OK1KIR EME activity in June 2008

On 1296 MHz: Zdenek+Zdenek's 4O & Z3 EME expedition worked random on June 5 at 08:16UT as 4O/OK1DFC O/O #262 and on June 8 at 10:54UT as Z3/OK1DFC 539/539 for # 263 and DXCC 52.

3400 MHz: Activity weekend brought on June 7 at 10:10 VK3NX O/O, 10:17 G3LTF 549/559, 10:54 PA0BAT 549/O for# 11, 13:24 LX1DB 569/569, 14:18 G3LTF 559/559, 14:28 OK1CA 549/579, 14:40 DL4MEA 559/549 and 17:02 W5LUA 569/559. We heard in Saturday VE6TA O in his QSO with OK1CA. On June 8 at 18,10 GM4ISM M/O for # 12 , the first GM – OK 9 cm and DXCC 10, 19:01 VE4MA O/O for # 13 and 19:36 G3LQR M/M for # 14.We heard in Sunday VE6TA O in his skeds. All QSOs random except GM4ISM and VE4MA in skeds. F2TU copied us on June 7/8 with 559 report.

Noises measured on Saturday, June 7 with simple square septum feed only (after optimizing its focus position to Sun noise peak): CS/G 3,55 dB , Sun 12,8 dB (SF 66) and Moon 0,6 dB.

Our new CW EME standings:

Band Initials DXCC

70 cm  361  64

23 cm  263  52

13 cm   77  30

9 cm    13    9

6 cm    28  17

3 cm    40  18

1,2 cm   5    4


Total   787  194

OK1KIR's new septum feed for 9cm

73 by Vlada OK1DAK / OK1KIR