20-26th September 2006

OK1TEH JO70FD 320m asl

Very interesting tropo. YL3GDF was 59++ for over 6 hours! The same was with 2m beacon SR2VHM frrom JO94 and LY2WN was copied too . Next goal was contact with SP5WCK from KO12 on 70cm, few UK stations (I hrd GW8IZR on 70cm too) and the biggest success in the end,  UR5LX on 2m and 70cm with distance over 1522km!! It's my new QRB record. With UR5LX I already had qso via Es, Ms, Aurora, EME and now tropo, no complains :-))

During 24th December the GB3ANG beacon from IO86MN was booming 59+++ over 8 hours (tnx to beacon keep GM4ZUK!), however no activity from the East coast of Scotland so only one qso was made with GM0TGE IO87 and MM0DQP IO88 was heard too.

After X-mas contest there was ufb tropo from DL,SM,OZ into EA1!! with the biggest distance over 2000km on 70cm, however we wern't lucky in OK due to Alps.

Well next time please EI5FK, OY9JD and EA1UU in the same day :-)))

73 de Matej, OK1TEH

PS: pse remember, that 144.300 is DX calling frequency and don't chatting there..


PPS: I was calling G4UKP on 144315 MHz in ssb+cw, his signal was from 41 to 31 with deep qsb (like EME). I heard him for over 2h. After the tropo I got this email:

Hello Matej
I heard your cw call  ( my cw is very poor! ) on 2mtrs last night but many many stations were calling and it was a bit hectic at this end.Thanks for trying and a very merry Christmas to you and yours.
73  Dave  G4ukp 



beacon SR2VHM JO94II abt 559 ->

YL2GDF KO26 during qso with PA ->

GB3ANG IO86MN abt 559 during 24th December morning

LOG (from )
  2m FT847 + 100W MRF141 PA + 10EL DK7ZB
70cm FT847 + preamp + 400W GI39 PA + 23EL DK7ZB

