Meteor Scatter: August 2009 and Perseids Shower 
 It’s now time for what is certainly the most popular among meteor showers: the Perseids. Perseids maximum is predicted by IMO on August 12, between 17.30 and 20 UT with ZHR=100 hr-1. There is the possibility that Perseids may produce increased rates in 2009, as well as more than one peak like in recent years. Especially the encounter with a dust trail ejected by parent comet in year 1610, could lead to significant meteor rates enhancement. For more details please do have a look to shower predictions for August 2009 at our MMMonVHF MS-Propagationpage.
Meantime there are as well an ACTIVITY-OVERVIEW for the upcoming PERSEIDSS-Shower. If you want to be added in the list, please pass an info via MMMonVHF Contact-Form.

(downloaded from the "Make more miles on VHF" server)

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