20th January 2008 - "Spaniards in Pyrenees"
as compared to
20th January 1974 - European VHF festival
After one of the best tropo openings in last
few years in December
2007. I didn't expect that something like this would happen so fast.
However, it surprisingly happened. The most interesting thing is the date,
because tropo condx came exactly 34 years after another big tropo opening
when the similar tropospheric situation caused perfect conditions from EA3
to SM5 and from OK into F/G. So let's go 34 years back.
Weather monitoring by naked
eye isn't so reliable - more in example from 20. 1. 1974. Source http://www.ok2kkw.com/rz1977/tropo1977.htm
The situation 34 years
later looked almost the same. On the output temperature graph from Libuse
in Prague we didn't see anything like an inversion, barometric pressure
was low and cold front (situated above north Germany and Poland) was
crossing our area. This front brought some sporadic periods of raining and
strong wind gusts. So any tropo opening wasn't expected.
However, one day before
nice tropo condx appeared above south France where many of nice
long range contacts from EA
and F to G, F, HB and southern Germany were made. The source was a nice
high pressure with center above Spain. However, the first tropo opening
was somewhere to JN38 area at the DL/F border almost 500km from OK1. On
Sunday there was a contest similar to OK activity in France so the
activity was higher. The most important thing was, that some EA stations
moved to Pyrenees. For instace EA2TO/1 in IN83FE from his car at altitude
about 1500m ASL with power of 200W.
But let's write again about OK1FD. While the OK Activity contest is
running normally, EA2TO/1 is calling CQ on 144.270 and Vasek is going to
look for him after my SMS. Then I saw on ON4KST chat this message (Vasek
just log-in).
2008-01-20 10:11:35Z OK1FD Vasek Hi As you can see, the tropo signal path is really "optimal" :). The mountainous signal path seem to be also the reason of frequent Es opening between OK and EA1, because during the summer there is an area of heavy thunderstorms. This can often cause creation of E-sporadic layer on 2m. For these reasons we thought that a tropo opening from OK into EA is kind of Utopia especially due to Alps in the signal path. In our radio club OK2KKW we had a saying from old OK1KRA times by the less successful contests that OP should be more patient because "A queue is forming in Pyrenees for him" :-).
So it's logical that such a contact was done by OK1FD
from his almost the best QTH for EA tropo in OK, but would it be possible
from Prague? I was monitoring 144.270 expecting nothing special and I
heard nothing of course. During last hour of the Activity contest I gave
it up and started looking for another DX. In Prague wind was blowing
peeking to 80km/h. On the chat I found F6FHP QRV IN94. He is often active
on EME so he had QRO. We arranged periods for CW and frequency. We made it
in the end, but the tropo signal was very weak supported by several strong
MS reflections. You can see the F6FHP's signal on the picture from
Spectran. QRB was 1268km. 20.01.08 11:20 144270 EA2TO/1 559 529 IN83FE 1575km MP3: http://ok1teh.nagano.cz/mp3/ea2to_ok1teh_200108.mp3 Because the signal was getting stronger and stronger I sent a spam SMS to all of my friends that I could copy an EA stations via tropo in Prague. Then a sudden pile-up had started. Next stations in EA2TO/1 log were OK1YA, OK1COM, OK1VRV from JN79! and maybe some others. Because of very strong signal I worked him also as OK2KKW. How strong "Spaniards" can call CQ via tropo in Prague you can hear when you play this MP3 file: http://www.ok2kkw.com/ea2to1_ok2kkw_2m_200108.mp3
Unfortunately EA2TO/1 didn't have an antenna ready for
70cm. Later he found some array, however his 2m signal dropped to cca 419,
so we didn't make a contact. I heard something very weak on 432.220 MHz
however it wasn't strong enough for 2 way qso. So the first tropo OK-EA
qso on 70cm is still waiting for someone else. http://weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html
Due to lower altitude the EA1FBF's signal was very weak at the distance of
1600km so we had to make the contact using JT65 (he wasn't QRV on CW). I
think that he might have gotten into the duct by the reflection from some
near higher hills. 20.01.08 12:29 144345 EA1FBF O-23JT65 O-18 IN73WJ 1600 2x16el + 350W On the picture you can see the tropo signal of EA1FBF in SpecJT. Those 2 horizontal lines are 2 pings from Meteor-Scater. Unfortunately he wasn't QRV on 70cm, either.
At the same time EA1FBF worked also stations from
Dresden area and his digital signal was seen at even longer distance by
DH2UAK in JO71. In the meantime Vasek, OK1FD worked EA1FBF with 53 report
in SSB, congrats! And what should I tell you as the last word? My dream and dream of several generations of OK VHF hams came finally true. It was UFB of course and I hope that this tropo QSO from home QTH to EA wasn't the last one. I also hope we'll have a luck to experience it on the higher bands in next years, too. :-)) 73! Matej, OK1TEH PS: 1 hour after last word in my article I got this mail from EA2TO/1
Od: ea2to javier <ea2to@telefonica.net> EA2TO/1 IN83FE
LOG EA2TO/P IN82LX 900m asl 144mhz TS-2000 + yagi 10el dk7zb + SHF 144 MVV Vox Date utc call snd rec locator km ----------------------------------------- 19/01/08 14:50 F8BRK 59 59 IN99VF 728 19/01/08 15:05 F6CBH 59 59 JN19BH 808 19/01/08 15:08 F8DYR 53 53 JN07WL 631 19/01/08 15:09 F1DLZ 55 57 JN19FH 821 19/01/08 15:11 F1HFP 55 55 JN28FV 876 19/01/08 15:13 F6GPT 53 53 IN94SW 300 19/01/08 15:15 ON4POO 53 55 JO20DP 1017 19/01/08 15:17 F6FLB 52 52 JO00WX 964 19/01/08 15:19 F0FIG 52 52 JO10JE 916 19/01/08 15:41 EA1AHC 57 58 IN70PP 294 19/01/08 16:03 F0EWK 53 55 JN26EQ 715 19/01/08 16:04 F1BKM 59 59 IN98MV 677 19/01/08 16:05 F1CMA 59 59 JN19OP 882 19/01/08 16:07 F6PTT 59 59 JN18DT 768 19/01/08 16:07 F5DQK 57 53 JN18GR 771 19/01/08 16:09 F6EBH 59 59 JN19WT 925 19/01/08 16:10 F2LQ 57 57 IN98EB 576 19/01/08 16:12 OR4J 53 53 JO20EU 1039 19/01/08 16:13 F6ESU 57 59 JN19OO 878 19/01/08 16:14 G3JHM 53 53 IO91LC 916 19/01/08 16:16 ON4KHG 56 57 JO10XO 1000 19/01/08 16:17 F1ISM 57 57 JN09VK 808 19/01/08 16:18 F4DXX 55 59 IN97LH 506 19/01/08 16:20 ON3EA 52 33 JO10WU 1020 19/01/08 16:20 F0EHA 55 55 IN98XC 615 19/01/08 16:22 F4AZF 53 53 JN39GG 1015 19/01/08 16:23 G3KEQ 55 57 JO01BH 956 19/01/08 16:24 F1DSX 53 56 JN19IT 877 19/01/08 16:26 F1BQX 53 52 JN18DP 753 19/01/08 16:28 F1RHS 53 55 JN03PV 364 19/01/08 16:30 M5BFL 52 52 IO91OO 973 19/01/08 16:33 F4EDW 53 54 JN18GU 782 19/01/08 16:34 F6BBO 59 59 JN18CS 761 19/01/08 16:36 F6DZS 58 58 JN18EV 779 19/01/08 16:40 EA2CSC 59 59 IN83SB 48 19/01/08 16:45 F6GKQ 57 56 IN98DA 570 19/01/08 16:46 F0FHZ 52 55 IN87KR 528 19/01/08 16:48 F6AQI 59 59 IN96DW 452 19/01/08 16:50 F0CYF 55 55 IN98DC 579 19/01/08 16:52 F4EIK 52 53 JN28NO 889 19/01/08 16:54 DK3EE 53 51 JO41GU 1313 19/01/08 16:56 ON4KST 55 57 JO20HI 1006 19/01/08 16:57 F4ASC 57 57 JN19DD 799 19/01/08 17:06 F5APQ 529 519 JO00XU 953 19/01/08 17:10 F2IL 52 52 JO10BC 884 19/01/08 17:17 G4DEZ 52 52 JO03AE 1157 19/01/08 17:18 F5EQR 57 59 JN19UO 900 19/01/08 17:21 F6ANO 59 59 JN18JR 782 19/01/08 17:24 F0EJW 55 55 IN78VJ 609 19/01/08 17:25 F1NUM 53 59 IN88AJ 606 19/01/08 17:30 PE1AHX 55 57 JO21OS 1156 19/01/08 17:31 F1TIT 59 59 JN18EQ 760 19/01/08 17:31 ON4POO 52 59 JO20DP 1017 /QRP 19/01/08 17:31 F1YJ 59 55 JN17ET 683 19/01/08 17:33 PA2M 53 55 JO21IP 1125 19/01/08 17:35 PA5DD 54 53 JO22IC 1167 19/01/08 17:41 ON7GB 53 59 JO21IA 1068 19/01/08 17:47 LX2LA 52 52 JN39CP 1025 19/01/08 17:48 F0FHU 55 55 JN06XD 530 19/01/08 17:49 DG9YIH 53 54 JO32QI 1299 19/01/08 17:52 DK3T 52 42 JO41GU 1313 19/01/08 17:53 F8CDM 52 51 JN07QM 611 19/01/08 17:55 F1CKB 59 59 IN97SL 539 19/01/08 17:57 DK0VHF 52 41 JO41GU 1313 19/01/08 18:02 F1PKA 57 59 JN29WB 963 19/01/08 18:05 F4EMG 51 51 JO00WU 951 19/01/08 18:07 F4BUC 55 55 JN08XX 770 19/01/08 18:09 F6DEO 53 55 JN19DA 787 19/01/08 18:10 F1ORH 59 59 JN19BK 820 19/01/08 18:10 F2YT 59 59 JO10GK 931 19/01/08 18:11 G7RAU 51 59 IO90IR 871 /QRP 19/01/08 18:28 F2NJ 55 52 IN97EG 490 19/01/08 18:33 F1TZE 55 55 JN09WK 811 19/01/08 18:35 F6DFI 52 51 IN87WC 464 19/01/08 18:40 F6IQK 52 59 JN04IU 365 19/01/08 18:42 DK3SE 53 52 JN37VP 992 19/01/08 18:44 F4EZJ 58 58 JN05DK 381 19/01/08 18:47 F1DRR 59 59 JN18BX 777 19/01/08 18:50 F6FEO 54 52 JN09NW 836 19/01/08 18:53 DC5TD 53 55 JN37VP 992 19/01/08 18:56 F6CHU 57 57 JN28RD 875 19/01/08 19:05 EA1ASC 59 59 IN70DX 313 19/01/08 19:07 F4ABV 53 52 JN39FD 1002 19/01/08 19:09 F1FSU 53 55 IN99KC 697 19/01/08 19:16 DL3IAS 51 51 JN49EJ 1129 19/01/08 19:18 LX2RV 53 59 JN39AO 1013 19/01/08 19:21 EA2YY 59 59 IN92EO 123 19/01/08 19:25 F4CYH 53 54 JN26BH 677 19/01/08 19:28 F0FJH 52 53 IN98AL 617 19/01/08 19:29 F8ZW 59 59 JN38SP 1032 19/01/08 19:33 DF5HC 55 55 JN49HT 1171 19/01/08 19:33 DL1GI 55 59 JN49FG 1126 19/01/08 19:34 DC2IP 52 52 JN49FD 1119 19/01/08 19:35 F1DLT 59 59 JN27XG 851 19/01/08 19:39 ON5KO 51 53 JO10OS 987 19/01/08 19:42 DL3GN 52 55 JN37TO 978 19/01/08 19:42 F4FHI 57 57 JN26EL 703 19/01/08 19:44 F4DWY 55 51 IN95QO 349 19/01/08 19:48 F4AFE 53 55 JN39GG 1015 19/01/08 20:06 ON3AP 55 55 JO10OS 987 19/01/08 20:10 ON4MER 53 53 JO10QO 977 19/01/08 20:17 F4BRJ 53 53 JN19DD 799 19/01/08 20:25 DK1VI 53 51 JN49HH 1139 19/01/08 20:26 DF2VJ 53 57 JN39LI 1045 19/01/08 20:32 ON4KIR 52 54 JO20MD 1007 19/01/08 20:38 F6IRS 59 59 JN38VN 1043 19/01/08 20:40 F0EUA 55 56 JN16QS 658 19/01/08 20:41 DB4VO 57 57 JN39GM 1033 19/01/08 20:42 PA2KW 53 54 JO22UD 1210 19/01/08 20:43 F1BRV 52 59 JN16MX 653 /QRP EA2TO/1 IN83FE 1512m asl in French Contest 144mhz TS-2000 + Amp EA4BQN 200w + yagi 14el dk7zb + SHF 144 MVV