EME aktivita OK1KIR na 23/3cm v září 2009

   10GHz EME IQ4DF 7m dish + QRO, více zde.

10368 MHz: V zářijovém 3 cm AW, který byl paralerně s ARI CW/SSB kontestem jsme udělali tato random spojení:

12.9. v 06,02 IQ4DF 569/569, 06,52 G4NNS 539/539, 07,05 F2TU 549/559, 07,10 W5LUA 569/569, 07,26 F5JWF 549/579,07,48 DF9QX 559/549, 08,23 WA6PY 559/569, 08,32 VE4MA 549/559 # 45 a EN field, 08,42 RK3WWF 549/559 # 46( 2 m anténa a 50 W TWT), 09,49 IK2RTI 539/559, 10,07 ES5PC 549/569,10,44 WC8VOA 549/529, 11,43 WC8VOA znova s horizontalní polarizací 569/569. 13.9. ve skedu JA6CZD O/nil na 10450,1 RX/TX, 03,38 ON5TA 549/559, 13,14 F6DRO M/O # 47 ( 1 m ofset anténa a 40 W ). Poslouchán SP3DRT M a OZ1FF slyšel nás. Šum měsíce oba dny na obou pásmech (10368 a 10450 MHz) byl 2,6 -2,7 dB.

14.9. ve skedu v 00,10 JA6CZD 449/O 10450,1/10368,1 crossband QSO # 48 , PM field , 20 DXCC a čtvrtý kontinent v 08,00 sked s LZ1DX nil / O s jeho 5,4 m anténou a nic s jeho 2 m anténou později. Šum slunce 17,5 dB při SF 69 v dešti.

1296 MHz : 7.9. pracováno JT v 19,22 YO8BCF -15 / -18 JT # 47 a nová 63 DXCC, 19,35 VK2JDS -13 / -13 JT # 48, VK4CDI -16 / -14 JT init 49, 20,35 PE1HNG -17 / -19, 21,01 G4RGK O/O a v 21,47 OE3JSA -28 / -22 JT # 50. CW pracováno v 19,55 VK2JDS 539/549 CW # 281.


Report F6DRO ze zářijové 10GHz EME aktivity s 1m tropo parabolou:

Hello, I had the great pleasure to work my 1st eme qso during ARI on sunday. 1st one : random is IQ4DF. At the end I was called by OK1KIR for QSO number 2. I was using my tropo dish : 1m offset , and my homebrew tvter which is designed to be used TR or EME only by adding a twist on the waveguide output. Power is 40W. I noticed that my sun noise is a little bit lower with this one than with my 2nd rig ( 8.5db sun noise , for 10db on the other rig). I must try to find why. Preamps are the same , WG input as well , only the horn is different. Maybe the clouds which were there when I measured can explain part of the difference. I must now work on a better antenna , and on the tracking system which is not so easy for me as I'm not very good in mechanics

73 Dom/F6DRO



Poznámka OK1TEH: Více o EME na 10GHz  najdete na:

