OK Classic VHF QRP Contest - rules
(free translation of the Czech original)
The below rules are valid since 1.July 2007
Classic OK
VHF QRP Contest will be held
always on the first whole of weekend in August during Sunday
Contest categories: 144 MHz Single operator 144 MHz Multi operator
SO (SINGLE OP) - the contest station without any by other person help during the contest as defined in the IARU VHF Contest rules. MO (MULTI OP) - other stations Modes: CW and fone as requested by national telecommunication authority and by IARU I.region VHF Contest rules. All the contest station equipment must be kept in the 500m area.. The station can not be changed during contest. Use of the DX Cluster is not restricted In the any time the contest station can have only one signal on the band axcept packet radio connection. Number of contest stations running from one place during contest is not restricted, however it must be agreed Maximum PA output power, or sum of more PAs power contributions is limited to 10Watts RF. EME, cross-band and repeaters (either terrestrial or space) QSOs are not allowed Use of remotely controlled receivers and/or transmitters is not allowed With any station can be in the contest make only one valid QSO, when complete contest code has been exchanged. Repeated QSOs must be in the log marked (RPT, DUPE etc) and has 0 points.
Contest code consist of RS or RST, QSO serial number from 001 and WW locator. Serial number of valid QSO should be received as well as from stations, who did not participate in the contest, three zeros code 000 can not be used as replacement of missing contest number. Stations, who do not want to be evaluated do not sending the log to evaluator.
Scoring: 1 point per km as requested by IARU rules. Contest QSO with not participant of the contest is valid as well if the whole of complete contest code has been exchanged.
Contest log you can send by email or even in the classic paper form: Electronic lo must be in the EDI format (REG1TEST), as requested by IARU. Other electronic format log will be not accepted. As paper log the copy of the log is enough, but all data must be completed and clearly visible Log from the contest should be sent to evaluator address within 10 days since end of the contest
The contest QSO is not valid, if: the received contest code has any differency in the other station Call, report, serial nr or locator differency between time of QSO of both stations is higher, than 10 min (vs.correct UTC time)
Station will be not evaluated, when: if the contest rules or license rules were not kept for more then 10 % of wrong calculated QSO points for not true data in the log for unfair behaviour in the contest
The Contest log please send to: electronic log by email to ok1dom@seznam.cz paper log by classic mail to: Miroslav Beθev, Neustupnιho 1831, 155 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic