Změny provedené v poslední verzi VUSC 4 WIN v.6.0.3:

Změny provedené ve  verzi VUSC 4 WIN v.6.0.2:

Nove ficurky. Zabudovany poznatky z A1 Contestu

  • Zkratky ALT/+ a ALT- na ovladani rychlosti a lepsi ovladani mysi
  • Pridany funkce do ovladani band mapy, filtrace udelanych spojeni aj.
  • Pridano prepocitavani deniku na jiny zpusob hodnoceni.
  • Pridan Readme.txt s upozornenim na kopirovani souboru z adresare data pri nove instalaci
  • Odstranena chyba, pri havarii programu se nenacetla spravne spojeni z pracovniho souboru.
  • Odstranena chyba, pri komunikaci s packetovym modemem se pridaval NEWLINE do bufferu.

    What is new in the version VUSC 4 WIN 6.03:

    What was new in the version VUSC 4 WIN 6.02:

  • New shortcuts ALT/+ a ALT/- for speed CW control, also better mouse handling
  • New functions for band map control (filtration wkd QSO's e.t.c)
  • New logs recalculation function for different evaluation types and locator change
  • New file Readme.txt with instruction how to install the database
  • Fixed bug, when program crashed, QSO's weren't  read correctly from work file
  • Fixed bug, when communicating with packet modem, a NEWLINE was add to the buffer

    (BTW home folder of vusc should be not in Desktop folder (for example c:\vusc6 is ok)