ARRL EME Contest 2008 - MW
part OK1KIR result (September)
2304/2320/2424 MHz:
Sri, no chance for EME anymore. Persistent terrible local QRM from
wideband data BPL eliminates any EME activity on 13cm bands.
3400 MHz: Got problem with RX path in transvertor just when contest
started. Trouble solved next day when OK1VAO drove back and force for
another transvertor to be used as separate RX, hi. After fixing the QRG
issue with separate TX and RX own echoes finally found and at last on
Sat20 at 10:10 (very close to our Moonset) worked OM/OK1DFC M/M #15
(strong QSB).
5760 MHz: On Sep20 worked at 04:18 IK2RTI 559/569, 05:18 ES5PC O/O,
05:40 F2TU 569/569, 07:05 RW1AW 569/569 and at 07:39 W5LUA 569/559. On
Sep21 at 05:27 worked OK1CA 549/579. No success with DL7YC – only T/M on
Sep20 and repeated sked on Sep21 resulted in nil/M.
10368 MHz: On Sep21 at 07:15 WA6PY 559/579, 07:23 HB9BHU 569/569,
07:34 F5VKQ 559/569, 07:46 IQ4DF 579/579, 07:54 G4NNS 549/559, 07:57 W5LUA
559/569, 08:02 ES5PC 549/579, 08:14 SP7JSG 539/569, 08:20 F5JWF 559/579,
08:28 DF9QX 559/539 for #42, 08:57 F6CQK 549/519 for # 43, 09:18 WA7CJO
579/579 and at 11:10 LX1DB 569/569.
24048 MHz: still no activity due to TX failure
Experience learned: If our HW on all five MW bands would work
properly two Moon passes is not enough to satisfy most of stations
Tonda, OK1DAI

septum feed for 9cm