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Consider some support of this web, please. Only this year were sent more, than 1000 links abt. VHF+ issues. Results of the Russian EME C-test. Why without OK in list? Linear PAs. Video shot of 23cm LNA by SQ1GQC. Are you ready to QSY your 23cm gear to 1298MHz & decrease power to 50W only? Forecast related to 23cm. Graph from Tromso: Aurora? Few links focused to solar observation is gone (Solarham predictions), next starts. Sounds from space, anew hamradio satellites are supposedly ON.(by DD1US). Nano-VNA -> C and L measure. 2024 Geminids Shower are gone. Let us know how many 70cm QSOs over 1k km you did. MMC v OK here. TEP DX QSO 6474km from Florida (by UT1FG/MM) to Argentina. Why microwawe? What the mischiefs prepare? Jan PA3FXB info: hamradio telescope Dwingeloo (PI9RD) receive Voyager I -> signals from QRB 25 billions km. New DL7YC web page focused to 47 & 76GHz EME. Unusual shape of feed optimized offset dish for cm bands. We have very good EME condx right now. Ham radio travelling for μW QSOs by DL3IAS. At 144MHz to Brazil. Next from OK hamradio founders was OK1AW. DG7YBN has new 70cm antenna for contest quad. Geminids. Just a few days ago  we had great anniversary - 100 years since first OK hamradio QSO abroad! More here. MMC from Chopok hill was very different to OK vision, how the contest operation looks like. OM MMC results. Why the Elecratf K3S transceivers are in VHF Contests so popular. More here + here. And here and even here. Where to buy radiators. Small ON 2m PA and  23cm amplifier. 13cm variable gain driver. RX noise analysis. Arrival of MS shower Geminids. Albeit the peak will be on 14.12, already you may prepare long MS DX QSOs. Don't be confused, when the 2m field show the warning "High MUF". It could be fault of FT8. 2m DXC visit here. Results of a spring part of ARI EME C-test. Sophisticated soldering tool. GaN transistor 300W CW up to 13cm. This weekend would be some tropo condx, now to East? November EME NewsLetter for 70cm and above. OL9W in MMC 2024 story. And by OK1FEN, OL7C. OK2KRT, OK2KAA. As well as OL3Z. We were at  home. Small note, but nifty. Tropo? TEP condx to EU in Oct. 2024. ALC & AGC in multiband transceiver. Smart ALC? Update of tropo log OK1TEH from 2024. He maybe will add the maps, which were deleted at old web. Be ready. This weekend you can wkd on 23cm Portorico. But small 23cm antenna is not enough for it. Defend your PC. 70cm SSPA -> how to do it. More. Multimeter frm VR. OK1TEH wkd last weekend 39 EME QSO by single Yagi. This year ARRL EME C-test is over. Our QSL from contests were send to LOTW server. Check our QSOs list. At midnight starts next run of ARRL EME C-test 2024 in 50 to 1296MHz bands. Current Solar cycle 25. update. Copper bars for SSPA. Investment to Chinese 2m 170W PA kit? Polishing the scratched display by DD1US. Leonids MS shower is comming. For such short bursts will be the best FSK441 mode. Join it. More. Early peak
Cheap 2kW motogenerator incl. inventor. The year membership fee in SP is abt. 37€, in OK 73€, in G abt.100€
. Email OK5XM, focused to small Chinese 2m driver. OK2SJF testing East side service generator HF to 470MHz. Claimed map of FT8 QSOs of Monday 4.11. Use of digital mode for EME & TEP is clear, but for tropo condx? Next tropo condx maybe would be by forecast on the end of next week on 16.11. on following ARRL EME-C. Tropo condx to the East is unfortunately blocked by take FT8 into one's head. Try our filtered version of DXCLS. When you have VUSC contest log, OK1DIX suggest download again new VUSC 707 update, here in zip version. Do you need new mast? If yes,check it for example here, here or even here. Leo Bodnár released new GPSDO. Do'nt be confused: 2m DX Cluster were now full of FT8 unreal spots (or probably from one deranged operator)? SMD High Q capacitors for low impedance power circuits of solid state PA. Horn antennas for microwave bands. Interesting transistor for 2m: RF5L052K0CF4. Cheap kit can be used as well as driver for 144 and 432 MHz PAs. MMC2024 by OK5P, OK1KFH, DK0NA, SN9DS9Z will be QRV EME at 70cm till 20.11. IP IF trcv. IC 7760. MMC pleasure of OK1TRJ (OK1KKI). Claimed results in OK, OM, 9A, DL+, S5, PA. Today will be held 2m NAC. Few words about MMC impressions: OK1ZHS, OL7M, claimed list of UK stns & note to tropo towards OK, OM. 3 new DXCC for OK at 23cm - more here. Nice 10GHz contacts: Přemek OK1YA wkd G4KUX IO94 and F6DBI. This season of VHF/UHF contesting is over. Send your MMC