-[ IARU Region I. UHF SHF contest 02-03.10.2004 ]-
by OK1TEH - ok1teh@seznam.cz
OK2KKW JO60JJ Hello OK2KKW is QRV on weekend 2nd/3rd October 2004. We are calling in CW and SSB on 1296.215 MHz +-qrm Equipment: 432 MHz 600W, 33el K1FO 1296 MHz 100W, 160cm DISH 10368 MHz 6,5W, 70cm DISH
If you would like to apply for a sked, please mail us at ok1teh@seznam.cz or send SMS on GSM : + 420 603 489 490 vy 73 and hope to see you in the contest. Matej, OK1TEH (23cm operator) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello Matej, F4CKV/P will be QRV from JN16NM during UHF IARU. Working Conditions : TX/RX : IC-910-H POWER :GS31b Preamplifier : FHX35 ANTENNAS: - stacked 4 panels F4AJS West (DXCC= F,EA,EI,GW,G) - stacked 4 panels F4AJS South-Est (DXCC=F,HB9,S5,I,TK) - Stacked 4 or 8 Pannels F4AJS North-Est (DXCC= F,ON,PA,DL,OK,OE,HB9) - rotable 4X15 verticaly stacked F4CKV (DL6WU design) more details : f4ckv@yahoo.fr or Phone + SMS : +336 64 91 08 70 Not QRV internet or cluster during the contest. Our last ODX is 865 km with normal propagation. see you in the contest 73 de Pierre F4CKV.
I be qrv as /p from a friend of mine in JO31MG on 70cm and 23cm in morning 03.10. only
dl8ebw <AT> darc.de
PI4Z (ex PI4ZLD) will be qrv during the UHF-SHF-EHF October 2/3 2004 locator = JO11WM
Antennas will be : 2 x 28 element M2 yagi @ 24 mAGL for 70 cm 200cm dish @ 18 mAGL for 23 cm 150cm dish @ 12 mAGLfor 13, 9, 6 cm 60cm dish @ 13 mAGL for 3 cm 40cm dish @ 13 mAGL for 1.2 cm Transceivers will be IC 910H, FT847, TS 790 + preamps and legal limit amplifiers Sked ? => sked <at> pi4z.org 73's and good DX
YT1VP will be QRV on 70cm from JN94XC during UHF IARU. Working Conditions : TX/RX : FT-736R POWER : (10 or 400W) Phone + SMS : +381 63 22 45 10 QRV on internet or cluster during the contest. GL in the contest 73 de Vlada YT1VP yt1vp <at> verat.net
Hi Matej, i will be QRV on the Weekend on follow Bands from JO42ge. 70cm 150 Watt 4 x 11 ele DJ9BV 23cm 150 Watt 4 x 48 ele DL6WU 13cm 10 Watt 1,2mtr Dish 9cm 4 Watt 90cm Dish 6cm 4 Watt 90cm Dish 3cm 2,5 Watt 50cm Dish Also you can send a Skedtime to me via SMS +49 170 4463418 or via E-mail dl3yee <AT> gmx.de I HOPE TO WORK YOU !! vy 73 de Klaus Dreckshage DL3YEE HP: http://www.dl3yee.de
Hello contesters, contest group DL0TUD (Technical University Dresden) will be active during IARU-UHF-contest from JO60LK - Fichtelberg 1200m asl. DL0TUD JO60LK, Equipments: 70cm: 600W, 1 x 39el. I0JXX + 2 x 21el. F9FT 23cm: 80W, 4 x 41el. DL6WU 13cm: 50W, 140 cm DISH 9cm: 50W, 100 cm DISH 6cm: 5W, 60 cm DISH 3cm: 5W, 60 cm DISH 24G : mW, 60 cm DISH Any sked for microwaves or 70cm >600km is very welcome. Mail: dl0tud (at) web.de (till 1.10.04 10:00z) GSM/SMS: +49 171 4156132 (24h) WWW convers: chan. 10368 Or pse look for us on 432.161 QRM and 1296.181 +/-QRM. MNI TNX! GD WX, much fun & best DX ! CUAGN & GL in contest. vy 73 de Tilo, DH1FM Contestcrew DL0TUD in JO60LK http://dl0tud.de.tt/ PS. Pse take also a look at http://www.amram.de/
