OK1KIR EME April/May 2012

On Apr 27 at 12:23 UT wkd on 5760 MHz dxped HB0/DF1SR O/O # 56 as 1st HB0-OK 6 cm QSO. Afterwards on 432 MHz no signal found from dxped in EY due to terrible local noise background.

In the 13cm part of Dubus contest on 28.04. we started at 10:33 with VK3NX O/O, 10:59 SN2012GAM 559/529. When investigating S7 level of WiFi interference on 2424MHz JA band we rcvd a message that russian crew RK3WWF became QRV on 24 GHz. The sked was negotiated and we changed the band. Unfortunately after initial good echoes our TRX suddenly refused to provide enough power on 24 GHz. The test was several times postponed as we were not able to find the source of recurrent trouble.  Finally we have had to move the test (wisely,hi) to the next day at the time of lowest libration spread just after Moonrise.  In the late night the problem was finally discovered in a random parasitic oscillations of DB6NT 24GHz BA, but hours were spent fighting  spurious around 11 GHz and later on even persistent spurious on 20 GHz, which both impacted wanted output power of BA on 24GHz.  After all, finally the proper places and absorption material were found. Three ferrocart cores glued to the inner walls suppressed spurious, hopefully for ever, hi.

Morning next day, 29.04. during Moonrise we found weak own echoes already at 4deg el with nice clear ringing sound (libration spread was close to minimum of 25Hz). The sked on 24048.100 Mhz started at 11:00 UT, when mutual spread was growing, but still only about 75 Hz. RK3WWF signal was found a bit later on 24048.101 MHz instead of expected 24048.153 MHz.  QSO was easy completed at 11:24 with O/O reports, #11 and 1st UA-OK 24 GHz. OK1KIR signal recorded at RK3WWF was only about 45Hz wide at -3dB and QSO sounded like on 23cm. Unfortunately no record found on OK1KIR side (probably a typing mistake, sri). RK3WWF used 2 m dish and 22 W from TWT(RW1127). Records and pictures on http://forum.vhfdx.ru/obshchiy/qso-na-24ghz/msg123454/?topicseen#new

After that delighting success we returned back to 13cm contest and wkd at 12:42 OK1CA 569/579; 12:51 SV1BTR 569/579; 13:39 F5JWF 549/549 and 14:05 F1PYR 549/559, when Mr.Murphy returned and stopped the azimuth drive. Failure in steering was destroying with dish stuck out of parking position, so we were forced to QRT.  

Next day,30.04. after buying new contactors the dish driving was repaired and at 17:19 UT wkd OK1KKD on 2320 MHz 559/559 #116.

Day after, on May 1st at 15:53 UT wkd on 3400 MHz dxped HB0/DF1SR O/O # 42 and DXCC 24 after they wkd OK1CA and disappeared for some time. After our QSO they continued with G3LTF, LX1DB, S59DCD, PA0BAT, PA3DZL and ES5PC, then we closed operation.

Tonda & Vlada for OK1KIR.
