-[ June Microwave Contest 05-06.06.2004 ]-
by Matej, OK1TEH - ok1teh@tesmail.cz
OK2KKW JO60JJ Hello OK2KKW will be QRV on weekend 5/6. June 2004 from jo60jj again.
Equipment: 144 MHz 600W, 16el F9FT - just for fun (MS)?? 1296 MHz 100W, 160cm DISH 10368 MHz 6,5W, 70cm DISH - we would like test 3cm for the 1st time!!
We are calling in CW and SSB on 1296.215 MHz.
If you would like to apply for a sked, please mail us at ok1teh@seznam.cz or send SMS on GSM : + 420 603 489 490 (OK1TEH)
At the following times OK2KKW is calling CQ on 23cm to special directions:
OK, OM, HA : Saturday, July 05th, 14:00-20:00 UTC PA, ON, F : Saturday, July 05th, 20:00-22:00 UTC SM, OZ : Saturday, July 05th, 22:00-23:00 UTC I, YU, 9A, S5 : Sunday, July 06th, 23:00-06:00 UTC DL, PA, ON, F : Sunday, July 06th, 06:00-14:00 UTC vy 73 and hope to see you in the contest. Matej, OK1TEH (microwave op)
Hello contesters S59R team will be QRV 5./6. june 2004 contest from JN76OM -1524m A.S.L. Equipments: 2m - 800W, 17el. long YAGY + 4x4 el. ECCO 70cm - 700W, 2 x TONNA 23cm - 100W, 2 x TONNA 13cm - ZIF 0,4W, SBFA 9cm - ZIF 0,4W, SBFA 6cm - ZIF 0,4, HORN 3cm - 1,5W, 90cm DISH During contest we are QRV in dx-cluster Skeds for 70cm and 23cm GSM/SMS: +386 41 763 914 and 13cm - 3cm GSM/SMS: +386 41 537 577 MNI DX's and 73 de Janko, S56AFJ Janko Franetič [Janko.Franetic@urszr.si]
Hi all contestfreaks, i am happy that i can tell you that DL0VR will be QRV in the microwave contest in june 2k4. PLEASE NOTICE: The locator for this contest will be JO31LG and NOT JO31MI. We will be able to work you from 1.2GHz > 24GHz. On this place i have to say thank you to our QTH supporter HeinO, DJ6JJ. So tnx for reading this mail and please tell it around in your neighbourhood..... We hope to hear you in the Contest. 73 de Mike, DH6JL (one of the DL0VR-Contest-Crew)
S58W team will be active during june 2004 ctest from mt. Slavnik 1028mASL with: 144 Mhz 2x16jxx2 +2xF9FT 11el + 1x16jxx2 @ 1500W 432 Mhz 39jxx70 @ 100W 1,2 Ghz 54el F9FT @ 20W 5Ghz 160cm dish @ 4W 10Ghz 160cm dish @ 4W You can find us on converse channel 14345 or SMS sked on +386 41 713 714 ! Operators: IK3UNA S58RU S55M and maybe others..... Best DX de S58W team!!!! S55M-Adi - Adi Voh [ adi.voh@siol.net ]
DL0TUD JO60LK CQ Contest Hello contesters, contest group DL0TUD (Technical University Dresden) will be active during the Microwave contest 5.+6. June from JO60LK - Fichtelberg 1200m asl. DL0TUD JO60LK, Equipments: 23cm: 80W, 4 x 41 el. DL6WU 13cm: 10W, 140 cm DISH 9cm: 5W, 100 cm DISH 6cm: 5W, 60 cm DISH 3cm: 5W, 60 cm DISH 24G: mW, 60 cm DISH Any sked for microwaves is very welcome. Mail: dl0tud (at) web.de GSM/SMS: +49-171-4156132 WWW convers: chan. 10368 Or pse look for us on 1296.181 +/- QRM. MNI TNX! GD WX, much fun & best DX ! CUAGN in contest. vy 73 de Tilo, DH1FM dh1fm(at)gmx.de Contestcrew DL0TUD in JO60LK
Hello contesters, contest group OK5Z will be active during juni contest from JN89AK - 660m A.S.L. Equipments: 23cm: 35W 140 cm DISH 13cm: 95W 140 cm DISH 9cm: 8W 90 cm DISH 6cm 0.2W 110 cm DISH 3cm: 2.6W 110 cm DISH All skeds are welcome. PR : ok2bdf@ok0nag SMS only: ++420 604349685 Inet convers: chan. 10368 Have fun & MNI DX in the contest. VY 73 Jirka OK2BDF
Hello dear contesters,
DF0YY is qrv in JO62GD on 23cm-3cm +24ghz Bands > SHF-Contest.Skeds
welcome online via pr DB0MDX cluster (hope
stable linked wid oh2aq )
& wwconv 10368 or per mobil-fone 01723118118.
cu in contest -good luck, good condx es good dx + wx wishing Jens
,DL7VTX op. DF0YY From: DL7VTX [mailto:
DL7VTX@t-online.de ]
F4CKV/P JN16NM Hello Matej F4CKV/P will be QRV from JN16NM in 144 and 432 Mhz for the 5th and 6th June. 144 Mhz rigs : TX :IC-910-H Ant : several Colinear F4AJS+ 4xbig wheel Pwr GS31b + preamp 1302 432 Mhz : TX :IC-910-H Ant : several Colinear F4AJS+ 4x15 long boom vertical stack Pwr GS31b + preamp See : http://www.qsl.net/f4ckv sked welcome on 432 Mhz 73 de Pierre F4CKV. METENIER Pierre [f4ckv@yahoo.fr]
Hello, just to inform you that S53D JN76BD will be QRV in June for testing new equipment as follows: 2m: IC275h 100W 4wl DJ9BV 13cm: 0IF 3/22W 180cm dish 6cm: 0IF 120mW horn 3cm 0IF 90mW 90cm dish skeds are welcome, favorite band is 13cm (hpe also some RS on 3cm as well, hi) ww conv 14345/10368 on4kst chat GSM: +386 41 382 781 and of course Email 73 es gl de Uros S57MSU Uroš [ s57msu@email.si ]
Hallo Dear SHF-Contester, DF0MTL is back again on the hill. We will work from JO60om (892m asl) in the shf-contest on 23cm-47GHz (05./06.June) We will use 60Watts/150cm dish on 23&13cm, 40W/100cm on 9cm, 10W/95cm on 6cm, 3W/95cm on 3cm and 0,3W/95cm on 24GHz, yW/25cm on 47GHz. Skeds in Contest via ++49 177 707 95 81, PR-Convers (Ch 10368) & 144,399MHz.
73s de DF0MTL-Crew.
LZ9W KN22GS Hello ALL, LZ9W will be QRV on weekend 5/6. June 2004 from KN22GS. Equipment: 144 MHz 100W, IC746,15el DJ9BV (possible 2x15el.) + 11el RA for FM 432 MHz 250W, FT847,2x22el K1FO or 4x22el K1FO 1296 MHz 100W(20W), TRCV, 4x33el.HM We are calling in CW 144.107 and SSB on 144.327 MHz and FM 145.450 or 145.475MHz We are calling in CW and SSB on 432.227 MHz and FM 432.500 or 433.000 MHz. We are calling in CW and SSB on 1296.227 MHz. If you would like to apply for a sked, please mail us at andy@dce.bg or send SMS on GSM : + 359 888 895 726 (LZ2HM) VY 73 and hope to see you in the contest Andy, LZ2HM (microwave op) Please kindly send logs for LZ DX V/U/SHF Contest 2004