Interesting discussion on the matter of use digital modes
versus CW only in EME operation
Copy of some fragments of EME chats content within last week
Message----- Over the past days I have seen messages on my screen from the EME-reflectors, that I normally only see from the students in the school of which I am principal of. But they are in the range of 16-20 years old with a lot to learn in life and they amuse me sometimes… But the ones I read here, are not all that amusing I must say. I don’t want to add oil to the fire but I feel an urge to help analyze the problem and see if there is a way out for us all. We simply cannot go on like this… We first need to split the problem in two major sections I think. One is the competitive issue, the number two is about the obvious difference between CW and Computer Aided Radio, also known as CAR (new word…) The competitive issue is not new. In all sports, the use of special tricks and aids are endlessly being subject of discussion. For instance in skating, a sport I very much like to do myself, the use of special suits or skates are always an argument for disqualification. But in the end, the contest committee of these sports always find a way to solve it. Either by creating separate contest category’s , or by saying that everyone should use that new suite or the special skates with less resistance etc. In our
case this issue “hangs” and I feel there is urgent work to do for the
contest committee, I believe the one of ARRL in this case. The solution
may be simple: create separate sections, or say that everyone should use
CAR. My suggestion is to create separate sections for the old fashioned
EME work and one for CAR, so that all of us can choose the one we like
most. The
second section of our problem concerns about the very obvious difference
between CW as decoded by humans and CAR on the other end. Will you join? Ok, lets go to the future J Best to all, Dick/ PA2DW