contest log to the IARU evaluation till Wednesday. Slovak hamradio meeting Tatry 2024. OK2SJF promotes, among others, as well as nifty soldering iron T12. Home made conversion of Quansheng UV-K5 handheld into like a VHF/UHF FM/HF radio show you OM0ET. Already tomorrow will start Marconi memorial VHF Contest 2024. Verify your skill operate digital Morse code. Just now join tropo condx from F/G/PA to OK. Try CW/SSB, not FT8. Try it  as well as by F5LEN forecast. Next week check possibility of Aurora. AD831 mixer up to 70cm. XT2MD (Burkina Faso) on 2m EME. QRO & remote st. blog OK2ZAW. EME travelling EA8DBM. Antigua & Barbuda (V26AM) QRV till 1.11. at 23cm. New version of the VUSC Contest log v.7.07 has released. Check the changes. ČRK plan 3 days C-logs delivery. New EME Newsletter 2410 for 70cm & up is ON. Web page OK1TEH left Nagano server and strike home. Optimum distance of 2m in stack antenna for EME operation. Last EME (Trenton 24) conference papers archive. August 47GHz "session" in Texas. HF opening from VK to EU. For total beginners. Who will need 8m HF band? Next 2m TEP DXs. How high will be final noise factor of receiving cascade?  Different definition of noise factor. Radiotechnical principle - Mixer. DB6NT's clearance sale. New session of NTMS? How to weld aluminium components. What do you think abt high frequency of TEP 2m condx in last days? Are they real? RSGB convention video incl. data related to present Solar cycle 25. KA6U EME trip around unused US locators. Report from OK2A team participation as by OK1KRA in IARU UHF Contest 2024. ARRL EME Contest just now. More TEP QSOs today. Has it something common? You may check, how ČRK will defend amateur GHz bands. 60 years old report from July VHF Field day.This year were these hills empty. VHF-C 2024 OL7C & OK1KCR. Some pages of Bessel formulas may helps - notably these tables. On 16.10 verify tropo condx forecast to SM. UHF Contest 2024 u OK5P. Antenna setup 9A0BB for VHF-C. Contest calendar by Icom. Future of HF bands? Report from Aurora days on 9 - 11.Octobre. IARU UHF-C: claimed participation in DL and SP, 5P5T VHFC. Aurora 10.10.2024 - pics from OK, log OK1TEH: 2m, 70cm, S51ZO, GM4DIJ/P. 2m TEP ZD7-EA QRB 6100km.
2 or more ports divider and combiner design info - for example here, here and first of all here. More of gadgets. Optical observation of Aurora in OK upset low level clouds. Caribean new opportunity. KA6U on the road again. Take care! Don't miss Aurora forecast for 10-11th October, more here. History of Au in OK. UHFC by OK2PPK. UHFC 2024 by: OK1OPT, OK1KPA, OK1KKI, OR6T, DL3IAS. Claimed results in
: 9A, S5, OK, OM, PA, G. UHFC 2024 by: OK2VMC, IQ1KW, 9A4QV, 9A5M, S59DGO, S59P, S50C, S56P. Very cheap 6cm 50W SSPA. Final result list of the Summer OK QRP Contest find here. Claimed ranking of the OK UHF/SHF Contest here. Today is the last evening to send your contest log from UHF/SHF Contest to IARU. OK1KUO had HW problem. In an UHF Contest we get sick. So we gave you points as OK1KRA. July Field day C-test in OK & OM by IARU. Czech telco authority move D-base of licence holders. In an UHF C-test we will run in limited scale as OK1KRA. Leave your announce abt. participation in the IARU Region I. UHF / SHF Contest 2024. Weather forecast online. For download: WSJT-X 2.7.0-rc7. Calc of dish feed here (zip). ARI EME contest 24 by PA2V. KH6 70cm KB7Q. VHF Contest 2024 by: DR2X, OL1C, OL4N, SN7L, HA8V, F6KFH. Upcoming weekend's ARI EME Contest. EME Contest ARRL by OK2AQ. He has an interference from 10GHz wifi link. Video shot IP0A z VHF Contestu. ČRK publish preliminary results of the OK VHF Contest. Video from Strojetice session and  abt. HF trip A8OK. One world-famous μW ham W8MM passed away. His product maybe save you already money, even w/o QSL. VHF core of OK1KCR club station you may find around OK1FRD and on his web. Incl. report from VHF C-test. New EME NewsLetter for 70cm & above. W6SZ / PA0ZN SK. RIP!  