Protože v souvislosti se stále rozsáhlejším používáním programu WSJT nabývá na stále větší zajímavosti EME provoz 
v pásmu 144 MHz,  může se vám hodit  tato  tabulka VE7BQH, která ukazuje, jaké vlastnosti bude mít anténní soustava 
složená ze 4 antén uvedených typů při daných, optimalizovaných vzdálenostech mezi anténami:

VE7BQH G/T chart (Issue 47 July 22, 2005)      

                     G/T SIMULATIONS OF A 4 BAY ARRAY         
                       OF YAGI ANTENNAS ON 2 METERS
                                144.1 MHz

 TYPE OF      L     GAIN      E      H      Ga     Tlos     Ta        G/T
 ANTENNA     (WL)   (dBd)    (M)    (M)    (dBd)    (K)     (K)

 W1JR 8 MOD  1.80   11.17    3.09   2.76   17.15    3.04    266.57   -4.96
 DJ9BV 1.8   1.81   11.38    3.16   2.80   17.31    3.16    267.12   -4.81
 BQH8A       1.87   11.63    3.27   2.96   17.64    6.77    262.35   -4.40
 I0JXX 8     2.04   12.16    3.46   3.17   18.18   11.34    217.71   -3.05
 M2 9        2.12   12.08    3.34   3.04   18.08    8.77    254.38   -3.83
 DJ9BV 2.1   2.14   11.92    3.33   3.04   17.92    4.66    260.72   -4.10
*OZ5HF 9     2.16   11.75    2.70   2.50   17.21    2.95    264.46   -4.87
 OZ5HF 9     2.16   11.75    3.25   2.96   17.71    2.99    262.13   -4.33
 F9FT 11     2.17   11.71    3.27   2.97   17.70    5.21    262.64   -4.35
*CC 13B2     2.17   11.83    2.90   2.79   17.67    4.40    256.63   -4.28
 CC 13B2     2.17   11.83    3.33   3.04   17.83    4.46    263.15   -4.23
*CC 215WB    2.19   11.86    3.05   3.05   17.80    4.34    286.14   -4.62
 CC 215WB    2.19   11.86    3.48   3.19   17.87    4.40    287.83   -4.58
 RA3AQ-9     2.35   12.34    3.40   3.11   18.30    4.45    238.76   -3.33
#RA3AQ-9     2.35   12.34    3.26   3.26   18.37    4.44    240.91   -3.30  
 Eagle 10    2.38   12.28    3.44   3.15   18.29    6.07    249.46   -3.54
 DK7ZB 9     2.39   12.11    3.34   3.05   18.03    3.95    250.19   -3.81
*Flexa 224   2.49   11.90    3.50   3.30   18.01    8.29    264.66   -4.07
 Flexa 224   2.48   11.90    3.30   3.31   17.87    8.32    257.77   -4.10
 K5GW 10     2.49   12.57    3.45   3.16   18.53    5.72    241.20   -3.15
#K5GW 10     2.49   12.57    3.30   3.30   18.58    5.76    242.35   -3.12
 K1FO 12     2.53   12.49    3.46   3.18   18.44    3.51    245.43   -3.31
 I0JXX 12    2.68   12.69    3.59   3.32   18.68    4.45    247.49   -3.11   
 BQH 12J     2.80   12.82    3.66   3.40   18.85    3.09    252.88   -3.03
#BQH 12J     2.80   12.82    3.53   3.53   18.88    3.06    252.93   -3.06  
*M2 12       2.84   12.79    3.05   3.05   18.59    5.19    237.40   -3.02
 M2 12       2.84   12.79    3.48   3.21   18.71    5.15    237.98   -2.91
 BQH 10      2.86   13.07    3.70   3.44   19.05    6.59    240.48   -2.62 
#BQH 10      2.86   13.07    3.57   3.57   19.11    6.56    242.58   -2.59  
 DK7ZB 10    2.87   13.15    3.78   3.52   19.15    5.99    251.35   -2.71
 WB9UWA 12   2.90   12.82    3.45   3.17   18.73    6.93    227.71   -2.70     
 BQH 13      2.92   13.09    3.69   3.44   19.07    3.92    241.77   -2.62
#BQH 13      2.92   13.09    3.57   3.57   19.11    3.95    243.09   -2.60
*M2 20 XPOL  2.97   13.19    3.65   3.65   19.20    6.74    252.79   -2.68 
#M2 20 XPOL  2.97   13.19    3.65   3.65   19.20    6.74    252.79   -2.68 
