Změny provedené v poslední verzi VUSC 4 WIN v. 6.18:
vypocitani a zobrazeni azimutu v
databazi po zadani aktualniho QTH nebo otevreni zavodu
automaticka kontrola databaze pri
prevzeti znacky z band mapy
doplneni azimutu pri prevzeti znacky
z databaze pro pripadne automaticke dotoceni rotatoru
automaticke poslani poslednich
spojeni pri kratkodobem vypadku site
a doplnene vzorove konfiguracni soubory pro ruzna rozliseni
zmizeni noveho rozepsaneho spojeni
pri prepnuti do jineho okna nebo obnoveni hlavniho okna
nemoznost zvoleni jineho sitoveho
rozhrani je-li v lokalni siti aktivni DHCP
ztrata spojeni k nodu za urcitych
okolnosti, byla-li IP adresa pro dane pasmo vlozena manualne.
What is new in the version
calculation and displaying of azimuths in
database entries as soon as the current QTH is entered
automatic database check when copying a
callsign from the band map
filling in of azimuth when copying the
callsign from the database for contigent automatic rotator control
automatic re-sending of the last QSOs when
short-time network connection interrupt occures
added configuration file templates for
various display resolution
erasing of the currently entered QSO
when the main window was switched and/or renewed.
impossibility of choosing the network
interface when DHCP is active in LAN.
connection lost to the node under
certain circumstances when its IP address was entered manually
Změny v předcházejících verzích / Updates in the previous
versions: VUSC 6.17, 6.16, 6.15, 6.14, 6.13,
6.12, 6.10,
6.0.9, 6.0.6, 6.0.3