Od: Darrell <ve1alq@nbnet.nb.ca>
Komu: Doug McArthur <tikaluna@bigpond.com> , moon-net <moon-net@list-serv.davidv.net>
, moonbounce <moon@moonbounce.info>
[Moon-net] EME Calculator Version 4:00 & EME Planner update
Datum: 18.10. 2007, 16:40 - včera v 16:40
Hi Folks; 2 New Files from Doug uploaded:
EME Calculator Version 4:00 and EME Planner update.
Look for Oct 18, 2007.......Date I Uploaded to Site
Regards & Thanks, Darrell
At 07:48 PM 10/17/2007, you wrote:
>Attached is the latest update of the calculator and has the
>additional notable refinements and additions.
>- Aperture Correction Factor for both Sun and Moon now fully implemented.
>- Additional frequencies added for full 2.3GHz band along with Radio
>Astronomy and Deep Space allocations.
>- revamp of the Y Factor calculations. With the data available,
>Aperture Source calculations are only valid for 144 and 432 MHz and
>are now only available for those bands.
> Point Source calculations continue to be provided, now with an
> indication as to validity of data source being of a verified or an
> extrapolated value.
>The updated Help file reflects the changes.
>I will also forward the latest Planner update in a separate email.
>When it has been downloaded , I will provide a suitable announcement
>on the reflectors.
>Regards and thanks