Vox Date utc call sent rcvd locator km ------------------------------------------------ 20/01/08 07:42 F2YT 59 001 59 047 JO10GK 928 20/01/08 07:42 F8DLS 59 002 59 028 JN19SE 860 20/01/08 07:43 F6CBH 59 003 59 020 JN19BH 808 20/01/08 07:44 F1ISM 59 004 59 037 JN09VK 806 20/01/08 07:44 F5CT 59 005 59 006 JN08KI 668 20/01/08 07:45 F5KFF 59 006 59 024 JN18GU 785 20/01/08 07:46 F4CRE 59 007 59 023 IN96RN 443 20/01/08 07:47 F5DQK 59 008 59 004 JN18GR 774 20/01/08 07:48 F5HVI 59 009 59 007 IN98NP 641 20/01/08 07:48 F0CYF 59 010 59 008 IN98DC 565 20/01/08 07:49 F8ZW 59 011 59 001 JN38SP 1048 20/01/08 07:49 F5APM 59 012 59 013 IN97HG 484 20/01/08 07:50 ON4KHG 59 013 59 006 JO10XO 1001 20/01/08 07:51 ON8WW 59 014 59 001 JO21KH 1102 20/01/08 07:52 F0FJH 59 015 59 020 IN98AL 601 20/01/08 07:53 F6IFX 59 016 59 002 JN07CX 607 20/01/08 07:54 F5DQS/P 59 017 59 004 IN96LD 384 20/01/08 07:55 F1BOC/P 59 018 59 008 IN96MV 459 20/01/08 07:55 F4DBD 59 019 59 003 JN08XW 767 20/01/08 07:57 F0FEK 59 020 59 013 JN19GB 803 20/01/08 07:58 F0EHT 59 021 59 022 JN08QV 739 20/01/08 07:58 OP4A 59 022 59 001 JO21LH 1106 20/01/08 08:00 F1PHB 55 023 55 010 JN39DB 999 20/01/08 08:00 F1FSU 59 024 59 006 IN99KC 683 20/01/08 08:01 F6PTT 59 025 59 041 JN18DT 770 20/01/08 08:02 F0EJW 59 026 59 017 IN78VJ 581 20/01/08 08:02 F4FEY/P 55 027 59 009 IN97FG 480 20/01/08 08:03 G6HIE 59 028 59 015 IO90ST 879 20/01/08 08:05 F1BKM 59 029 59 001 IN98MV 665 20/01/08 08:05 OR4J 57 030 55 003 JO20EU 1041 20/01/08 08:06 F0EUA 59 031 59 010 JN16QS 674 20/01/08 08:08 ON4POO 58 032 59 015 JO20DP 1019 20/01/08 08:09 PE1EWR 59 033 53 007 JO11SL 1064 20/01/08 08:10 F0EJT/P 59 034 58 026 JN19SL 885 20/01/08 08:11 F6KIF/P 59 035 59 014 JN19XH 891 20/01/08 08:12 ON7KZ 57 036 59 001 JO10MV 990 20/01/08 08:13 ON3VHF 53 037 59 002 JO20EM 1012 20/01/08 08:13 F6ACU 59 038 59 002 JN38FC 949 20/01/08 08:21 ON4PS 57 039 59 001 JO20KQ 1049 20/01/08 08:21 LX2LA 59 040 59 001 JN39CP 1034 20/01/08 08:22 G4ZFJ 59 041 59 001 JO01HO 986 20/01/08 08:23 F6FEO 59 042 59 001 JN09NW 830 20/01/08 08:23 F4BNF 59 043 59 010 IN99GB 672 20/01/08 08:24 F1US 59 044 59 007 JN07HG 559 20/01/08 08:25 F1VV 55 045 55 001 JN19BA 781 20/01/08 08:26 F1BQX 59 046 59 007 JN18DP 755 20/01/08 08:27 F4EIK 55 047 55 036 JN28NO 900 20/01/08 08:28 F5NXU 59 048 59 027 IN97MR 543 20/01/08 08:30 F6IHA 55 049 59 011 JN05AS 404 20/01/08 08:31 F0FKO 59 050 59 026 IN96QT 463 20/01/08 08:32 F0FIG 55 051 59 010 JO10JE 915 20/01/08 08:33 F1EZQ 59 052 59 011 JN27LS 835 20/01/08 08:33 F5APQ 55 053 55 012 JO00XU 948 20/01/08 08:34 ON4CAP 53 054 57 002 