Od: MMMonVHF News Mailer [news@mmmonvhf.de]
Odesláno: 30. června 2007 13:26
Komu: ok1vpz@seznam.cz
Předmět: MMMonVHF Newsletter 2007-06-30

Hallo dear MMMonVHF friends,

today again some new infos comming up...
Here are the infos again in short form via the "NEWSLETTER of Make More Miles on VHF".
For all in detail, please be so kind and refer at the "NEWS"-page and check for the latest updates (last 24 hours lines blinks / up to 3 days lines marked orange):

http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - use FILTER Event/Activity NO!

As reported, Peter, PA3BIY, will be going on a 4 to 5 weeks holiday trip through Sweden and Finland. Peter and family will start July 7th, and will be back approx August 7th. He did setup latest details again...


KN15 qrv in Perseids - The Group of YO5TP, YO2QC, HA5OV, HA5UK and HA5CRX will be activate the KN15 square during the PERSEIDS Meteorshower. We invited to work together with Bela - YO5TP and Jeno - YO2QC. The main QTH will be the shelter which is owned by YO2QC on 1700m ASL. Read more at http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=464 ...


LATEST News by Andy, DK7DR, dated 2007-06-30 1030 UT -
Andy, IS0/DK7DR, will get ready tonight from next Square JM49 at a good QTH with panoramic view and will be trying to run again 2m meteorscatter from that QTH...


HB9QQ, Pierre is activate as HB0/HB9QQ again since June 29th to July 2nd and July 6th to 9th. He will try to be active at HF/6m/2m as well WSJT (for meteorscatter). QTH will be the Sareiserjoch in Malbun Lichtenstein on abt 2015m asl...


OJ0 - MARKET REEF qrv on 144MHz MS: LATEST NEWS by Eric, SM1TDE, dated 2007-06-29: CALLS: OJ0/SM1TDE - OJ0/SM0EPO - OJ0/SM0BSO. All bands up to 2 meters. WSJT random on 6 and 2m. Usual frequencies. RIG: Single YAGI, 100 watts at least....


Keith, G4ODA and Paul, G1GSN, was qrv from ICELAND (TF)and now on the way back home stopping for at least 2-3 days at FAROE ISLAND (OY) - Plan to use 50.215, 144.360 and 70.105 as working frequencies for wsjt with us tasking first period...


Walter, OE6IWG, will be also these year on family trip with his camper, through the island of Sardinia IS0 and be ready to be qrv meteorscatter on 144 MHz in HSCW and WSJT - Walter did setup a special link on his WEBPAGE for his trip. The group will try to be on sometime this afternoon (He's setting up at the moment)...


Gerd, OH5SB, will try to be qrv again /MM on the route back to DL (if he will get permission again from the captain) and his callsign will be again OH5SB/MM. He is running 30W into HB9CV. Meantime he did send latest details for the trip back at 20/21 july...


Henrik, OZ8ZS, did send us some pictures from the LG5LG trip - you are able to find it at the REVIEW page http://www.mmmonvhf.de/review.php ...


Gerard, F6BEG, is going to plan a trip to JN14, 15 end of July again. More infos follows later on...

http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - use FILTER Event/Activity YES!

The contest group around EA1FDI will be qrv as EA1FDI/p from in52lw in the IARU contest on 7-8 july again. They are qrv on 144, 432 and 1296 Mhz...


The Team F1JRD / F4CIB / F1NSR / F1AKK / F5SDD / F5IVP /F4CWN /F1IKA /F1UCQ / F5ODA Will be active at 2017m ASL for this contest. Call: F5ODA/P in JN02XR qrv 144-432-GHz...


Matej, OK1TEH, is looking for meteorscatter skeds and QSOs in the PERSEIDS 2007 specially on 432 MHz again from his home-QTH in JO70FD...


On July 7th, look for Alpignano ARI District (TO) members Franz/I1XXM, Ottavio/IK1PML, Paolo/IK1RQQ, Paolo/IZ1LBD, Danilo/IZ1HVD, Davide/IW1DQS and possibly others to be QRV as IQ1DR/p from some valid references for the diploma of the Castles and Italian Lakes that are found over 2600 metres asl...


Manos/5B4AFQ, Kostas/5B4AIR, Andreas/5B8AP and Marios/5B8BE will be active as P3CA from Cape Akamas Lighthouse (ARLHS CYP-001), Cyprus on 7-8 July. They plan to operate SSB, CW and FM on the HF bands, 6 and 2 metres


YM1907, TURKEY (Special Event/Prefix). To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fenerbahce Sports Club, look for Berkin, TA3J, to be active using the special callsign YM1907FB...


Bernd "Ernie", DH3VE, will NOT change QTH to VK but he moves begin of july inside germany and hope to be soon qrv from JO63PX (near Greifswald) on HF, 50, 144 and 432 MHz again....


Peter, RW3PF, did inform us that the "Efremov a radio club" (Radioclub "Ether") will issue the "RUSSIAN VHF TROPHY" for VHF contacts -for more details pse have a look at: http://www.tularadio.ru/awards/rvhft_e.html


Summits on the Air (SOTA): Several new SOTA postings for HF and 70 / 144 / 430 MHz. For a total daily overview we recommend: http://www.sotawatch.org/beta/alerts.php ...

Latest NEWS around MMMonVHF - The VHF-DX-Portal

The group od MMM is very proud to announce our 1st MMMonVHF-EXPEDITION-SURVEY all over the year 2007 as will follow. MMMonVHF do search the best:

"144 MHz EXPEDITION of the YEAR 2007"

We are looking for the best and efficient 144 MHz expedition all over the World. No matter if it was worked on ES, MS, EME, Tropo, only it had to be qrv on 144 MHz! All details, online voting, result publishing and trophy/awards will be following in several announces soon...


MMMon VHF is going to bring forward the visualisation (and maybe also soon the maintenance) of the "beacon project". More details will also follow about these project soon...


Shower peaks for July and August (Perseids) are uploaded meantime at the MS-page: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/ms.php - make use of it...


PLEASE do remember we are only trying to spot/announce the expedition infos - we are not responceable what happens during the time or the expedition itself...

Tnx a lot for the news and infos these time to: DL2SB, OE6IWG, G1ZJP, DK7DR, PA3BIY, HA5CRX, SM1TDE, HB9QQ, EA1FDI, OZ8ZS, F5ODA, OK1TEH, DH3VE, RW3PF and as well IOTA/SOTA-RSGB, GB2RS-News, EA6VQ-News, 425-DX-News, F5NQL-News, VA3RJ-News, VHF-DX-RU, The Daily DX and infos we did find at the ON4KST-, EA-V-U-SHF- and N0UK-Chats and other Net-sources...

If you do see, or hear, or work yourself an expedition, which is NOT (or with WRONG infos) at our MMMonVHF-page, PLEASE drop us a comment use "CONTACT" at the webpage or via mail: info@mmmonvhf.de

Have a pleasant DX on VHF and see you during comming openings...

73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBW
for the MMMonVHF.de Team

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