UHF Contest 2004 - evaluation complaints and REF response

Dear readers of OK2KKW web.

As you may read here, we (several UHF Contest participants and not only from OK) are quite dissapointed with results of International evaluation of the IARU UHF / SHF Contest 2004, at least due to missing of more countries logs. Beause my direct question to REF was not answered, I asked F2TU to deliver my email (below left) to REF Contest committee chairman. That email was focused to the missing logs trouble and in that matter I asked, if REF would consider re-evaluation of this contest with use of more logs.

From the same reason the Unofficial evaluation of that contest, prepared as compilation with several national results, has been made for comparison (here).

REF Contest committee chairman possibility of any re-evaluation strictly refused (below right)...

Both emails are published in complete wording, however except private matters and links.

For final I would say, that repeated failures in the International evaluation of IARU VHF Contests should be fixed soon and due to that IARU VHF Contest managers shall consider  next steps to prevent such a mess again...



Dear Philippe
may I ask you please, on behalf of OK2KKW team, try to push on REF VHF 
Contest committee in the matter of the evaluation of the IARU 2004 International 
result list of UHF/SHF Contest ?

REF has been assigned as the IARU official evaluator of that contest, but 
unfortunately "official" results list has been prepared at  least without PA, I, HB9, 
OM, HA, S5, 9A stations, what more less damaged value of our win in this contest.
Similar email was already sent to REF, but no response yet. So, may  I ask you 
translate it and ask REF Contest committee representatives  for re-evaluation of that 
contest with use of other countries national results, please? Or at least for official 
response of REF, why this contest was evaluated by such limited way?
I would say, that if REF Contest committee will ask national VHF Contest 
managers for sending of their national data again, it would be not major problem 
to fix this trouble...
Best regards
Vladimir OK1VPZ
Dr Vladimir,
I really wonder why REF should re-evaluate the 2004 october contest. It's true that 
several countries are missing, the reason is that we never received the logs from 
these countries.

As you wrote in your compilation of results is unofficial and shall remain so. Apart 
from this, I ask you on behalf of REF to withdraw the last sentence of the 
introduction : "For final, let us put the Public protest and ask to re-evaluate this 
contest again!" which is from the REF point of view unacceptable.

Patrick, f6hye
French Contest Committee