Matej, OK1TEH
29. 09. 2007, 23:15:34
Tak se mi podarilo udelat prvni EME qso (v OK?) s S52LM modem JT4.
Zaznam qso viz
K domluve byl potreba chat, na kterem byl k dispozici Harry, LZ1BB, linuxovy
guru z vyvojoveho tymu K1JT.
S52LM jezdi skoro kazdy vecer na 144.131 MHz v prvni periode.
Prvni dojmy: SW ma jeste spoustu much, nejenom ze jeste nefunguje Deep-Search a
prumerovani ale pri prvnim beznem spusteni spadne behem dekodovani. Tato chyba
se da ale obejit, kdyz se vysila prvni periodu v JT2 a pak se na prijem prejde
na JT4B nebo JT4A. Co me prekvapilo, tak RRR a RO, 73 uz se asi nepredavaji ve
forme Singl-Tone msg hi Na srovnani s JT65 mod JT4 zatim nema, ale mel by byt po
vychytani chyb schopny dolovat signal ze sumu zhruba stejne. Co ma byt revoluce,
tak to jsou pasma SHF/EHF. K1JT uz delal udajne prvni qso na 10GHz via tropo.
Nove JT by melo umoznit delat spojeni sirenim Aurora/RS/TEP etc :-)
SW je ke stahnuti zde:
Je to prvni Beta, tak trpelivost :-)
73 Matej, OK1TEH
PS komentar DG0OPK:
2007-09-29 18:31:36Z DG0OPK Michael i use W2K...testes with Guy (8EBW) on JT4A
and JT4D ...JT4D was better on tropo/airscatter maybe higher bandwith can be
used with other modes...but JT4A should work well on EME
Matej, OK1TEH
29. 09. 2007, 23:15:34
So - I was successfull with first EME qso (only in OK?) with S52LM by use of JT4
Record of this qso
For preparation was necessary EME chat, where was with help available Harry,
LZ1BB, linux's guru from K1JT's design team.
S52LM is active via EME almost each evening on 144.131 MHz in the first period.
First impressions: SW has still more bugs, Deep Search is not available yet, as
well as averaging. During first use even SW put down in case of decoding. For
elimination of this use period in JT2 and then switch to JT4a or b. What
was surprise for me - RRR and 73 are not transmitted by single tone as before.
Complete JT65 is still better, than JT4, but it would be in the public version
more-less the same. What is revolutionary - it is possibility to use this SW as
well for QSOs on SHF and EHF. K1JT test it tropo on 10GHz already. New JT can
help as well with instable Aurora, RS, TEP etc :-)
SW to beta testing download:
It is a first beta, so be patientt :-)
73 Matej, OK1TEH
PS komentar DG0OPK:
2007-09-29 18:31:36Z DG0OPK Michael i use W2K...testes with Guy (8EBW) on JT4A
and JT4D ...JT4D was better on tropo/airscatter maybe higher bandwith can be
used with other modes...but JT4A should work well on EME