JO11PD 1023 20/01/08 08:36 F1AZJ/P 53 055 59 076 JN28OK 893 20/01/08 08:37 F1ORH 57 056 59 015 JN19BK 819 20/01/08 08:38 ON6YF 57 057 57 001 JO20KC 1000 20/01/08 08:38 F5JJA 55 058 55 004 JN08GM 672 20/01/08 08:39 F0ESV/P 57 059 59 018 JN39AF 996 20/01/08 08:40 F6EBH 59 060 59 038 JN19WT 929 20/01/08 08:41 DK1FG 58 061 59 002 JN59OP 1335 20/01/08 08:42 F6DQZ 59 062 59 002 JN19NE 841 20/01/08 08:42 F8KOP/P 59 063 59 073 JN06JG 484 20/01/08 08:43 F6BYJ/P 59 064 59 073 JN05BS 409 20/01/08 08:44 F4SGU 59 065 59 022 IN97GV 548 20/01/08 08:46 F8BRK 59 066 59 071 IN99VF 719 20/01/08 08:46 F6AQI 59 067 59 008 IN96DW 441 20/01/08 08:47 ON3EA 57 068 55 001 JO10WU 1020 20/01/08 08:49 F6BQP 59 069 59 017 IN97SL 534 20/01/08 08:50 EA1ASC 59 070 59 001 IN70DX 304 20/01/08 08:51 ON5AEN 59 071 59 005 JO10VW 1024 20/01/08 08:54 F0FCW 55 072 51 005 JN38FO 979 20/01/08 08:54 F0DZO 59 073 59 001 JN18GT 781 20/01/08 08:56 ON4KBE 55 074 57 002 JO20BI 986 20/01/08 08:56 PA5DD 56 075 55 002 JO22IC 1166 20/01/08 08:57 ON3AP 59 076 59 002 JO10OS 985 20/01/08 08:59 F1CNB 59 077 52 001 JN09DM 763 20/01/08 09:00 F6FLB 55 078 57 010 JO00WX 957 20/01/08 09:00 F1BHD 59 079 59 003 IN87UN 496 20/01/08 09:01 F5OHH 59 080 59 015 IN97AJ 484 20/01/08 09:02 F1CMA 57 081 59 002 JN19OP 884 20/01/08 09:03 PE1AHX 55 082 55 001 JO21OS 1157 20/01/08 09:03 DL6BF 53 083 55 001 JO32QI 1302 20/01/08 09:04 F4EHB 57 084 59 001 JN29IS 965 20/01/08 09:05 F0EUE 59 085 59 002 JN29VM 1003 20/01/08 09:06 DC9YC 53 086 53 001 JO31QK 1229 20/01/08 09:07 F4AZF 59 087 59 001 JN39GG 1027 20/01/08 09:09 F1CXW 59 088 59 001 JO20JC 996 20/01/08 09:10 DL3IAS 51 089 53 001 JN49EJ 1144 20/01/08 09:11 F5SUL 59 090 59 001 IN87XH 473 20/01/08 09:12 F5LJA 59 091 59 002 JO10IA 896 20/01/08 09:12 F1BBK 59 092 59 001 JN08PP 712 20/01/08 09:13 F1COK 55 093 59 004 JN17LU 724 20/01/08 09:14 ON4MFX 57 094 57 014 JO10OS 985 20/01/08 09:15 F0FOE 53 095 59 003 JO20JD 1000 20/01/08 09:15 DC2IP 53 096 54 001 JN49FD 1134 20/01/08 09:17 F0FAP 59 097 52 003 IN98DD 569 20/01/08 09:18 PA1FZH 53 098 52 002 JO11TL 1067 20/01/08 09:19 F8CGY 59 099 59 004 JN08AK 646 20/01/08 09:20 M5BFL 59 100 59 002 IO91OO 958 20/01/08 09:21 G3GVM 55 101 59 001 IO90JT 866 20/01/08 09:22 F4DXX 59 102 59 003 IN97LH 498 20/01/08 09:23 DL2DR 59 103 53 001 JO31TO 1255 20/01/08 09:23 F6HGC 57 104 55 009 JN27LI 809 20/01/08 09:25 PA2M 57 105 57 001 JO21IP 1125 20/01/08 09:26 F1CKB 59 106 59 016 IN97SL 534 20/01/08 09:26 F1RHX 59 107 55 001 IN88WD 562 20/01/08 09:27 F1ARR 59 108 59 001 IN98EU 647 20/01/08 09:28 F1OET 57 109 59 006 JN38TQ 1056 20/01/08 