I4YNO - JN54JF May Test Report
May Test Report - Call: I4YNO/4 - Loc. JN54JF 1300m asl
RX: FT736+Mutek+PHEMT pre-amp+DCI filter - TX: FT736+3CX1500
ANTS: 4x9el ECO + 16 el JXX - Ops: I4YNO, IK4HLQ, IK4PMB, IW4EHZ
N° QSOs 282 - Declared 110453 - Av 391 Km/QSO
WWL 55 - DXCC 15 - ODX HA0HO KN07SU 922Km
Some technical troubles and splatters from local OM, would be better if he’d change his hobby… Unexpected surprise from 4x9 system, very cheap but good. Poor propagation and unhappy QTH. We’re looking for an alternative one. Best 73 de Anto IK4PMB - I4YNO/4 Report Tnx IK4PMB
Pictures of 4 x 9 ele, Etc by IK4PMB [Click On Thumbnail to Enlarge]