To: Users of WSJT
From: Joe Taylor, K1JT (for the WSJT Working Group)
Subject: WSJT 5.9.2
Date: January 16, 2006
The WSJT Working Group is pleased to announce that Version 5.9.2 is
available for free download at
It should appear soon on the European mirror site,,
as well.
Improvements over previous versions are summarized at They include
enhancements to the decoders for FSK441, JT6M, and JT65 modes, the
ability to set on-screen font sizes, several new keyboard shortcuts,
some bug fixes, and more.
WSJT is no longer a one-person effort, and the program no longer runs
only under Microsoft Windows. It is now a full-fledged Open Source
project, with an active working group making contributions to future
development. The first significant result of the group effort has been
to create versions of WSJT that run under the Linux and FreeBSD
operating systems. Porting WSJT to the Macintosh OS/X platform should
also be straightforward, but has not yet been done.
Source code for WSJT is stored in a public repository under control of a
version control system called "Subversion", or SVN. You can learn more
about the WSJT development efforts at
If you are interested in testing and using WSJT on your own Linux or
FreeBSD system, we'd like to hear from you. Warning: we have not yet
created generalized installation packages for WSJT on Linux or FreeBSD;
the present versions are intended mainly for programmers who are
knowledgeable about their operating systems and have at least passing
familiarity with Python, C, and Fortran.
If you feel that you can usefully contribute to the future development
of WSJT on any platform, we would also like to hear from you! We could
use help with documentation and website maintenance, as well as actual
programming and algorithm development.
The present WSJT working group consists of:
Diane Bruce, VA3DB
James Courtier-Dutton
Bob McGwier, N4HY
Jonathan Naylor, ON/G4KLX
Stewart Nelson, KK7KA
Joe Taylor, K1JT
Kaj Wiik, OH6EH