09:29 ON6MG 55 110 57 001 JO10VK 979 20/01/08 09:30 F4EEI 59 111 59 028 JN27SW 881 20/01/08 09:31 F6DFI 59 112 59 012 IN87WC 449 20/01/08 09:31 DJ9UX 53 113 55 001 JO31MD 1190 20/01/08 09:32 DK9TF 53 114 53 002 JO31NF 1201 20/01/08 09:33 DF5HC 57 115 57 003 JN49HT 1184 20/01/08 09:34 DF4OR 52 116 55 002 JN49CD 1119 20/01/08 09:35 F0EWL 53 117 51 039 JN26EQ 734 20/01/08 09:36 F1TIT 59 118 59 004 JN18EQ 763 20/01/08 09:37 F6HRO 59 119 59 009 IN88JQ 612 20/01/08 09:38 F1PKA 59 120 59 005 JN29WB 975 20/01/08 09:39 F1DRR 59 121 59 010 JN18BX 777 20/01/08 09:40 F0EVO 57 122 59 010 JN09UE 779 20/01/08 09:42 G4DHF 57 123 57 001 IO92UU 1101 20/01/08 09:44 F6KUC 59 124 59 064 IN95TQ 375 20/01/08 09:45 F5GBS 59 125 59 002 IN97NA 475 20/01/08 09:46 PA3FPQ 54 126 55 001 JO22XE 1225 20/01/08 09:47 LX2RV 55 127 52 002 JN39AO 1022 20/01/08 09:48 F0FHU 57 128 58 017 JN06XD 545 20/01/08 09:48 ON4LCY 55 129 59 001 JO10TO 987 20/01/08 09:50 F5KTU 59 130 59 038 JN05VG 484 20/01/08 09:52 F5JNB 59 131 59 001 IN97OC 486 20/01/08 09:54 F1EBY 59 132 59 001 JO10OP 974 20/01/08 09:55 G4DCV 55 133 52 001 IO91OF 917 20/01/08 09:55 F5UTN 59 134 59 002 JN08QV 739 20/01/08 09:58 G3KEQ 57 135 57 001 JO01BH 944 20/01/08 10:03 PA3CWN 57 136 51 001 JO33AH 1328 20/01/08 10:04 ON4ZN 55 137 55 004 JO21FB 1063 20/01/08 10:05 DL8DAU 57 138 56 001 JO40ME 1232 20/01/08 10:06 F5PDM 59 139 59 004 JN18KJ 763 20/01/08 10:07 OK1FD 53 140 57 002 JO60CF 1428 20/01/08 10:08 DB5WC 55 141 59 002 JN49EJ 1144 20/01/08 10:08 F6GPT 59 142 59 036 IN94SW 314 20/01/08 10:09 F1DLZ 59 143 59 001 JN19FH 822 20/01/08 10:09 DN1GQ 57 144 57 002 JN37TO 999 20/01/08 10:10 DF1SO 53 145 56 001 JN48PO 1159 20/01/08 10:11 DJ1TU 53 146 55 001 JN48TR 1187 20/01/08 10:12 DF2VJ 59 147 59 005 JN39LI 1057 20/01/08 10:13 DK0YY 55 148 57 001 JN37TO 999 20/01/08 10:14 F5OZG 57 149 59 003 JO10FL 929 20/01/08 10:15 F5OAU 55 150 55 009 JN27XG 870 20/01/08 10:15 DF2ZC 59 151 59 001 JO30RN 1168 20/01/08 10:16 DL1GI 57 152 59 002 JN49FG 1142 20/01/08 10:17 F5PVK 59 153 59 006 JN19GU 874 20/01/08 10:17 F0DKT 59 154 59 005 JN18JG 748 20/01/08 10:18 DF6GQ 54 155 55 005 JN37TO 999 20/01/08 10:19 DK3SE 55 156 55 001 JN37VP 1012 20/01/08 10:20 F6CHU 59 157 59 027 JN28RD 889 20/01/08 10:21 F6DDW 55 158 59 011 JN38DM 963 20/01/08 10:22 DH4FAJ 55 159 57 002 JN49EX 1180 20/01/08 10:23 F9ZG 59 160 58 009 IN99KC 683 20/01/08 10:24 DL8II 55 161 55 006 JN49GP 1169 20/01/08 10:24 F5PDG 57 162 58 001 JN19DV 868 20/01/08 10:26 F1UVN 53 163 59 004 JO10HE 908 20/01/08 10:27 ON4AMY 55 164 56 001 JO21MB 1088 20/01/08 10:27 ON5KO 55 165 57 