IK4WKU in July 2008 VHF Contest

Hi to all again, this is my news from July VHF Contest for OK2KKW web site. This contest was  for me real pleasure!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Marco  IK4WKU

  Contest Report from IK4WKU/6 in JN63ET at 144 MHz


Contest : Citta' di Treviso 24h 144 MHz 2008

Date    : 2008 Jul 05 to 2008 Jul 06

Section : 1 S  SINGLE

QTH     : Monte Carpegna PU

TX      : ICOM 910 H, 500 W

RX      : the same

Antenna : 2X9 + 9 el HM, 8 mAGL, 1300 m ASL

Log     : TACLog by OZ2M, 2.0, http://www.rudius.net/oz2m


QSOs    :  352

-invalid:    0                                       Points/valid QSO

-valid  :  352     QSO-points (*1)    :    151219                 430

WWLs    :   74     WWL bonus (0)      :         0                   0

DXCCs   :   17     DXCC bonus (0)     :         0                   0

                   ------------------------------              ------

                   Total score        :    151219                 430


ODX     : EB5BVI in JN00FL at 1049 km


Worked World Wide Locators:

JN00:   1   JN39:   1   JN58:   1   JN72:   1   JN88:   5   JO50:   5  

JN01:   1   JN41:   1   JN61:   1   JN73:   1   JN89:  18   JO60:   5  

JN02:   1   JN43:   1   JN62:   4   JN74:   3   JN92:   1   JO70:   4  

JN11:   2   JN44:   9   JN63:   6   JN75:  23   JN93:   1   JO80:   3  

JN12:   1   JN45:  20   JN64:   4   JN76:  22   JN94:   6   JO90:   2  

JN23:   1   JN46:   3   JN65:  18   JN77:   2   JN95:   5   KN04:   9  

JN28:   2   JN47:   2   JN66:   7   JN79:   6   JN96:   1   KN05:   2  

JN33:   3   JN48:   3   JN67:   1   JN83:   9   JN97:   5   KN06:   3  

JN34:   1   JN52:   3   JN68:   1   JN84:   2   JN98:   1   KN07:   1  

JN35:   5   JN53:  10   JN69:   3   JN85:  13   JN99:   8   KN08:   2  

JN36:   1   JN54:  15   JN70:   1   JN86:   7   JO30:   2   KN15:   1  

JN37:   2   JN55:  19   JN71:   2   JN87:   5   JO40:   1   KN16:   3  

JN38:   1   JN56:   6  


Worked DXCCs:

9A  :  51   F   :   9   HB  :   3   OE  :   5   S5  :  37   YO  :   6  

DL  :  16   E7  :   5   I   : 126   OK  :  45   SP  :   4   YU  :  17  

EA  :   5   HA  :  11   IS  :   1   OM  :  10   T9  :   1  


Top 10 QSO-points:

20080705 2122 EB5BVI         59   188 59   028        JN00FL     1049

20080705 2113 EB3JT/P        59   185 59   118        JN01RK      931

20080705 2029 YO5KDV         59   175 59   090        KN16NH      889

20080705 2111 F/LA0BY/P      59   184 56   063        JN02SV      882

20080706 0625 EB3DYS         59   246 59   010        JN11CK      873

20080706 1229 DR5A           59   342 55   641        JO30EM      873

20080705 1944 YO5KUF/P       59   161 59   063        KN16II      859

20080705 1950 YO5CEA/P       59   163 59   039        KN16II      859

20080706 1157 OM3VSZ         59   339 59   391        KN08LS      859

20080706 0812 HA0HO          59   281 59   197        KN07SU      840


I will remember this contest about very good tropo to east: KN16 and west: JN00. It was quite easy hear some EA and YO with my great surprise. To DL not so fine condition as usually but a couple of interesting contact in JO30.

Good signal also from SP, F, YU and many more. Many OK and 9A compare to May test.

53 QSO over 700 Km , 16 QSO over 800 Km , 2 QSO over 900 Km : for sure much better than in any of last contests. WX was sunny all the time, 27 degree and 16 in night.

TNX to all.



Marco Chiarini, IK4WKU

