circuit Boards
AFT09MS031N_870NB_PCB, AFT09MS031N 870 MHz Narrowband PCB DXF file, zip, 28K
Development Tools : Printed Circuit Boards and Schematics, Printed Circuit Boards
MRFE6VP100H_30_512_PCB, MRFE6VP100H 30-512 MHz Broadband PCB DXF file, zip, 361K
Documentation : Fact Sheets
RFWIDEBNDFS, RFWIDEBNDFS: 50V Rugged Wideband LDMOS Transistors – Fact Sheet, pdf, 329K
Documentation : Supporting Information
50VWIDEBAND_TRN_SI, 50V Rugged Wideband LDMOS Transistors, pdf, 760K
Development Tools : Simulation and Models, RF High Power Models
MRFE6VS25N_MDL_ADS, MRFE6VS25NR1 ADS Product Model Design Kit, zip, 139K
Development Tools : Simulation and Models, RF High Power Models
MRFE6VS25N_MDL_AWR, MRFE6VS25NR1 AWR Product Model Design Kit., zip, 167K
Development Tools : Calculators
MRFE6VS25N_MTTF_CALC, MRFE6VS25NR1 RF Power Electromigration MTTF Calculation Program, xlsx, 29K
Development Tools : S-Parameters
MRFE6VS25N_SP, MRFE6VS25NR1 S-Parameters, s2p, 25K
Documentation : Data Sheets
MRFE6VS25N, MRFE6VS25NR1 1.8-2000 MHz, 25 W, 50 V Wideband RF Power LDMOS Transistor, pdf, 1301K
Development Tools : Printed Circuit Boards and Schematics, Printed Circuit Boards
MRFE6VS25N_1.8_30_PCB, MRFE6VS25N 1.8-30 MHz Broadband PCB DXF file, zip, 337K
Development Tools : Printed Circuit Boards and Schematics, Printed Circuit Boards
MRFE6VS25N_1030NB_PCB, MRFE6VS25N 1030 MHz Narrowband PCB DXF file, zip, 54K
Development Tools : Printed Circuit Boards and Schematics, Printed Circuit Boards
MRFE6VS25N_512NB_PCB, MRFE6VS25N 512 MHz Narrowband PCB DXF file, zip, 292K
Documentation : Data Sheets
MRF6V12500H, MRF6V12500HR3, MRF6V12500HSR3 960-1215 MHz, 500 W, 50 V Pulse Lateral N-Channel RF Power MOSFETs, pdf, 959K