DD/MM/YY   UTC   MHz     CALL      RST     RCVD     LOC     km
21.12.06  21:29  144290  SQ9QU     59      59      JO90KH  316
21.12.06  21:43  144290  SM3LBN    59      55      JP80IO 1173
21.12.06  21:48  432070  SM3LBN    529     519     JP80IO 1173 NOW FB
21.12.06  21:57  144270  SM4BDQ    59      57      JP80FG 1134 TORD 400W 2X
21.12.06  22:09  144275  LA6MV     57      54      JO59EJ 1062
21.12.06  22:43  144317  LA3BO     55      53      JO59CD 1038  200w 16el
21.12.06  23:01  144330  SM7GVF    55-7    55      JO77GA  765
21.12.06  23:34  432200  SM4BDQ    519     419     JP80FG 1134
21.12.06  23:46  432205  SM7GEP    579     519     JO77IP  825
22.12.06  00:02  432200  SM4BDQ    519             JP80FG     
22.12.06  00:41  144065  SM5CUI    519     519     JO89WW 1111
22.12.06  07:26  144290  SM7EBI    539             JO77BT     
22.12.06  07:43  144300  YL3GDF    59+     58      KO26XM 1042 1kW Vilis
22.12.06  07:58  144290  SP2CNW    55      599     JO93AI  434
22.12.06  08:03  432200  SP2CNW    529     529     JO93AI  434
22.12.06  08:56  144306  SP1JNY    59+     59      JO73GL  371 Marek 0910z
22.12.06  09:13  432200  SP1JNY    59      59+     JO73GL  371 50W 21EL F9FT 120m asl
22.12.06  09:53  144290  DM7DX     57      59      JO61CU  247 Manfred
22.12.06  10:32  144290  YL3GDR    51      51      KO26HT 1001 nil on 70cm
22.12.06  11:43  144290  SP6NVO    57      57      JO71WC  146 IREK
22.12.06  11:49  144290  SQ2SAT    59      59      JO93AC  412
22.12.06  11:55  144290  IW3HUL    59      58-9    JN65DE  575 DAVID
22.12.06  11:56  144290  I4BME     59      59      JN54QL  672 LANDO BOLONA
22.12.06  11:58  144290  I4GBZ     59+     59      JN54VV  617 JOHN 18EL y
22.12.06  12:17  144305  YL3GDR    59      59+     KO26HT 1001
22.12.06  12:25  432200  YL3GDR    51      51      KO26HT 1001 75W + 21el Y
22.12.06  13:10  432200  DK6AJ     559     529     JO52GI      nc
22.12.06  13:13  144300  LY2LE     59      59      KO24OQ  888 new #
22.12.06  13:40  144285  SQ5AAG    57-9    57      KO02KE  503
22.12.06  16:46  432220  SP4JCQ    59+20   59+20   KO13NC  684
22.12.06  16:54  432200  SQ9QU     59++    59      JO90KH  316
22.12.06  18:36  432260  G4DEZ     57      54      JO03AE 1052
22.12.06  19:12  144290  SP8AWL    59      59+     KO11GG  585
22.12.06  19:13  144290  US5WU     59+     59      KO20DI  702
22.12.06  19:15  432250  US5WU     57-9    57-9    KO20DI  702 Boris 100W 2x18el
22.12.06  19:38  144291  UR5LX     519     559     KO70WK 1522  4x12el 800W ODX 
22.12.06  19:55  432200  UR5LX     519     539     KO70WK 1522 3m dish 500W ODX
22.12.06  20:36  144296  SP8NTL    55      57      KO11CJ  564
22.12.06  20:41  144296  SP5JTO    59+     59+10   KO02LG  512 TED WARSAZZ
22.12.06  20:42  144296  SP5BTN    59      57      KO02MG  517 NORBERT
22.12.06  20:46  144296  SP9EYX    59      59      JO90DE  274 JOZEF
22.12.06  20:49  144296  SP5WCK    59      59      KO12CJ  596
22.12.06  20:52  432250  SP5WCK    55      55      KO12CJ  596 #
22.12.06  21:47  144305  G4KWQ     519     519     IO92AQ 1174
22.12.06  21:50  144305  DL5ZD     599     559     JO61DH  201
22.12.06  21:54  144305  G4DEZ     599     579     JO03AE 1052
22.12.06  21:57  144305  PA1TK     599     559     JO22IJ  725
22.12.06  22:40  144286  G4DHF     57      57      IO92UU 1066 David
23.12.06  00:03  432205  GW8IZR    519     539     IO73TI      NC
23.12.06  08:13  144290  OK2BOS    55      59      JN89XM  261 Karel
23.12.06  13:25  144350  G4DEZ     529     529     JO03AE 1052
23.12.06  13:44  432200  OZ3ZW     59++    59+     JO54RS  554 50W 21el
23.12.06  18:39  144315  G4UKP     51      hrd me  IO83VC     
23.12.06  22:03  432200  OK2QI     59      59      JO80NC  191
23.12.06  22:12  103681  OK2QI     59+     519-59  JO80NC  191
24.12.06  00:45  144305  GW8IZR    519     519     IO73TI 1345 now fb max 559qsb
24.12.06  00:50  432205  GW8IZR    319hrd                      he had qrm s7 from radar
24.12.06  01:56  144240  G4DEZ     519     519     JO03AE 1052 too weak on 70cm
24.12.06  10:02  144305  DK8AW     59      59      JO42XG  393 JIRG
24.12.06  10:21  144305  DK2HP     57      55      JO52JF  346
24.12.06  14:14  144305  OK1AIY/P  59      59      JO70SQ   98 20mW drat
24.12.06  21:02  144305  GM0TGE    519     519     IO87TF 1358 gb3ang 599++

26.12.06  18:27  144117  F1MPQ     RO      O       JN09SG  936 -20/-13dB JT65B
26.12.06  20:19  144205  OR0A      559     519     JO20KW  685