-> List of first VHF QSOs of OK stations abroad here. -> List od DX records on VHF and microwave bands here. -> VHF milestones from OK perspective here.
-> EA6VQ's EME calendar for year 2013 is here. -> VHF DX by EA6VQ and by VHF DX.RU
-> Current status of VHF DX records by: G3PHO , MGEF -> SW for calculation of DX QSO distance: LOCAXH |
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History, present,
articles and even more concerning DX VHF operation
English articles:
On 2 m from
Snezka ( history of first QSOs with G a GI
(remembrance to fascinated articles of OK1VR)
1999 Hawaii Tropo Ducting - new 2m World record (KH6HME ( BK29go ) and W1LP/mm ( DL51ce)
2002 Atlantic overcomed? (hoax article abt the 1st MS qso over Atlantic on 2m by N2PIG)
2002 VHF-Transatlantic-Experiment 2002 (however no luck :-(
2003 History of Microwave ham radio communication in UK by G3PHO.
2005 Ground Gain on 21.04 2005 (what may happen on 2m during Moonset)
2005 Tropo condx across East Mediteranean, or not only GSM DX-ing (tropo in 5B4 on UHF)
for Meteorscatter (by Catharinus van Tuijl,
(ufb article for beginners on 2m MS)
If you know any other interesting, in english written VHF DX article, don't hesitate contact us, please.
Czech articles:
VHF tests from Praděd
(Report OK2BR
from of old history of amateur VHF operation in OK)
When VHF DXcondx
are coming (info about propagation on 50MHz and above)
1949 Africa calling Czechoslovakia (what we did not found in travelogue of Mr. Hanzelka and Zikmund)
Radio reception and meteors
(probably first note abt VHF propagation via MS in OK)
1950 Reports and consideration about Field day VHF Contest 1950 (what happen in the second OK Field day contest)
Reports and
consideration about Field day VHF Contest 1951
(what happen during third
OK Field day contest)
1953 Czechoslovak hams on VHF (review of VHF operation on the beginning of 50ies + first 23cm qso in OK)
Reminder to First
OK VHF Field day Contest ever in 1949
(how it begun in OK)
1953 OK1KAX on 23cm wave (Worldwide DX record on 1215 Mc/s in 1953)
1956 "Day of VHF Records" and European VHF Contest 1956 in KN09CE (VHF DXpedition OK1VR on Lomnicky peak)
The very first
ham radio contacts on 13 and 9 cm in OK (equipment description)
1957 On 2 m from KH6 to USA in 1957 (Worldwide DX record on 144 MHz - 4087 km - already in 1957 ! )
1957-1962 History of first aurorial QSOs (1957 - 1962) (Detail history of first QSOs via Aurora since 1957)
1958-1966 History of first MS QSOs (1958 - 1966) (Detail history of Meteor Scattering on 145 MHz in Europe 1958-1966)
1959 On 2 m from Snezka ( history of first QSOs between OK and G & GI)
1959 On 220MHz from KH6 to USA in 1959 (Worldwide DX record on 220 MHz - 4087 km in 1959! tnx OK1VR )
1959 Using of meteoritics for VHF DX connections (First OK MS QSO in 1959 & 3.rd in Europe! tnx ZS6AXT, OK1VR )
1959 Ionosphere during extreme conditions (what may happen during atomic blast)
1960 VHF power inputs rules in EU (How we were discriminated)
1961 First QSOs on 10 GHz in OK (3cm tests of OK1KAD)
On VHF from
Jugoslavia (OK1AIY experience in YU6 during UHF-SHF
Contest in 1977)
1983 Planning of MS QSOs (Detail explanation of MS operation tnx OM3BH )
FB tropo
condx to G during
(how the first time the 300 000 points border on 70cm
has reached)
1989 Probably biggest radio Aurora of 20.th Century [13.-14. March 1989] (a lot about this event)
FB tropo
condx in
UHF Contest 1995 in OK1OKL +
70cm log OK2KKW
& maps +
OK results +
IARU results
Abt. interference and QRM
in VHF Contests. More
2 and
3. (about
always hot issue)
2004 How to make your first MS QSO (FSK441)? (Detail instruction "How to do it" for beginners)
2005 Ground Gain on 21.04 2005 (what may happen on 2m during Moonset)
2005 Tropo condx in East Mediteranean and/or not only GSM DX-ing (about tropo condx in 5B4 area on UHF)
History of TEP tests in OK (will be
sometime possible make a QSO on 144 and 432 MHz between OK and South Africa?)
History, present,
articles, ...
about EME
1960-1966 History of first EME QSO (1960 - 1966) (Detail info about history of first EME QSOs in 1960, tnx OK1VR, (z) OK1TEH)
History of first
EME tests in OK (1960 to 1976) and first OK EME QSOs (reminder of 30 years
anniversary offirst EME VHF
History of EME
operation in OK (1977 to 1990) and first OK VKV WAC awards (how the OK hams
were successful in the world EME history)
2002 Franta OK1CA has made the first Czech EME QSO on 9 cm (and new World record too :-)
Septum Feed
Septum feed
in OK - František Střihavka OK1CA
Septum feed
revisited - Rastislav
Galuščák, OM6AA [pdf]
+ more
How to begin on EME with WSJT:
Your first QRP EME QSO (by EA6VQ, look for pictures
How to
begin on EME with WSJT: Your first QRP EME QSO (part one)
How to
begin on EME with WSJT: Your first QRP EME QSO (part