 M2 20 XPOL  2.97   13.19    3.77   3.52   19.16    6.77    251.00   -2.69
*BVO-3WL     3.00   13.50    3.90   3.70   19.48    5.35    264.59   -2.60
 BVO-3WL     3.00   13.50    4.01   3.77   19.49    5.38    266.39   -2.62
#BVO-3WL     3.00   13.50    3.89   3.89   19.52    5.45    265.97   -2.58
*CD15LQD     3.11   12.87    4.00   3.80   18.96    4.57    261.85   -3.08
 CD15LQD     3.11   12.87    3.68   3.42   18.86    4.49    259.53   -3.14
 CD15LQD MOD 3.11   13.24    3.83   3.58   19.24    3.73    253.86   -2.66
 MBI FT17    3.12   13.34    3.84   3.59   19.31    6.02    246.36   -2.46
*CC3219      3.14   12.66    4.27   3.66   18.64    4.62    349.69   -4.65
 CC3219      3.14   12.66    4.05   3.80   18.65    4.65    354.61   -4.70
 CC3219 MOD  3.14   13.32    3.91   3.67   19.32    3.74    258.52   -2.66
*F9FT 17     3.15   12.87    3.68   3.50   18.92    5.74    243.96   -2.81
 F9FT 17     3.15   12.87    3.57   3.30   18.84    5.74    240.69   -2.83
 DJ9BV 3.2   3.22   13.36    3.85   3.58   19.34    3.99    246.42   -2.42
 K1FO 14     3.25   13.36    3.78   3.54   19.30    4.26    243.48   -2.42
 MBI 3.4     3.41   13.69    3.88   3.63   19.63    7.68    235.12   -1.94
*SM5BSZ 11   3.51   13.86    3.50   3.50   19.71    3.16    232.02   -1.80
 SM5BSZ 11   3.51   13.86    3.96   3.72   19.79    3.13    238.58   -1.84
*SM5BSZ 11A  3.52   13.97    4.00   4.00   19.96    3.13    244.17   -1.77
 SM5BSZ 11A  3.52   13.97    4.05   3.81   19.91    3.07    244.00   -1.82
 17LQD  EKM  3.59   13.37    3.83   3.59   19.35    4.57    252.49   -2.53
 17LQDE BQH  3.59   13.79    4.04   3.81   19.77    3.95    248.40   -2.04
 DJ9BV 3.6   3.61   13.73    4.00   3.77   19.64    4.25    258.21   -2.33
 K1FO 15     3.65   13.78    3.94   3.70   19.70    3.33    238.55   -1.93
 DK7ZB 12    3.83   14.30    4.34   4.12   20.26    5.66    251.50   -1.60
 DJ9BV OPT   3.99   14.22    4.29   4.08   20.18    4.99    248.48   -1.63
#DJ9BV OPT   3.99   14.22    4.19   4.19   20.21    5.03    247.16   -1.57
#SV 2SA13    4.01   14.46    4.20   4.20   20.44    4.67    246.84   -1.34
 SV 2SA13    4.01   14.46    4.37   4.16   20.43    4.67    247.35   -1.36
 DJ9BV 4.0   4.02   14.07    4.15   3.92   19.98    5.67    255.50   -1.95
 HG215DX     4.02   14.20    4.25   4.03   20.14    6.44    258.47   -1.84
 CC3219 MOD  4.05   14.20    4.34   4.13   20.17    4.28    256.17   -1.77
*CC4218XL    4.15   14.14    4.08   3.85   20.03    7.25    265.93   -2.07
 CC4218XL    4.15   14.14    4.45   4.23   20.11    7.17    266.22   -2.00
 WB9UWA 15   4.18   13.62    3.69   3.43   19.48    8.00    214.69   -1.69
 CC4218 MOD  4.18   14.29    4.24   4.02   20.24    5.25    244.97   -1.51
 K1FO 17     4.41   14.44    4.22   4.00   20.35    4.34    234.51   -1.21
 DJ9BV 4.4   4.42   14.36    4.28   4.06   20.25    6.19    256.51   -1.70
 SHARK 20    4.46   14.39    4.32   4.10   20.26    2.90    264.04   -1.81
 I0JXX 16    4.47   14.39    4.17   3.94   20.32    6.09    223.60   -1.03
#I0JXX 16    4.47   14.39    4.06   4.06   20.35    6.11    223.23   -0.99  
*CC17B2      4.51   14.53    3.66   3.51   20.22    4.83    233.29   -1.31
 CC17B2      4.51   14.53    4.28   4.06   20.47    4.99    234.82   -1.08