004 JO10OS 985 20/01/08 10:28 DK7UP 55 166 54 001 JO30NI 1135 20/01/08 10:34 ON5NK 55 167 55 001 JO10VP 997 20/01/08 10:34 F2GL 59 168 59 004 JN17ST 754 20/01/08 10:35 F4AFE 53 169 59 001 JN39GG 1027 20/01/08 10:36 F5DE 59 170 59 056 JN05DP 409 20/01/08 10:37 F6APE 59 171 59 120 IN97QI 516 20/01/08 10:39 DL6CB 53 172 51 001 JN49GG 1147 20/01/08 10:39 F1NYN/P 59 173 59 052 JN06RH 526 20/01/08 10:41 F4EDT/P 59 174 59 008 JN05DR 415 20/01/08 10:42 DL0EE 53 175 55 002 JN49GK 1157 20/01/08 10:43 ON7ARQ 53 176 51 004 JO10VX 1027 20/01/08 10:44 F1BRV 59 177 59 012 JN16MX 666 20/01/08 10:45 F4EMK/P 59 178 59 123 IN93JL 191 20/01/08 10:47 F5ZV 53 179 53 008 JN37LQ 958 20/01/08 10:48 DL9NEF 59 180 59 001 JN59OP 1335 20/01/08 10:49 F1DOX 55 181 57 007 JN08CA 611 20/01/08 10:51 F1RHS 59 182 59 077 JN03PV 397 20/01/08 10:53 F1MOI 57 183 55 002 JN38UN 1054 20/01/08 10:54 F6KKA 55 184 59 023 JN24BE 626 20/01/08 10:55 F0DIX 59 185 59 021 IN93SV 261 20/01/08 10:56 DL1NBM 53 186 52 001 JN49MV 1214 20/01/08 10:57 F4CYH 55 187 54 001 JN26BH 697 20/01/08 10:57 F8EML 59 188 59 008 IN94QR 289 20/01/08 10:58 F5JNX 57 189 59 007 JN37PV 991 20/01/08 10:59 DK1VI 55 190 55 002 JN49HH 1154 20/01/08 11:00 LX1FX 54 191 54 002 JN29WT 1029 EA2TO/1 IN83FE 1512m asl after french contest 144mhz Date utc call snd rec locator km ------------------------------------------- 20/01/08 11:03 HB9BLF 54 53 JN37KB 922 20/01/08 11:05 F6ETI 55 55 JN05RE 456 20/01/08 11:06 DJ4QT 53 52 JN37TN 997 20/01/08 11:15 F6BEG 559 559 JN25JS 720 20/01/08 11:18 OK1TEH 529 559 JO70FD 1570 20/01/08 11:22 EA2EA 559 599 IN93BH 136 20/01/08 11:24 HB9QQ 529 519 JN47KJ 1076 20/01/08 11:30 DL1NBM 559 559 JN49MV 1214 20/01/08 11:32 OK2KKW 559 559 JO70FD 1570 20/01/08 11:34 OK1FD 559 559 JO60CF 1428 20/01/08 11:35 OK1YA 559 559 JO70GK 1588 20/01/08 11:37 OK1GHZ/P 559 559 JN79FX 1563 20/01/08 11:40 OK1KZE 529 559 JN79FX 1563 20/01/08 11:42 DJ2YF 53 57 JN49GP 1169 20/01/08 11:44 DJ9DL 52 55 JO31NC 1191 20/01/08 11:48 DK3EE 55 55 JO41GU 1320 20/01/08 11:48 OK1COM 52 53 JN79GX 1568 20/01/08 11:49 GJ7DNI 55 59 IN89WE 676 20/01/08 11:50 OR0A 53 55 JO20KW 1070 20/01/08 11:51 OK1VAV 52 55 JN79FW 1561 20/01/08 11:52 F6FTN 53 59 JN08XS 752 20/01/08 11:54 EB1CON 59 59 IN72UT 74 20/01/08 11:55 DL7OK 52 58 JO31KL 1208 20/01/08 11:57 DF4UE 54 53 JN48RR 1176 20/01/08 11:58 G4KEE 53 55 IO80GR 838 20/01/08 12:04 GJ7DNI 599 599 IN89WE 676 20/01/08 12:05 G4RRA 559 579 IO80BS 843 20/01/08 12:07 DL1NUX 529 519 JO50LE 1348 20/01/08 12:38 DL0FO 59 59 JN59NR 1334 20/01/08 12:40 DD0NM 53 53 JN59NI 1315 20/01/08 12:42 DL9SAI 55 