Join the ARRL EME Contest this weekend. VHF Contest by OK2O. Flashback of OK1KTW. Crazy handy TX. For test: VHF log OM3CPW. Then use VUSC. Jarda OK2JI decided to sell his portable equipment. Czech radio.provider in hold on status. VHF Contest OK4C. Anticipated Aurora came after the Midnigth. Au condx were ON till Noon. CRC doesn't "support" 9cm bands. VHF Contest 2024 by OK1FEN, IP0A + map, Contest report 5P5T, OK1KCI. webhosting change. Quite soon will start autumn season of EME Contests -> on 21.9 is ARRL EME C-test and week later ARI EME. G4DBN's dish feed. Claimed scores in DL. Another QSL. Do you know abt. collision of VHF-C & Weinheim tag. VHF Contest 2024 by DK0NA, 9A0BB, OL2J, OL3T, OK1KKI. Claimed list of Italian + Slovak score. SK records. VE3NEA: EME on HF edge - JT 6m skimmer SW - presentation. Hawaii at 70cm: opportunity. Aurora on 12.9. Papers from EME sessions. VHF Contest by LZ5AE, DM0Y, OL7M, OK1KPA, Last update of Contesting rules. It seems, that IARU R1 VHF Contest were held at last nice weekend in year. Spanish video  from VHF Contest. VHF Contest 2024 by SQ2RAD, F8KID, OK1OPT, Memories to our VHF contesting  in last 30 years: 1, 2, 3. When you need SMD device. VHF Contest 2024 by  OK1KFH & OK1KUO, DA0FF, 9A0BB. IARU contesting. VHF Contest 2024 by OK1HWU (OK7C), OK1VPZ, OK2KRT and voice record SN7L. Logaritmic detector. DF2ZC released new 2m EME Newsletter, SN7L on Snowhill had strong wind. Claimed results at Last actual version of the IARU R1 contests rules from last published VHF Handbook at web page. Just this weekend IARU R1 arrange large EU VHF Contest of 2024 year. Leave info about participation  here.  OK1VAM, famous OK 3cm station (QRV since 1959) passed away in the age of 88. His CQ still rings in space. OK1AR invites  to Strojetice When producers will comprehend CW_SSB transceiver  need "smart digital ALC"? It may help you. More. Compare: FT847 modification. Time to move 24-47GHz. Help yourself. More. Towers. From our EME community passed away Serge VE1KG. He will missed!  International evaluation of July  C-test. We got a question related kW 70cm SSPA. Let me few words about popular PA. Maybe wait for a bit new device. First 70cm QSO OK-CY9 achieved by OK1KIR. Congrats! New gear->YAESU FTX-1F. New ICOM 7760. And even more: SP9VFD, W7TXT, WC8RK. Actual msg by DL7YC: first CW worldwide 47GHz EME QSO worked! More Trenton conference papers: K1JT, JH1KRC 1,2,3, K0PRT, I0NAA, KB2SA, KB7Q, N0AKC, N5BF N7SS. Next conference papers from Trenton: OK1DFC: 8m offset dish, N1AV: Microwave EME KH6, WD5AGO: LNA Pics report OK1TEH: EME conference Trenton, N.J. Papers related to history of EME (OK1TEH): 1,2,3,4,5,6. EA8DBM via EME will be next days at 23cm in Corsica, then in IS0. We shall be prepared at 23cm  for 2025. EME NewsLetter for 70cm & up. This weekend will be held next run of ARRL EME Contest. And OK1DFC? ČRK released prefinal Czech (OK) results of VHF July Field day 2024. For large EU evaluation we still wait. New web page of large hamradio market in DL. Few pictures from SP6 VHF hamradio convention by OK1FQK. Info IP0A. - check the QRV list abt. real big array from Sardegna. EME from Antarctis: by VK0DS. T7/LY3UM. We held a small celebration of 24 anniversary of informative VHF-UHF-SHF web operation on OK2KKW web. Within the trip to Alps was OK7SE focused on Alpe-Adria & QRP Contest. TEP were open even in August. More. OK SHF contest we cut out, only OK1TEH distributed points from the home shack. Czech results are here. Alpe-Adria & QRP contest from Klínovec, DL3IAS info abt use of Aurora. Sunspots, audio, QSOs, log preview. Even till evening were Aurora! Try as well as 70MHz band! GaN Power Amplifier Design Solution by Qorvo. Today, 12.8. after 12h. UTC probably will be Aurora. MS activity of August meteoric showers. Vivaldi antenna. Report of Robert OK1FEN from A-A VHF & OK QRP C-test. Pics OK1OPT from similar source. A-A-C OL2J. Microwave and RF detector w. Schottky diodes. DL3IAS: rain scatter at 10GHz only w.2mW. EME LY3UM. GaN 24GHz RF power MMIC amplifier can deliver up to 10W. (tnx info DB6NT). CT1DIZ/p MS trip at 2 and 4m. Simple variable adjustable attenuators for SSPA drive. How it look by professionals. 20W GaN PA for 24GHz. Aurora 4.8 by: OK1TEH, DK8KX, UT9UR. 6.8 was big 2m Es OK- F. FT8 CQ WW VHF Contest by OK1KKI. Alpe Adria VHF-C / QRP 24 by: OK1TEH, OK1KPA, OK2VMC, S59DEM, S50C, S59P. Perseids: more info. Perseids arrived and helps to create Es above middle EU. Video VK3FS focused to ionosphere. More. Device. ARRL EME Contests change of rules. 2024 autumn parts of ARRL EME Contest. LPF of 2m PA by OK1UGA. DL3IAS invitation into C-test. On 2.8. were sporadics. For us, sad to say, to close. Development in GaN area. Calendar of VHF C-tests DJ5AR Perseids peak would by on 12.8. morning. Consideration abt. this year DXs. Sad info: well-known F8ZW passed away at the age of 88. He was very active on VHF. You wkd him sure. RIP! Leave your announce about participation in the Alpe-Adria, BBT & OK,OL QRP C-tests. EA8DBM GHz EME. New two metres DG7YBN antenna for IARU VHF Contest. How to connect 4 low noise Yagi system. OK1KKY. ARI Meteor scatter Contest. As well as for 50 and 70MHz bands. MMMonVHF Meteorscatter sprint Contest. Perseids on the way. Remember to use it. Some related info. More here, here. Even here. Try it on 432MHz. However NRAU is running more contests for hamradio. About DX-pedition to Iceland. Test μW adventure. BALTIC OPEN VUSHF Championship 2024: this Contest will be held 17.8. 