first QSO OK - JA on 24,048 GHz - 8840km
OK1KIR succeeded with JA6CZD on 24GHz EME
today, May 27 at 10:45UT with O/O reports.
Shichiro used 2.4m off-set dish, 30W from SSPA, on OK1KIR side it was 4.5m
prime-focus dish illuminated to about 4.2m, 23W at feed and DB6NT LNA. One
minute periods had been used to allow Shichiro to watch properly Moon
pointing. WX was good, just lightly cloudy, RH only about 50% at the QSO
time. JA6CZD reported good WX as well. At OK1KIR we measured G/CS at
10:30UT 1.8dB/11deg ele, 2.8dB at 30deg, Sun 13.6dB.
It seems to be the 1st QSO OK-JA and to Asia continent on 24GHz, OK
distance record on 24 GHz and BTW, the jubilee 1000th initial on the
frequency bands 432 MHz and up for OK1KIR, hi.
OK1KIR found own echoes already at 7deg elevation but G/CS was low at such
ele, about 1dB only. JA6CZD testing via the Moon was monitored at OK1KIR
already about 10min before the sked.
GL & 73 to all, Tonda&Vlada for OK1KIR
Ant: 2540 x 2740 offest Dish, Sun/cs
13dB, Moon/cs 2,2dB, G/cs 3dB
SSPA TGA4915x8, Output 30W, P.S 8V