 DK7ZB 14    4.71   15.07    4.87   4.67   21.07    9.12    249.36   -0.77
 K1FO 18     4.77   14.72    4.35   4.14   20.63    4.54    234.66   -0.93 
*M2 28 XPOL  4.80   15.22    4.50   4.50   21.14   17.04    258.67   -0.84
#M2 28 XPOL  4.80   15.22    4.76   4.76   21.22   17.15    257.77   -0.76   
 M2 28 XPOL  4.80   15.22    4.86   4.66   21.19   17.11    257.51   -0.77
 HG217DX     4.82   14.81    4.63   4.43   20.78    8.14    256.05   -1.16
 DJ9BV 4.8   4.83   14.65    4.40   4.18   20.57    5.85    255.84   -1.37
*M2 5WL      4.83   14.80    4.15   3.84   20.56    8.49    254.92   -1.36
 M2 5WL      4.83   14.80    4.56   4.35   20.74    8.70    251.18   -1.11
*SM5BSZ 14A  4.89   15.14    4.00   4.00   20.93    4.33    232.02   -0.58
 SM5BSZ 14A  4.89   15.14    4.54   4.33   21.03    4.43    238.02   -0.59
*SM5BSZ 14   4.95   15.29    5.20   5.20   21.37    3.13    246.72   -0.41
 SM5BSZ 14   4.95   15.29    4.72   4.51   21.19    3.02    233.77   -0.68
 SM2CEW 19   4.98   14.91    4.47   4.26   20.84    9.38    233.77   -0.70
#SM2CEW 19   4.98   14.91    4.37   4.37   20.87    9.00    232.88   -0.66    
*BVO-5WL     5.02   15.05    4.58   4.40   20.99    5.21    243.42   -0.73
#BVO-5WL     5.02   15.05    4.59   4.59   21.04    5.24    242.36   -0.66
 BVO-5WL     5.02   15.05    4.69   4.49   21.01    5.23    242.70   -0.70
 K5GW 17     5.06   14.99    4.64   4.44   20.96    6.16    244.55   -0.78
 K1FO 19     5.18   15.01    4.47   4.27   20.92    4.04    232.19   -0.59
#RU1AA 15    5.27   15.55    4.85   4.85   21.55    6.02    235.76   -0.03
 RU1AA 15    5.27   15.55    4.85   4.65   21.50    5.99    236.28   -0.09
*M2 18XXX    5.32   15.07    4.27   3.96   20.85    7.90    243.30   -0.87
 M2 18XXX    5.32   15.07    4.55   4.35   21.01    7.95    240.56   -0.66
 M2 32 XPOL  5.62   15.70    5.23   5.04   21.69   15.02    250.74   -0.16
#M2 32 XPOL  5.62   15.70    5.13   5.13   21.71   15.04    251.20   -0.15
*M2 19XXX    5.73   15.41    4.27   4.04   21.15    8.75    238.80   -0.49
 M2 19XXX    5.73   15.41    4.70   4.51   21.36    8.75    235.52   -0.22
#M2 32 XPOL  5.73   15.88    5.07   5.07   21.87   16.03    248.46   +0.06
 M2 32 XPOL  5.73   15.88    4.98   5.16   21.84   16.03    248.11   +0.04
 DK7ZB 17    5.81   15.69    5.19   5.01   21.67   15.67    233.94   +0.12  
 BVO-6WL     6.00   15.69    4.75   4.93   21.63    5.12    231.63   +0.13
#BVO-6WL     6.00   15.69    4.84   4.84   21.66    5.13    231.84   +0.15   
 AF9Y 22     6.15   15.75    5.04   4.86   21.72   10.04    230.73   +0.23
 RA3AQ-18    6.28   16.11    5.13   4.96   22.05    4.97    227.80   +0.62
*RA3AQ-18    6.28   16.11    5.30   5.30   22.13    4.99    227.28   +0.71
#RA3AQ-18    6.28   16.11    5.05   5.05   22.08    4.98    227.31   +0.64  
 MBI 6.6     6.6    16.14    5.46   5.29   22.14   13.09    238.73   +0.51
#MBI 6.6     6.6    16.14    5.38   5.38   22.17   13.07    239.28   +0.53
 BQH 25      7.29   16.31    5.22   5.04   22.25    9.83    224.18   +0.89
#BQH 25      7.29   16.31    5.13   5.13   22.28    9.86    224.61   +0.91
 K2GAL 21    7.65   16.80    5.75   5.59   22.75   19.58    245.81   +0.99
 M2 8WL(old) 7.71   16.55    5.28   5.10   22.40    9.52    231.46   +0.90
 M2 8WL(new) 8.05   17.05    5.82   5.67   23.01   11.53    237.20   +1.40  