2024 15-21 UT, @ 2m, 70 & 23cm. Invitation to 32-nd  traditional Radio Amateurs meeting in Slovenia, Murska Sobota. Logs HG7F from July VHF. This weekend you may josh by EME wifi tricksters, who slowly occupied hamradio band 5,76GHz. More here. Auroral condx not seeing, CME cloud arrived in opposite polarity. KA6U is on trip & helps to EU with WAS. ON7UN passed away. It's great sadness that ON7UN is gone, Eddy  wrote. DF2ZC released new July 2m EME Newsletter. YAESU suggests discout coupons for new HF transceivers. Nifty stabilizer. Results of spring part ARI EME Contest. Lightnings hunter. Where to buy starlocks for M2 fix? On 20.7 were 55 years since first human crew landing on the Moon surface. Movie made for such historic event. July C-test story: OK2A (OK2KKW). Long two metre antenna by DG7YBN for success in IARU VHF Contest. When you are QRV on 70MHz, remind this weekend to IARU 4m VHF CW-SSB Contest. Space project Parisat. Degradation of EME communication is a combination of Moon distance & position on the Sky vs.noise sources. Claimed results of Italian list of July 3rd.subregional IARU / Field Day. Pics from July FD 2024 by IK4HLQ. Bavarian and Saxonian VHF (up to μW) Mountains Day will be held parallel with our Czech QRP & A-A C. Give them contest points. Sad: remind to UHF devoted ham OK1IBB from OK1KNF, multiple OK Master at 70cm. He passed away. RIP! July C-test story: F0EGV, F6CJP Meteorscatter Sprint Contest. Tantal hasn't ESR better than ceramic one. July C-test story: OK1KKI, OK1KMP, OK1KKY, OK2VMC, OK2KOJ, OL2J, DR2X+DL3IAS, 9A0BB & HA6W. July C-test story: OK6M, OK2PPK, F6KFH, IQ1KW. Updated several tables of our club -> results & awards. July C-test story: OK1KPA, OK1KUO, OK1KFH, OK1KOB, OM3KSI. Claimed NFD results sent to RSGB web. July C-test story: OK2KRT, OL7M. OK QRP Contest 2024. ALPE-ADRIA VHF Contest. Leave your announce. Tomorrow we await lightning storms, test the rainscatter QSO as well on (for RS) unusual bands 23, 13 + 9cm. On July 20 - 21. will be held IARU 70MHz VHF CW-SSB Contest. Antenna Average gain KF2YN. Our beacon OK0EP is stilll QRV (already 43 years). Someone still need it? If yes, send a spot sometimes. Claimed results from the July IARU Field day here + here & as well here. Don't forget send a log till Wednesday. Karel OK1SQK is SK. RIP!  We lost well known μW VKV ham PA1TK. New VE7BQH list of the best antennas. PTFE coaxial cables of unusual impedance for your home made SSPAs, splitters and couplers buy here, Unsorted pics from Friedrichhafen. Finally we got something free. Some directional coupler. Into Contests results table had add OK list of May C-test based on IARU R1 results. Why it's not as by CRC? Remind update of your position on the VHF up Top list. OK results list of the June SHF Contest for final check. Do you know it? Coax.splitter or combiner well known as "rat race coupler". Remember details? Look here. Have you at 23cm UTAH? Use the trip of KB7Q into loc DN41av. Yesterday's Es reflections were just above us. Next Es. Where to buy high Q capacitors for SSPA. Regional sales here. Cubesat MESAT1. Use till we can. Within Friedrichhafen convention was Aurora then FT8 Es. Az/El rotator controller by Pavel OK1DX AVROT Spanish Cubesat. Lightning & storms again? NLC clouds. Connector of "screened banana & socket" isn't UHF. EME - already this weekend!  Leave your announce please for July IARU Contest & OK Field day. Shift of the VALVO circulator from TV UHF band down to 70cm. Valvo circulators production. As well as here. Cigar form antenna for lower GHz bands: history, development, design, for 23cm, 13cm and 9cm. S53VM web. K2UYH passed away. Let the Earth be light for him. OK1TEH will inform you, what about his EME NewsLetter. QRSS: nonrobotic replacement of FT8 - option for DXing? - and what on 2m with use of FAI condx - see EI7GL. Politics of digitalization demolish as well as ham radio contesting. Canadian station wkd 70% of FT8/4 QSOs. Here is OK2KKW and historically as well as OK1KRA. It is our QTH, where we transmit. Story of Seifen. American "Holice" - Dayton Hamvention 2024: video from marketing event of Icom. For us is rather close this. Finální slovenské výsledky květnového 2.s IARU. Aktuální přehled bouřek na území EU. EA8DBM EME. European results of the IARU May 2.subregional Contest 24 for final check. Delayed I1KFH data of June μWC. We received an invitation to traditional SP6 VHF-SHF convention Zieleniec. It will be held on 16 to 18.8.2024. Would be some coincidence of stratospheric NLC clouds and Sporadic Es layer? More here. OK1KIR's news. Contest weekend extension! Beside our Activity contest will be held on Sunday  Alpe-Adria UHF-SHF Contest. On Saturday will begin analogue (w/o FT8!) IARU C-test at 50MHz band. Es is ON, even QRP will work well :-). SSB at μW bands in OK: 16 part of OK1AIY tale + historical overview. BY directional coupler (23 + 13cm). Preliminary results list of the IARU 2.subr. & May Contest for final check. It seems we won all of our 4 bands. OK1DFC experiments with EME at 47GHz. Not successfull yet. Hi PWR 13cm coupler by DD1US.  Long DX Es 3230km. Claimed points list of the June 2024 IARU Microwave contest in OK. Submitted change proposal of C-test rules. Reports from the last IARU SHF weekend: OK1KUO, DK0NA, OK2VMC, OK1OPT, 9A3AQ, OK5P, OK1ELE. Few weeks ago was discussed issue of the kW SSPA design due to real power at 70cm. Compare ART2K0FE. Crazy weather... Convention of 9A hamradio Psunj - Saturday 8.June.  LM399 - reference of voltage 10,0000V. After close of IARU SHF contest we were surprized by long Es. More. Nice discovery: 7X2RO speaks Slovak. Due to upcoming heavy rain in JO60JJ area this weekend OK2A team aren't going to be QRV in June SHF:-( Czech Meteo institute is quite sure, that this contests weekend will be in OK very rainy. Chinese 23cm isolator. We received bad news. Our small OK-OM 3cm community lost OM1GX, who passed away into space of DXs. Overview of FT8 QSOs here. Ferrite materials for interference suppression. Compare reality and CRC history. Session of the persons interested in microwave issues on 29.5. Es as usual? Robotic FT8 QSOs as priority? The Nature is some-how out of Es season time list. Condx ordinary were open since 23.5. 70cm LNA w. SAW. First Es opening in 2024 season were on 16.5. Check Es tomorrow or the day after. Important PA2DW info. After 8 years this meeting is almost forgotten but physics is still valid. Ordinary SDR TRX would be good for HF. What new in Texas? 24/47GHz project of W5LUA. Video from Kozákov thrift sale meeting and CB impressions? Contest report from the VHF+up IARU May Contest 2024 by OK2A (OK2KKW). The same C-test by OK2KRT. British, German & Slovak prefinal results of the May VHF/UHF/SHF Contest IARU 2024. Be ready for 2m Es. OK1TEH sent his pics from 10.5.2024 Aurora as it was visible on the North of Prague. DD1US: coaxial cables. Within last decade of May we have in EU usually start of 2m Es season. What abt. 2024?  Good opportunity, Nice summary of Auroral weekend by VE3EN. Simple transverter SP6GZZ 10/2m. Is the FT857 with "D" better? DF2ZC released his new 2m EME NewsLetter. Aurora was visible even after Midnight from SP1.  But all sleeps. 10 - May 2024 were Aurora of decade. Condx were open as well as on 70cm and even Southern to IS0. Final results list of OK participants in the 2024 IARU March Contest. OK1TEH won 3x . EME at 47GHz wave. May contest 2024 by: DR2X, DL1EMY, DA0FF, IQ1KW, OL2J, OL7C, OL7M, OK1KUO, OK1UFF + OK1OPT. May contest 2024 by: ON4KHG, DK0NA, OK1KMP, OK1KKY, OK2PPK, 9A0BB, DL6GCK, S51ZO + S57O. May C-test.OK1KPA. Maybe tomorrow but with higher probability on Saturday await Aurora. ADSB receiver. Small "circlet" antenna for 23cm by HB9SSH and DJ6EP. TEP condx observed again. Test of Haarp transmitter. Claimed list of the IARU May 2024 2.nd subregional contest OK, OM, DL, S5, 9A and DL pics. G4DBN dish. CRC only few days before May VHF/UHF contest IARU discussed changes in terms of OK VHF contests rules. DXs in the May Contest are as usual supported by meteoritic shower / Eta Aquarids. For sure you will join it. International results list of  the IARU March Contest. OK1SPN from CB, PMR, D-Star & FM passed away, RIP! QRV list for May VHF/UHF Contest. Stavba Yagi antény. Microwave session Kozákov on 11.5. OL3Z  & 23cm. Reminder only. End of MFJ. Maybe Au late afternoon? GHz EME CT1BYM. Unique TEP DX QSO at 70cm! Spectrum analyzer up to 20GHz. 1kW PA for 10GHz! PA tranzistor up to 70cm. New license rules in UK. DG7YBN: plastic components for  antena design. HF