The first
contact between OK and OE on
122 GHz [eng]
Although several first
EME contacts from OK abroad were achieved in last few days I think I should
report about another first one, this time on 122 GHz. During BBT contest a group
of OE hams managed small EHF meeting with tests on 47, 76 and 122 GHz (such an
event is called in OK "control day"). The 122 GHz contact path was the same like
in 2008, when me and Rudi OE5VRL made the first QSO OK-OE on 76 GHz. We
used 144,525 MHz for cross-talk frequency and antenna azimuth was optimized
thank to equipment for 76 GHz. First QSO on 122 GHz was achieved with OE3WOG/p
in CW (SSB was too weak). Next one was OE5VRL/5 and OE/DL3MBG. Unfortunately
OE2JOM/5 didn't know CW and SSB QSO wasn't possible.. The QSO path between
JN78ER and JN78HN is only 25,8km long however on 122 GHz you have several
factors which must be taken into account like a bad weather. However this time
we were lucky, weather was excellent so we were able to use optical orientation.
The whole even, we evaluated in a pub in the village Kerschbaum. The QSO was
made thank to great collective cooperation as well as excellent equipment of
OK1FPC and OK1UFL. Finally pressing PTT button was just "icing on the cake" (we
had to hurry up because nobody knows if such a QSO will be finished on EME too
hi :-).
73, OK1AIY
Rudi, OE5VRL standing by his
equipment for 122 and 76 GHz.
122GHz OE3WRA |

Austrian "Control
Day" on the hill in Viehberg JN78HN during occasion of EHF BBT contest.

122 GHz
equipment of OK1AIY/P (photo was taken in 2009 during meeting
in St.Englmar) |

76GHz OE3WOG/p |
76 GHz:
CW Sender 12 mW:
DF9LN OCXO 100.571693 MHz * 126 (CTI DRO) = 12672.033 MHz (30 mW) *3 (38 GHz
Modul) = 38016.1 MHz (100 mW) * 2 (MA46H146 Varaktordiode) = 76032.2 MHz (12 mW)
+ Antenne.
OE2JOM PLL 100.3809524 MHz *126 (CTI DRO) = 12648 MHz (30 mW) *3 (38 GHz Modul)
= 38016 MHz (100 mW) + Subharmonic Mixer (MAE 1318) + 144 MHz FT290 + Antenne.
122 GHz:
CW Sender ca. 0.5 mW:
DF9LN OCXO 97.024 MHz * 140 (CTI DRO) = 13583.344 MHz (20 mW) *3 (38 GHz Modul)
= 40750.033 MHz (70 mW) *3 (MAE 1310) = 122250.1 MHz (0.5 mW) + Antenne.
OE2JOM PLL 96.90952379 MHz * 140 (CTI DRO) = 13567.333 MHz (20 mW) *3 (38 GHz
Modul) = 407702 MHz (70 mW) + Oberwellenmischer (MAE 1317) + 144 MHz FT290 +
Antenne ist wahlweise 40cm oder 47.4 cm Eigenbau Präzisions Parabol.