Hi Matej,
There was a lot of disbelief about the claims of the 1st
2 m EME QSOs. Part of the reason was that Sam (W1FZJ) had given up on 2
m EME. (He was a God to those of us on VHF when I was in high school).
No one understood Faraday rotation and did not realize that 2 m EME was
possible with a little patience. 2nd W6DNG keep referring to his
"special/secret" system that he had developed for receiving very weak
signals. I met W6DNG at the Second International EME Conference in
1968. He had tapes of some of his QSOs. By then there was no
question about the validity of their 2 m EME QSOs. You did not need a "magic"
system to work 2 m EME.
73, Al - K2UYH
PS: From right to left
are W6DNG (one end of the first 2 m EME QSO), K2UYH, VK3ATN, W3SDZ (early 432
EMEer), K2CBA, K2AQC and K2JNG (23 cm trop).

Please feel free to
On 4/11/2014 1:04 PM, ok1teh Petrzilka