aerial for 40MHz. 3cm 60W PA unit. Precision voltage ref. Print out the feed for QO100 satellite. End of war celebration. Two years ago. Aged,but still valid health warning. In December we remind Mr. G.Marconi. Now he has 150.birthday. But we shoudn't forget as well as A.S.Popov. Leave your announce about planned participation in the next May IARU 2.nd subregional Contest. TH7DXX. OE1KDA wrote (translated) article abt. simple HF aerials as well as few words abt. V/UHF low bands antennas. Fix your bad taste from FT8 and join 23cm SSB EME contest on May.10 before DUBUS EME contest 11-12.5. Construction of EME station with big dish (part 1). And several ideas by WA6HTP. Mostly "HF" news by EI7GL. Web page SQ1GU focused to hamradio HW at VHF & GHz bands. Seasoning & tests of tetrodes by OK1AMF. Some ham radio meetings: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Spring trip KA6U. Cheap spectrum analyzer LTDZ. SPS by Mornsun. The World amateur radio day on 18.4. Jarda OK2UYU passed away. Who know him, remind that decent guy. New 144MHz EME NewsLetter DF2ZC. New EU web of MeanWell PS producer. Update of digi Pluto up to 3cm. In remembrance of DL7APV: presentation of his giant 70cm EME monster with 128 yagis. Even maybe Aurora? K2UYH released EME newsletter for 70cm & up. We lost good friend and excellent op Bernd, DL7APV SK, RIP... OK1DFC wkd first 70cm QSO OK-A8OK, congrats. We add QSL card for 1st 9cm QSO OK-Philippines. EME trip SZ5RDS to Rhodos cancelled - DH7FB has back "pain" -> QSP DF2ZC. Dubus EME Contest today. On Monday 14.4 has a birthday ( 97! ) guru of OK VHF communication, Jindra OK1VR. Send him your wish! Spain open new HF band. Belgium is retuning. In OK temporary no change. 144MHz QSO by lightning scatter. How to manage soldering of RF PWR transistors at heatsink of SSPA. Suggestion: use Pb48Sn32Bi. 63 years. Try EME, Condx are still good. As well as TEP condx are open. Dual band GaN 30W PA chip cover 9 and 3cm. FT897 isn't for CB: update + set up & Service manual. Web is QRV already 25 years. Congrats!Easter contest results list. Reports: OK2PPK, OK1KMP, OK1KKY, Antenna  of  OM0MV/UB beacon. Really? Indeed next TEP DX QSOs: A65BR - FR4OO (QRB 5162km) and SV2DCD - V51WW QRB 6613 km. Lyrids MS shower is arriving. Results of the ARRL EME Contest 2023. I1KFH: dual band feed by OM6AA. SZ5RDS - 2m and 70cm EME/MS ctivity DF2ZC + DH7FB on Rhodos island (KM46CK) within 14 - Prefinal list of OK stations in March IARU Contest for last check here. Preliminary list of IARU subregional here. More about TEP opening to EU has written by EI7GL. New TEP beacon ZS6RVC. 4X/OM2IB sent us info ZS4TX. Next TEP DX from EU yesterday: 9H1TX, SV8PEX, 9H1PA completed unique QSO w.V51WW QRB > 6000km. 144MHz TEP DX QSO Greece - Namibia. Nice BPF. March VHF Contest DH3GD. VK3FS & his microwaves. Actual last known version of the IARU VHF Handbook. Overview -> meteoritic showers for MS traffic in April 24. 20W PA for 13cm by SG labs. Blog OK1EM -> view in to history. VK0DS and his target: antarctic EME activity. Don't forget to wish Happy Easter to all and join on Sunday OK Easter Contest 2m22CROSSDX - EME Yagi. Curiosity: just a week after Easter Monday -> on April 8th. 2024 will be in USA visible total eclipse of Sun. Results of the Winter QRP contest. This video of the I4MEY team were recorded during March OK Activity test. IF transceiver Anan - G2 with 16 bit. A/D converter in the RX way maybe would be suitable even for 144MHz. Converter for HF to your two metre transceiver. DD1US amplifier -> 40W at 2,4GHz. 150W surplus PA 13cm. Maybe this article would be helpful at least for someone. TV reception in the Valley of baffleds -> tech. history. Did u read VHF contests reports of SN7L from IARU VHF Contests 2021, 2022 a 2023? Google AI translation. Late tonight or tomorrow 25.3, you can await quite strong Auroral phenomena. Overview of coax.cables data. Video records of G4CCH, focused to EME traffic. Did you seen VK3OU web? ON5GS: SSB EME with HB9Q. New first QSO abroad -> OK1KIR - LZ4OC at 24GHz. Congrats! 9cm EME Dubus Contest report by VE6BGT. Detailed description of the 10GHz feed for circular polarization in EME. Coaxial relay for higher PWR on 3cm. March subregional IARU VHF+ Contest  by DK0NA. DD1US -> 25W PA for 13cm with MRF21045 transistor. For download is available a new version of the V/U/SHF Contest log SW VUSC version 7.06. N1V on EME agn. Unique 23cm QSO VK7MO we already reported. EI7GL that QSO described in details. 