Náměty na konferenci IARU 1. Regionu v San Marinu (for English text look below)
Díky laskavosti Tila DH1FM z contestové party DF0MTL, který poslal informaci, otevíráme diskusi o případných změnách na VKV pásmech, které by se mohly velmi výrazně také dotknout našich zájmů. Prosím prostudujte tyto materiály velmi pozorně. V následujících dnech na této stránce zveřejníme možnost hlasování o navržených změnách. Doufáme, že výsledky tohoto hlasování pomohou funkcionářům ČRK, kteří se tohoto jednání zúčastní, aby pochopili, co si čeští radioamatéři - VKV závodníci přejí, a že nebudou proti našim zájmům hlasovat. Protože však po určitých zkušenostech nemáme velmi pozitivní názor na to, co by činovníci této jedné z radioamatérských organizací mohli prosadit, pro jistotu výsledky tohoto hlasování zašleme dalším evropským VKV radioamatérům, aby prostřednictvím svých kontaktů pomohli obhájit také zájmy nás všech, VKV závodníků, členů i nečlenů jakékoli české radioamatérské organizace.
Přistupujte tedy prosím k tomuto úkolu se vší vážností - na každém z Vašich hlasů bude záležet. Ve hře je například přesunutí majákového pásma 70 cm do současného SSB pásma, aby se uvolnilo místo pro FM kecání, přesun termínu červencového Polního dne atd atd. Zde na níže uvedené webové adrese najdete tyto návrhy. Dole jsou potom krátké komentáře člena DF0MTL, které jakoby vypadly z našich úst.
Vladimír OK1VPZ
Od: tilo.arnhold@gmx.de Odesláno: 6. června 2002 19:16 Komu: ok1vpz@seznam.cz; dix@iname.com Kopie: hla@ujv.cz; ok1cdj@qsl.net; ok1mg@seznam.cz; ok1ia@hk.cro.cz; ok1mg@seznam.cz; ok2zi@atlas.cz; ok1kir@seznam.cz; ok1kpa@qsl.net; ok1kim@quick.cz; ok1dst@qsl.net; ok1vei@qsl.net; ok1dfc@tesmail.cz; ol7m@qsl.net; ok2dl@kwradio.cz; touzin_r@dcom.cz Předmět: R1-Meeting San Marino
Hello dr friends, yesterday I found some interesting papers on the homepage of of the IARU-R1 http://home.hccnet.nl/a.dogterom/Marino/sm.htm about the IARU-meeting 2002 in San Marino. There are some ideas which should discuss in the European V/U/SHF-community,
I think. Please talk and discuss about this. I am afraid some of this proposals could be usefully but some of this could bring us trouble. Here is a short comment from me with a very subjective point of view: C5.3 DARC 435 MHz bandplan: > POCSAC-QRG 439,9875 >>> useful C5.4 DARC Footnote i : > Packet Radio on 2m >>> useful C5.9 UBA WSTJ in the 145 MHz band: > It´s a pity the document isn´t at this site. So, what can we say the proposal of the UBA ? C5.10 RSGB Meteor scatter frequency allocations: >>> There should be a official QRG for WSJT, of course. And because it´s a digital mode 144.370 at the moment is not optimal. 144.390 should be better, but to close to the beacon-band is dangerous, I believe, because of local QRM trough heavy WSJT-transmitting. At the moment we have the situation that much of the weak beacons in the upper beacon-band can´t copy if there are QSOs on the SSTV-Calling-QRG 144.500. C5.16 VERON WSTJ in de 145 MHz bandplan > WSJT-Calling-QRG on 144.370 C5.17 SRAL APRS frequency > APRS-QRG: 144.825 C5.21 SRAL The 144,14-144,16 MHz segment > EME between 144.140-160: should keep in the bandplan. C5.26 NRRL 144,800 MHz for APRS > APRS-QRG: 144.800 C5.27 PZK PSK31 frequencies > PSK31 in exclusive CW-band: Calling-QRG at .085 >>> Please keep the EME band at 1296 and 2320 clean from terrestrical digital modes. C5.28 PZK Change in contest rules > Change in contest rules IARU-VHF/UHF-contest: no crossmode-QSOs allowed >>> No good idea. If you want to make a QSO with an station, which calling CQ in SSB but don´t hear you, you can´t switch to CW and call the station in CW because that would be a crossmode-QSO. Thats not good for operators using CW and/or low power. Especially in V/U/SHF-contests CW is very useful for DX and such a change would a restriction for CW. C5.29 SSA EME proposal > EME band segment 144.000-144.035 & 144.140-144.150 for CW exclusive; 144.150-144.160 