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Czech Easter contest - Rules
These rules are valid since 22. April 2013 for Main Easter contest and
Children's Easter contest arranged by Radioclub OK1KKT Tanvald.
Main contest starts each Easter sunday from 8.00 to 14.00 UTC , and Children's
contest from 14.00 - 15.00 UTC.
QSOs with non-participating stations are valid only if they sent entire contest
code - i.e. RST, QSO's Nr (which can't be 000) & WWL.
Contest's categories:
Category Description
1 144 MHz SO
2 144 MHz MO
3 432 MHz SO
4 432 MHz MO
5 1.3 GHz SO
6 1.3 GHz MO
7 2.3 GHz SO
8 2.3 GHz MO
9 3.4 GHz SO
10 3.4 GHz MO
11 5.7 GHz SO
12 5.7 GHz MO
13 10 GHz SO
14 10 GHz MO
15 24 GHz SO
16 24 GHz MO
17 47 GHz SO
18 47 GHz MO
19 76 GHz SO
20 76 GHz MO
SO (SINGLE OP) - stations operated by one person without any other assistance.
Other assistance means any manipulation
with TCVR/RCVR, directing antena, writting log & summary sheet, operating
equipment on Packet Radio.
MO (MULTI OP) - other stations
Modes: CW & phone according to the Region 1 IARU bandplans.
All used equipment must be on the area of 500m maximum in diameter. QTH can't be
changed during contest.
Using DX cluster and similar resources is permitted.
Each station can transmit only one signal on one band at the same time. (Signals
from Packed radio are without any limits)
More than one station from one QTH is allowed - it depends on the agreement
between them.
The output power is limited by rules of national radio amateur organisation or
local authorities only. Max 10 Watts output power is allowed in Children's
No QSOs via EME, repeaters or cross-band are allowed.
Only one valid QSO with each station on one band can be counted. Duplicated QSOs
must be marked as DUPE, RPT... with 0 points.
Contest code must contain RS/RST, QSO's Nr and WWL. QSO's Nr must start at 001
on each band. QSO's Nr 000 is not valid contest QSO's Nr and contest manager
will mark it as invalid! Non-competing stations must provide full code including
QSO's Nr starting at 001 otherwise the QSO is invalid. Logs from stations which
don't want to be evaluated are not needed.
Points: 1 point for each km of distance between stations. Points are rounded up
to the nearest integer (i.e. no decimals). 1 point for QSO in the same WWL. To
convert WWL into distance use coeficient 111,2 as recommended by 1. Region IARU.
For conversion of WWLs into latitude & longitude the WGS-84 is used (World
Geodetic System 1984).
Contest log can be submitted electronically only.
Electonic log must be in EDI format (REG1TEST) as the standard log format in
IARU I. region. Other formats won't be accepted and the station which send log
in wrong format will be excluded from evaluation.
Separate Log for each band shall be send.
Logs must be send no later than 10 days after contest.
QSO is not valid if:
there is any mistake in code - i.e. in CALL, RST, QSO Nr or WWL
there is more than 10 minutes diference against correct UTC
Duplicated QSO must be listed as normal QSO but with 0 points. In the case
duplicated QSO is claimed with points, ten times points will be deducted.
Contest manager can disqualify participants in case of:
Contest's rules violation
More than 10% wrong calculated distances
The submitted log is incomplete or misguided
Main contest:
Big Easter egg
for the record score after summary of all the poins from all the bands in which
the station was participating
Small Easter egg
for the first 3 places in each category if there is more than 15 participants
for the first place in each category if there is more than 5 participants
for the best foreign station worked outside of OK
for the best station NOVICE. NOVICE must be entered into the field [Remarks].
Children's contest:
Small Easter egg for first 3 places in absolute placement after summary of all
the poins from all the bands in which the station was participating. Only
children under age of 18 will be evaluated in this contest. The operator's date
of birth must be entered into the field [Remarks] in EDI file.
The OK1KKT's decision is final and won't be discused.
Send Your logs to:
from OK1KKT's site on the URL in
the Easter contest section. Please contact ok1miq(at) in case of any