4W driver for 13cm. Mostly HF Czech publications with hamradio matter for download from OK5NW web. Abt.MS propag. by R&S. Do you remember? A bit abt. EME by R&S. What is WIFI 6E? Why we lost 6cm -> due to silence of CRC? 1.subr.2024 by OK2C, OM3KTR. First 10GHz: OK - Hawaii (OK1KIR - N1V) Congrats! 9cm Dubus EME Contest. March 2024 issue of the 2m EME Newsletter, Remind Aurora 13.3.89? Here is blackout analysis in Canada. News from the Netherlands: March 23cm contest by PA0EHG. PE1RKI produces single 145MHz cavity filter. VHF commitee of IARU R1 & OM3BH suggestions? After 43 years of QRV our OK0EP is "in the band" agn? 1.subr.2024 IARU by:IK4HLQ, OL7C, Abt."Line of sight" & VHF propagation. Newsletter IARU, welcome OM3BH. 1.subr. 2024. IARU by: OL7M, OK2PPK, OK2PVX, OK6M, ON4KHG, OR6T, F6KFH, HA8V, I1KFH, DL3IAS. Standa, OK1MS had birthday, we wish him good health. 23cm new DX record of VK7MO via Lightning Scatter. Few ideas how to use portable trailer. Transverters of SQ9MTS. EI7GL released his VHF Newsletter. Check it. OZ9ARR works on the new EME antenna. Did you prepare similar? BPF filter for cut off  out of band QRM. 1.subr. IARU by: OK1KKY, IQ1KW, S51ZO+S59P. Well known F6BEG passed away, RIP! Aurora 3.3 OK1TEH. 1.subr. IARU by: OK1JFH, OK1KPA, OL2JF8KID. Claimed score from: 9A, S5, OK, OM, PA, G & by IARU. Already today at 19h. will be held 2m part of NAC, SP-UKF AC & IAC. Invitation to visit Danish V-UHF news. 1st. subregional contest is over. Aurora trembled by HAARP?. Pavel OK1AIY sent next part abt. μW history. CAUTION! change of time frame for logs delivery of V/UHF Contests IARU (incl.Subregionals,μW-C). More here. Low noise frontend of the receiver input for 13cm by DD1US. Don't forget send an announce for 1.subr. contest. Another HF transceiver XIEGU X6200. Several data like phase noise are not known yet. But FT8 will be sure. BPF for 47GHz, developed for cut off of the mirror frequency products. VHF oscillator with very low phase noise. During 1st. IARU subregional contest will be running ionosphere heating test by experimental HAARP TX. Check Es. DL3IAS -> report from Winter BBT. February QRP-C 2020 by OK1FEN. Winter QRP by OK1TDO. Dual mode horn OE2IGL. It came from IARU: here, here, here & here. DD1US's LNA with Miteq 121643-15-17 . HS60RAST is QRV. Calendar of SP VHF/UHF contests here. Until now this record has broken by G4KUX only. SW by W3SZ. New microwave components by Kuhne. BTW as well as 1W PA for 47GHz band. VHF/UHF parts by YU7CF. Not only antenna construction by RW1AW.  L.B.Cebik look at antenna by a bit different way. SSB envelope control. OK1XFJ SK RIP! He had 67 y. only.. Omnidirectional horizontally polarized antennas. Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 +6. K2UYH sent us again newsEME NewsLetter for UHF and SHF bands. Parabolic dish simple calc for basic parameters. S-parameters and how to take it. 10GHz LNA by satellite LNB. Ladder SSB X-tal filter: design & construction. It's running now. EME antenna WB9UWA -> look at it. Transverter suggestion for 23cm: be able move up and tune up to [at least] 1300MHz freq. Measure of LNA with Miteq chip AMF5S-040080-12-13P amplifier for GHz "mid-bands". Web is ON again. LNA with MMIC SPF5189Z -> article by DD1US. This video confirming again, that banana plug PL259 is not an UHF. Delete of hamradio operation in 23cm band is still issue for spectral authority negotiations. VHF Contest's video IZ0CLS. From: Michigan V/UHF Society, UTAH VHF Society, Texas: retune of circulator. Maybe we missed  Aurora. International evaluation of the VHF Marconi memorial CW Contest in fact completed our Contest Season 2023. UHF antenna with isolated elements - construction details. Set up Youtube for your home language. HS60RAST. For download is now a list with the international results of 2023 VHF Contest evaluated by IARU. From the same table you can seen as well as last year UHF-SHF Contest IARU and many other C-tests lists. Use Sun Noise Measure to Evaluate EME System Performance. Actual calendar of Italian national contests. From I4CIV blog: connection of two 25Ω antennas into 50Ω feeder. Construction and VHF Contest IZ0CLS. Simple home made filter against TV interference from 2m transmitter. Precise UHF antenna elements lengths. DF2ZC released new 2m EME NewsLetter. TEP DX-pedition Aruba. VK3FS believes that microwaves are easy. Maybe interesting for someone: Slovak PC logger -> VHF Contest log OM3CPW. Panadapter for IC9700 gear. SMA antenna relay up to 50GHz. Another coax. relays. 