53 JN48RV 1184 20/01/08 13:23 EA7AJ 55 57 IM87CS 602 20/01/08 13:27 EA7RZ/P 53 59 IM87RF 668 20/01/08 13:27 EA4LU 54 52 IM68TV 533 20/01/08 13:28 EA4ERL 59 59 IN80GH 320 20/01/08 13:30 EA1BYA 51 55 IN70WW 255 20/01/08 13:36 EA7TL 55 59 IM66VO 766 20/01/08 13:39 EA4ERX 57 53 IN80CH 320 20/01/08 13:47 EA4DM 55 55 IN70WL 305 20/01/08 14:05 F6ANO 57 55 JN18JR 786 20/01/08 14:07 DH3NAN 53 54 JO50NC 1354 20/01/08 14:11 DJ7JM 53 57 JN48RR 1176 20/01/08 14:12 PE1AXM 52 54 JO11VM 1077 20/01/08 14:34 F8ATS 59 59 JN18DP 755 20/01/08 14:42 F0DZO 59 59 JN18GT 781 20/01/08 15:06 DK2EA 51 55 JO50UF 1397 20/01/08 15:07 MW1MFY 53 57 IO81FL 922 20/01/08 15:08 F0DMU 53 56 JO10LP 964 20/01/08 15:09 F5MSE 59 59 JN08WO 733 20/01/08 15:10 DK7VO 53 53 JN48IS 1129 20/01/08 15:11 F8DYR 59 59 JN07WL 637 20/01/08 15:18 DL4DWA 52 52 JO61QH 1557 20/01/08 15:19 DG4YDZ 55 55 JO40ME 1232 20/01/08 15:20 F6EBH 59 59 JN19WT 929 20/01/08 15:20 DB6NT 55 55 JO50VJ 1411 20/01/08 15:24 G0UWK 529 529 IO83VC 1106 20/01/08 15:26 EC1KR 59 59 IN70NT 286 20/01/08 15:27 G4HGI 52 52 IO83PL 1145 20/01/08 15:42 F1CVU 55 55 JN09NJ 777 20/01/08 15:47 F1ISM 59 59 JN09VK 806 20/01/08 15:48 DL6WU 53 42 JN49HT 1184 20/01/08 16:42 F6ARQ 53 56 JN05BO 396 20/01/08 16:45 HB0HLI 52 51 JN37JB 917 20/01/08 16:45 F1DLT 59 59 JN27XG 870 20/01/08 16:48 F8CIH 54 59 JN18HS 782 20/01/08 16:52 F1GP 59 59 JN18AO 740 20/01/08 16:55 F4COP 52 54 JN19OS 895 20/01/08 16:55 DJ2NR 55 53 JO50VF 1402 20/01/08 16:57 F4ASC 52 55 JN19DD 800 20/01/08 16:58 F4BXU 53 54 JN09OJ 780 20/01/08 17:00 F6ASS 54 55 JN18EO 756 20/01/08 17:04 DK5EW 55 54 JN47NX 1118 20/01/08 17:08 DF5NK 52 52 JN59UK 1358 20/01/08 17:10 DJ7RST 53 52 JN59UK 1358 20/01/08 17:11 F4DVO/P 52 53 JN18AB 694 20/01/08 17:13 F6ESU 54 55 JN19OO 880 20/01/08 17:14 F4DNP 57 55 JN38FL 971 20/01/08 17:16 F6EWB 52 51 IN93HH 176 20/01/08 17:18 DK5RQ 55 55 JN68BV 1361 20/01/08 17:19 EA4EJP 55 55 IN80CG 325 20/01/08 17:23 EA2CCG 55 51 IN92AO 144 20/01/08 17:24 EA4WP 53 55 IN80CG 325 20/01/08 17:30 DL4DWA 559 559 JO61QH 1557 20/01/08 17:32 F6IRW 55 56 JN38VN 1059 20/01/08 17:33 DK4IN 53 53 JN48DV 1110 EA2TO/1 IN83FE 1512m asl 432mhz TS-2000 + yagi 21el dk7zb + SHF 432 MVV Vox date utc call snd rec locator km ---------------------------------------- 20/01/08 12:47 F4AZF 51 51 JN39GG 1027 20/01/08 12:55 F1EZQ 53 54 JN27LS 835 20/01/08 12:58 F1BKM 559 529 IN98MV 665 20/01/08 14:03 F5DQK 52 53 JN18GR 774 PPS: And how about Synoptic maps from that day? Try to compare pictures from year 1974 and 2008:
TROPO 20.01.74 (more at http://www.ok2kkw.com/next/tropo_1973_74.htm )