Od: OK1DST@OK0NAG.#BOH.CZE.EU Pro: UHF @ EU DR OMs, we hope to be QRV on 23, 13, 9, 6 and 3cm from new contest QTH in JN79IX. This information is important as the new LOC is similar to previous one used (mostly JN79CX - as OK1KEI/p) and using of new one can cause some problems :-) Hope to see you in Contest. 73! de Lexa, OK1DST & Peter, OK1AXH
Hello contesters S59R team will be QRV 2./3.oktober 2004 contest from JN76OM -1524m A.S.L. Equipments: 70cm - 700w, 2 x TONNA 23cm - 50w, 2 x TONNA 13cm - 7w, 90cm DISH 9cm - ZIF 0,4w, SBFA 6cm - ZIF 0,4w HORN 3cm - 1,5w, 120cm DISH During contest we are QRV in dx-cluster Skeds GSM/SMS: +386 41 763 914 MNI DX's and 73 de Janko, S56AFJ Email Janko.Franetic <at> urszr.si
Hello! We'll be QRV in IARU UHF contest as S50C - JN76JG from Menina - 1508m ASL on 70,23,13 and 3cm. Pse look for on us the band and ask for sked on DXC and WW converse 14345. Wishing you all good conditions. 73 de Matija/S53MM ++386 51 361 293 http://lea.hamradio.si/~s50c
Hi UHF o UP Friend's ! Call : SK7MW LOC: JO65MJ QTH: Mogglarp Alp's ( 20m ASL ) QRV: Saturday 14z - Sunday 14z 2-3 Oct Crew: OZ5TG, OZ1FTU,SM7GEP,SM4LMV,SM4VLM,SM4XDJ SM4FXR,SM7LXV,SM7XEN,SM7YRX,SM7FMX,SM7NGR SM7EYW Status: Newly washed ear's and sober ! 70cm: Rig 756, Ant. 8x8el + 4x28el + 2x19el, Pwr 3x 1kW 23cm: Rig 756, Ant. 4,5m dish + 2x44el Pwr 150w+150w 13cm: Rig 756, Ant. 4,5m dish Pwr 250w 9cm: QRV hr Next time ! 6cm: Rig 756, Ant. 1,2m dish Pwr 20w 3cm: Rig 756, Ant 1,2m dish Pwr 10W Sked's : sm7eyw@sk7mw.se or during the contest (headquarter) hq@sk7mw.se SMS +46-705-456450 also monitoring DX cluster. WELCOME !!
QTH: Vestec JN79VS Bands: 70, 23, 13, 6, 3 cm Look for us also in conference, CH 10368. Skeds on: E-mail: ol6r@qsl.net GSM: +420603211944 73.. Libor OK2ZO
Hello folks, The PA6C contest group will be qrv during the October contest! Operational bands will be 70 cm up to 47 GHz from JO33FB. We check several times the bands but as always, you will find us most off the time on the following frequency's; +/- 432.190 pse ask sked 23 & up +/- 1296.190 pse sked for 13 (2320.190), 9, 6, 3, 1,2 & 0.6 cm. We try to do all the skeds directly, but please be patient if we running out of time. Otherwise try again to arrange a new one via 70 or 23 cm. We will try to follow the DX cluster and the WWC net, search for PA6C or PA3CEG. Try to arrange a sked or in the last case, call Home .. 31 592 613557 or Mobile .. 31 621862074 @ pa3ceg Hope to meet you and best wishes from all operators of PA6C. 73' Eene. pa3ceg@amsat.org www.qsl.net/pa3ceg/ www.qsl.net/pa6c
From: DK9TF @ DB0FHK.#NRW.DEU.EU (Juergen) Hello contesters, DF0OL will be qrv on 2./3. Oct. from JO40BP on 23cm up to 3cm.Take off in all directions is ok. Our DX-Cluster will be DB0FHK-6 and/or DK0MDX. Hope to hear your during the test. 73 es 55 Juergen (DK9TF)