20W 2m driver. Calendar of Moon events by DL7APV! CRC released OK results of  MMC2023. On the web archive sheet OK2KKW are available in our usual format. The contest results archive sheet has updated by EU UHF contest 1960 winners. Waiting for EU results 2023. VE7BQH propose again outline of the best hamradio antenna designs from the perspective of noise level. W1GHZ send article abt. Cassegrain subreflector. Adds articles for study here, here. μW soldering of 122GHz. OK1TEH wkd via tropo RA3LBW QRB abt.1296km. On the N5PA VHF web you can find many interesting links. Tiny SA ultra Spectrum analyzer up to 6GHz. How to bend semirigid cables. G4FON web for CW training. Tomorrow, on 28.& 29.1 would be awaited improved tropo condx up to N & NE. Try to look there. Less than.. Mirek OK1DOM invite you to the Winter QRP Contest ČAV held on Sunday 04.02.24! Our First abroad list-> 23cm QSO OK- FO0 (Clipperton island) has assigned to OK1DFC. I hope it enjoy him. Tnx 4 info. VK0DS. From the Archive: old 70cm aerials although out of date still works very well. Couple of asuggestions to PWR SSPA projects. Beginners projects from NTMS U.S. society: A, B, C, D. And a bit more sophisticated matter: how to solder small SMD devices. Time of 23cm changes is here. However we shall wait for EC decision, particularly if they will confirm ITU negotiation results. Offset 10GHz EME dish KA1GT. Do you know inductance of such coil? EME ops. are moving by 2 MHz. When you will do at 23, or at 13cm bands final contest ODX w.I1KFH, remind they use OM6AA loop feed. Today is a significant day. Just 50.years ago the Nature prepares special game which changed V/UHF DXing. Translation of one article maybe can help you to set a power attenuators for UHF+ frequency bands at home. OK1VAO released prefinal OK results of the Marconi Memorial Contest 2023 for final check. Chinese battery. Precise RF Wattmeters. KA6U trip ->2m EME DX from EM62 & EM72. Will be the NAC area for FT8 mildew? Results of the RU EME Contest from last year + calendar for 2024. Noise source & noise measurement basics. Yearly rent fee and electricity for operation of OK0EP beacon has paid today. Beacon is QRV already 42 years. DM2AFN SK. RIP!  Update your score of hamradio DX results in OK1VEI's OK toplist. Russian tube for 70cm. What would be good to know about LNA check here. And G4DDK paper about LNA power limits. Even our test were  accepted. Nostalgy whiff from time when our hobby was still OK - YU UHF/SHF Bulletins - do you find there your callsign? SP society SP UKF awake and returns back to organize + evaluate of VHF-SHF contests. Join SP UKF C-test. January 144MHz EME NewsLetter DF2ZC. 2m LNA. GEMINI PAs for VHF & up bands. IC705 USB connector. Into VHF contests archive has been added Result list of OK stations in the IARU UHF/SHF Contest 2023. Join. CRC (OK1VAO) released final Czech results of the IARU UHF-SHF Contest 2023 by CRC evaluation. See here. IARU shaping the Future? If yes, why doesn't mention contests & GHz bands? They doesn't take it into plan? Programmable USB generator up to 30GHz with output 1/2 W. Beside MS Quadrantids check 2m EME condx. Any hamradio operator should know, how to do it. 1, 2, 3. New 70cm and above EME NewsLetter for Dec.2023. DU3T send us nice presentation about his 9cm EME effort in December, when he made first QSO DU - OK. 65th.edition of Contest Romagna CW,SSB. 144MHz part will be held already on Jan.7 2024 from 9 to 14h.UT. Did you sometimes consider about future of ham radiocommunication? On 4th. January morning is predicted peak of Qadrantids meteoritic shower. Join any nice MS DX QSO! Try Handy spectrum analyzer with option up to 6 GHz. Suitable 70cm aerials by Antennas-Amplifiers Thanks to OK1VR (96) for new years wish email! Welcome in 2024. Let me wish you all good, rock solid health, joy and sunshine by OK2KKW Radioclub. This year the life will be not easy, but I believe we will surpass all and will meet after such exertion in peace. Our Sun celebrated start of new year by firework before midnight. ČTÚ (Czech radiocom.regulator) reminds us that the Measure of a General Nature informs about the preparation of a document defining measures for the protection of the satellite radionavigation service from amateur operation in the band 23cm & ECC Radiocommunication Committee of EU wkd on decision include report on that matter.  Our 2023 news here.



March 2025 IARU Reg I.
VHF-UHF-SHF Subregional Contest

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