------------ Původní zpráva
------------ Od: PJ4 news <bonaire@cqdx.nl> Předmět: Moonbounce from Bonaire PJ4EME Datum: 30.5.2007 14:42:34 ---------------------------------------- Hello Matej PE1L and PA3CNX are activating PJ4 Bonaire - locator FK52ud - from June 8th to June 25th 2007 on 144 MHz EME. The licence for Moon Bounce has been issued and the call is PJ4EME. Rig is 4 x 9 ele WIMO stacked horizontally, TS 2000 + MGF1302 preamp and 1kw from a I0JXX PA. PJ4EME always TX 1st. We TX at 144,110 MHz We RX from 144,111 to 144,113 MHz when there is NO MOON in JA. We RX from 144,082 to 144,083 MHz when there is MOON in JA. Any station is invited to call however we will give the JAs, VKs and ZLs priority in the pileup. REMEMBER: We always tx on 144,110. June 9th 0600 - 1000 utc we are QRV 144,062 MHz (simplex) for CW only. We are using 1 minute sequences and PJ4EME will be TX'ing even minutes. Please stay on frequency if you called but we answered someone else. We will take a note of any station calling and will try to work them one after the other. We have a website at http://www.emelogger.com/bonaire and we try to give actual information, complete qso's, logssearch and other details. We look forward to working as many as possible from Bonaire...cu in a few days. vy 73 Rene PE1L |