Od: Patrick Barthelow <apolloeme@live.com>
Předmět: SRI 45 M dish on EME May 26, 27
Datum: 22.5. 2009, 03:38
We are going to the SRI 45M dish next week, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 26,
27, to install the 23 cm station for EME, for use in the Echoes of Apollo
EME event, which officially begins June 26, Evening, USA west coast time (
US FD weekend).
SRI coordinates: 37 24 31N 122 10 47 E
With a little luck, we anticipate a smooth installation and EME from the
SRI dish with about 300 watts at the feed, and about 50dBi gain. and being
on the Moon, sometime on Wednesday.
Hope to see you off the Moon.
Best Regards, 73,
Pat Barthelow AA6EG
"Echoes of Apollo"
A celebration of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing 40th Anniversary,