Hi G4RFR and G4BRA radio clubs will be active this weekend from IO80UU59 using the M4D delta callsign on the following bands; 23cm - 200W box of 4x 50el 13cm - 40 watt - not sure of antenna 9cm - 50 watts to 2.4M dish at 10M 6cm - 3.5 watts to 90cm 3cm - 4~ watts to 1m We'll be on on4kst or my GSM 0044 7764 666599 Looking forward to working you on 23cm! regards, Paul Marsh - Amateur Radio Callsign: M0EYT Info: http://www.qsl.net/m0eyt/ Paul J. Marsh [ pjmarsh <AT> compuserve.com ]
Hello contesters, contest group OK5Z will be active during UHF/SHF contest from JN89AK - 660m A.S.L. Equipments: 70cm: 350W, 4 x 19 el., QUADs ... 23cm: 50W 140 cm DISH 13cm: 95W 140 cm DISH 9cm: 8W 90 cm DISH 6cm 10W 110 cm DISH 3cm: 6W 110 cm DISH All skeds are welcome. PR : ok2bdf@ok0nag SMS: +420775144300 Inet convers chan. 10368 Have fun & MNI DX in the contest 73 Jirka OK2BDF
YT2F KN03KU qrv in contest weekend 2/3.Oct. 144 MHz: 20:00 - 23:00 GMT, IC910H (100 W) and 4x10 el. DL6WU in contest "Vojvodjanski oktobar" (rules http://solair.eunet.yu/~s.ilic/vokt-02e.txt) 432 MHz: 14:00 - 14:00 GMT, IC910H (70 W) and Yagi 4 m Good propagation for all and see u in contest. Slobodan Ilic [ s.ilic <at> EUnet.yu ]
Hello UHF-/SHF- contesters, DL0GTH will be QRV during the IARU-UHF/SHF-C fm JO50JP (978m a.s.l) as usual. Our equipment is as follows : 70cm : 400W 4 x 11el Flexa + 2 x 432-13WL (M²) 23cm : 80W 1.9m dish 13cm : 40W 1.3m dish 9cm : 15W 90cm dish 6cm : 5W 1m dish 3cm : 5W 60cm dish 24GHz : 0.6W 48cm dish 47GHz : 200µW 28cm dish We are looking for skeds fm OK/OM especially on 9cm & 6cm which should be possible in a range of some 300km. Anyone interested on 24GHz? Try within a range of 150km! There are several ways to contact us : 1. WW-Convers on ch10368 2. DX - Cluster 3. phone call or SMS during the contest via +49 174 1751759 We prefer to make the skeds online. For details pse visit http://www.dl0gth.de Fingers crossed for acceptable weather conditions! 73 and gl in the contest! on behalf of the crew Frank, DL2ALF, mailto:dl2alf@darc.de -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello ALL, LZ9W will be QRV on weekend 2/3. Oct 2004 from KN22GS. Equipment: 432 MHz 250W, FT847,4x22el K1FO 1296 MHz 20W, TRCV, 4x33el.HM We are calling in CW and SSB on 432.227 MHz and FM 432.500 or 433.000 MHz. We are calling in CW and SSB on 1296.227 MHz. If you would like to apply for a sked, please mail us at andy@dce.bg or send SMS on GSM : + 359 888 895726 (LZ2HM) or +359 899 906450 (LZ5UV) VY 73 and hope to see you in the contest Andy, LZ2HM LZ Contest Team
Hello! Station S52M will be also qrv in october contest from JN76BL locator! Using: 2 x Tonna , 4 x 10 el. yagis, 400W for 70cm 55 el. Tonna, double eight, 80W for 23cm Location: 2000m a.s.l. wide open to OK,OM,YU,DL,I You can send email to: s53xx@email.si CU in CTEST!
Dear OMs 9A1CMS will be active on 70cm & 23cm with main focus for 3cm band. On the same location will be 3 stations on 3cm:9A1CMS, 9A4RJ and 9A1Z. Location is 330masl JN86el and we will be on cluster. sms on +385 98426293 mail on gsm by send mail on 9a1z@ipc.hr (all message must be in short subject) Best 73s! Luci 9a1z