I AM AVAILABLE FOR "AS THE BAND OPENS" SCHEDULES BETWEEN 7am & 10pm, CENTRAL TIME - If you have reason to believe a band is open to EL17, and you want to try a QSO, pick up the 30 dB advantage (the telephone) and call 361-384-2120 (between 7am & 10pm Central Time ONLY).

The W5UWB antenna farm as of 31 August 1999 is shown below. I'm running a 1200W on 6m, 1500W on 2m, 1500W on 135cm, 150W on 70cm, 50W on 23cm and 8W on 13cm. I've also included my licensing history and listed a few of the most memorable achievements and QSOs I've made over the years.

The taller tower has 6el on 6m at 50', 17el on 2m at 54', and 17el on 135cm at 56'. The lower tower has 25el on 70cm at 30', and 35el on 23cm at 35'. Also have a 76 el looper somewhere in there for 13cm.

Licensing info: Feb '49 KL7WR Fairbanks, AK
Sep '49 W6GTJ Los Angeles, CA
1968-1970 GI5ALP Londonderry N.I.
1974 W5UWB  
Most Memorable QSO's & Achievements:
Fall '50

420 MCS, LA - San Bernadino, 60 mi with 2W from a modulated osc. (push-pull 6J6's), 16el colinear & super-regen receiver!

July '77

First recorded mobile-in-motion 2m meteor scatter contact; worked K0MQS in Iowa going 60 mph thru Austin, TX, on I-35 northbound!

Jan/Feb '84

144MHz EME; worked K6MYC/KH6 while using a "Jr Boomer" - 1st ever single yagi to 4 yagi QSO on 2m!

Nov '88

Awarded 2m WAS #105; used tropo, meteor scatter and, for the last 10 or so, EME.

Oct '98

Set new Tropo-C record on 222MHz; worked K2YAZ (EN74ax) over 2166Km!

Mar '99

144MHz EME; worked PA0JMV - My 1st single yagi to 2 yagi EME QSO!

Feb '2K

Set new 222MHz Es record; worked W6QIW over 2195 km; MUF topped 220MHz for only 5 minutes (per May 2K QST)!!

Biographical info: Birthdate: 01/01/1933
Occupation: Retired Lieutenant Commander USN
POB: Fairbanks, Alaska
Wife: Vernice

Speaking of wives, my XYL does ALL my tower work, including putting up the tower! I never did like to climb and since my quad bypass a few years ago she insists that I do not climb. In fact, she put up a repeater antenna at the 160' level for a local group here in our area. It scares the hell out of me, but she feels comfortable doing it. The picture below shows her at work! (Eat your hearts out, guys! - ed.)

A 26 June 05 update: The bottom antenna is for 2M; the top antenna is 6 elements on 6M.....



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Last Updated: 9 July 2005
Feedback: Paul S. Goble, III, ND2X
Copyright © 1999 - 2005 by ND2X and W5UWB, all rights reserved!