-----Original Message-----
From: iaru_contest-bounces@ml.oevsv.at [mailto:iaru_contest-bounces@ml.oevsv.at] On Behalf Of Alex IV3KKW Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 10:59 PM To: ...ok1vpz..... Subject: [Iaru_contest] Marconi Memorial Contest 2013 Rules
ARI (Italian Amateur Radio Association) invites
you to participate in the 41th Marconi Memorial Contest
VHF on November 2nd-3rd 14:00-14:00 utc
Contest rules are attached. Prizes: The first three stations in each category. Be careful
We have now a New Contest
Logs have to be sent to NEW e-mail
address mmc_vhf@ari.it
Please put this info on your web pages, mailing lists or VHF forums.
73 Alex IV3KKW