for EME SSB exclusive C5.30 EDR 435 MHz bandplan proposal > a new Bandplan for 432.000-435.00 and moving of the beacon-band from 432.800-433.000 to 432.350-432.500 >>> Terrible !!! The new bandplan doesn´t give any benefit. Only a little more place for FM-simplex. (But does FM-simplex really need more place? In many areas the FM-simplex-activity is near 0!) But the big disadvantage is ALL beacon on 432MHz had to change to QRG ! Didn´t you remember the big trouble when all beans on 144MHz had to change from 144.800-145.000 to 144.400-144.500 ? The idea of the EDR would help to activate the 70cm-band but I´m shure we would lose a lot of beacons. C5.31 EDR VHF Contests conflicts > conflicts about the CW-fieldday/50MHz-IARU-R1contest & SSB-fieldday/144MHz-IARU-R1-contest at the same weekend - 50Mhz-IARU-R1-contest & SSB-fieldday should move >>> Good idea but please not to one of the first weekends of March, May, June, July, September and October because of subregional and R1 V/U/SHF-contests. C5.32 EDR 50 MHz contest date > move to last weekend of June C5.33 EDR Change of 50 MHz contest rules > use completely WW-locator >>> good idea C5.34 EDR New common sub-regional vhf/uhf field day > change the fieldday from first weekend of June and July to the first weekend of May >>> Of course it would be could to have a common fieldday and not 2 dates in June and July. And of course the hollidays are a problem for the day. But I think thats no so good idea because the fieldday at the first weekend of July has a long tradition in Eastern Europe and I am afraid the activity there would go down if the fieldday would change from July to May. We are qrv in much subregion contests since some years in JO60 but the fieldday in July is the best contest of the year because of activity in Eastern Europe, WX and CONDX. So what about change the fieldday from May to July ? C5.36 DARC Microwave narrow band segments > common Nearrow Band Segment Plan on 47, 76, 145 and 241 GHz >>> good idea C5.40 REF Contest organisation > results from IARU-R1-contests should be published at least 3 months before the following year contest >>> Publishing the results in an common format on the IARU-R1-Homepage would be a good idea. You can find some of the results between 1989 and 2001 at http://www.ok2kkw.com/contests.htm C5.41 REF 145 MHz calling frequency > change 144.300 from SSB-calling to SSB-center of activity C5.42 SARA Contest results exchange > publish all contest-logs on one homepage in the EDI-format so national contest-managers can check the contacts outside their country >>> Very good idea ! At the moment it is very difficult to find contest-logs in the internet and an common electronic format like EDI would make the evaluation much easier. For example have a look at http://vkvzavody.moravany.com/ C5.43 CRC Claiming points in Contests > Claiming points should be not canceled if a receiving station logged callsign with or without /p, /3 (or other number), /a or /m and error is only in this part of callsign. All indications behind " / " will not be evaluated.
So, I hope to start a little discuss in your area about the proposals for the R1-meeting in San Marino. All the best ! vy 73 de Tilo, DH1FM
PS de OK1VPZ : as I was warned
by OK2ZI, CRC, resp. he personaly submitted one point there as
For completion, this suggestion has added to the this DH1FM email
as additional point C5.43, as well as
it has added, probably based just on this email correspondence to
the IARU web page linked above and
now it is formally registered by IARU under the same reg.nr. for
correspondenceas here. My apologies to
OK2ZI, that I was not inform abt. it before and I declared, that
CRC did not submit anything. But, is does not
change anything in my negative opinion related to the CRC due to
very well-known reasons - the principal
is, that CRC practically ignore thinking of the half of the czech
amateur radio community - non members of CRC.