L    = Length in Wavelengths
Gain = Gain in dBd of a single antenna
E    = E plane (Horizontal) stacking in Meters. 
H    = H plane (Vertical) stacking in Meters.
Ga   = Gain in dBd of a 4 bay array
Tlos = The internal resistance of the antenna in degrees Kelvin.
Ta   = The total temperature of the antenna or array in degrees Kelvin. This 
       includes all the side lobes, rear lobes and internal resistance of the 
       antenna or array.
G/T  = Figure of merit used to determine the receive capability of the antenna
       or array = (Ga + 2.15) - (10*log Ta). The more positive figure the better.  

        1. The Program used to calculate E/H Stacking,G,Ga and G/T is YAGI
           ANALYSIS 3.54 by Goran Stenberg,SM2IEV.
        2. Temperatures used: Tsky=200 degrees;Tearth=1000 degrees
        3. All dipoles have been adjusted to give a J of under +/- .5
        4. No stacking harness losses or H frame effects are included in the
           gain figures.
        5. All stacking dimensions EXCEPT those marked with a "*" and "#" are
           calculated from the DL6WU stacking formula.
        6. Antennas marked with a "*" have stacking dimensions recommended by 
           the manufacturer or designer.
        7. Antennas marked with a "#" have stacking dimensions for XPOL
           antennas by VE7BQH.
        8. Antennas marked with a "@" have some or all 10MM elements. All others
           are 4MM to 6MM.
        9. Manufacturer/Designer Legend:
           AF9Y      = AF9Y                
           BVO       = Eagle/DJ9BV         I0JXX     = I0JXX
           BQH       = VE7BQH              K1FO      = K1FO
           CC        = Cushcraft           K2GAL     = K2GAL
           CC MOD    = VE7BQH              K5GW      = Texas Towers/K5GW
           CD        = CUE DEE             M2        = M^2   
           CD MOD    = VE7BQH              MBI       = F/G8MBI
           DJ9BV     = DJ9BV               OZ5HF     = Vargarda
           DJ9BV OPT = DJ9BV               RA3AQ     = RA3AQ
           DK7ZB     = DK7ZB               RU1AA     = RU1AA
           EKM MOD   = SM2EKM              SHARK     = SHARK (Italian)
           F9FT      = F9FT                SM2CEW    = SM2CEW/VE7BQH
           HG        = HYGAIN              SV        = Svenska Antennspecialisten AB
           Flexa     = FlexaYagi           W1JR      = VE7BQH (Mininec error)
                                           WB9UWA    = WB9UWA

                                               LIONEL H. EDWARDS
                                               Issue 47 July 22, 2005