Very nice tropo DX QSO on 432 MHz has made between EI and EA8 ! Let's look into record from DX cluster:

Krásné DX QSO na 432 MHz se podařilo udělat mezi EI a EA8 ! Podívejme se do výpisu z DX Clusteru:


EI5FK-@   432200.0 EA1RX amazing ct1dyx same time      2125 30 Jul
EA1RX     432200.0 EI5FK io51 in52                     2121 30 Jul
F5HRY     432220.0 EI5FK congrats FB QSO Charly        2049 30 Jul
EI5FK-@   432220.0 EB8AYA 30watts 2*21ele              2037 30 Jul <- 2675km, almost new European DX record
CT1DYX    432220.0 EI5FK in51>io51 51                  2022 30 Jul
EI5FK-@   432220.0 EA1DAX in53 io51                    1902 30 Jul
EI5FK-@   144330.0 CT1FOH IN50 51 here                 2203 30 Jul
EI5FK-@   144300.0 EI5FK CQ EA/CT 432 ALSO             2159 30 Jul
EA1RX     144300.0 EI5FK io51                          2114 30 Jul
EA1RX     144300.0 EI8JK 59 io51dn                     2114 30 Jul
EA1YV-@   144300.0 EI pse qsy 144,300!!                2108 30 Jul
EA1YV-@   144300.0 EI5FK in52 io51                     2107 30 Jul
CT1DYX    144300.0 EI8JK in51>io51                     2103 30 Jul
EI5FK-@   144330.0 EA8/DL4DWA 539 ON CW                2026 30 Jul
CT1DYX    144300.0 EI5FK in51>io51 57                  2022 30 Jul
EI5FK-@   144330.0 EA1KV IN52OG                        1936 30 Jul
EI5FK     144300.0 CT1FAK in50qo 55 easy               1825 30 Jul
EI5FK     144404.0 EA1VHF/B 539 GOOD TROPO TONIGHT     1723 30 Jul

11 July 2003 at 2037 CT1DYX IN51QD worked on CW and SSB.Worked on 144MHz CW few times in previous days.Initial test on 432 involved Pedro using JT44. I called him on CW as he was audible. 519 and 51 reports exchanged both modes, CT1DYX using far as I know this is the first time Portugal has been worked from Ireland on 432MHz, and if not I have no complaints ..........



And how looks DX tropo condx at that day:

So final question still remains: who and when overcome Atlantic on VHF - most probable between D44 and Caribic.