contest 2007 - 1st part
Hi all
I took a part in contest category: "Single Operator, Mixed Mode, Assisted" So I was monitoring N0UK and others chat's but in RX mode ONLY.
Used equipment (about 10m long coax):
144 MHz - FT-847 + p. MGF1302 in shack + 950W PA + 10el DK7ZB
432 MHz - MGF1502 in shack + 600W GS31 + 23el DK7ZB
1296 MHz - FT847 + preamp MGF1302 in shack + 120W PA + 17dB wifi dish with linear pol. (ring feed by DL4MEA/OM6AA)
WKD contacts:
2m - CW :
2m -JT65:
RU1AA -11dB
JR3REX -24dB #
7K3LGC -26dB #
RA0FCA -23dB
AO6VQ -19dB (is AO6VQ the same initial as EA6VQ?)
EB5EEO -22dB/-24dB
HB9Q -20dB
EB1DNK -25dB #
AO5SE -20dB/-22dB
EA2AGZ -17dB fantastic signal, cu next time in CW!
GW3XYW -26dB
RA6DA -27dB
DK5YA -23dB
EI4DQ -23dB/-28dB
RX1AS -22dB
S52LM -24dB
UA9FAD -21dB
DF2ZC -19dB/-20dB
RV3IG -24dB/-23dB (our 2nd QSO with FB signal)
UA9SL -24dB
K9DX -20dB
ZL3TY -29dB very weak signal & contest ODX :-)
F8DO -22dB/-20dB
YU1CF -20dB
IK1UWL -25dB and saw N5KDA, PY4OG, JM0MHE, N9JIM, K6KLY,VK3AHX...
70cm - CW:
OH2PO MP3 (dupe from JT65 :-)
PA3CSG # (on sked so it wasn't contest qso)
and HRD/CALLED: K1FO, KL6M + several weak traces
70cm - JT65:
HB9Q -17dB/-20dB
OH2PO -20dB
PA3CSG -24dB/-22dB # (on sked: it wasn't contest qso)
DL7APV -22dB
and saw: PE1ITR-30dB, ZS6WAV! -28dB, SM2A -26dB
23cm - CW: HRD 419qsb: K9SLQ, N9JIM
More info:
I had good condx EU-EU but very bad EU-NA. I spent 90% of time in CW and
then I was calling in JT65B N9JIM for over 1,5h! but with 0 result... I
wasn't sleeping at all;-) DL9KR (on 70cm) was strong and I observed very
fast qsb on KL6M's signal.
On 2nd pass
were excellent condx into Japan and bad condx EU-NA, I hrd nothing from
strong stations like AA7A or W0PT. I'm very happy to work 2 new initials
into Japan with JR3REX and 7K3LGC. But why most of JA stations were
running without split? They know that EU stations shouldn't call them on
090 but.... Some EU stations were also calling CQ in JT65 on 144.080.
Why??? -> JA stations, can you use split more often? From the same reason
I din't called JM0MHE, JH2COZ, JM1GSH etc.... ....but on the
other hand the CW operation used to be mainly inbetween 144.035-144.060
MHz. So don't complain, that DIGI stations are using frequency above
144.060 when there isn't any activity ... This problem was the main
reason, why I didn't work more CW stations, while I had TERRIBLE QRM from
OK1MS (.048) & OK1KKD (.042) so they covered 99% of CW segment (sri Jimmy,
SV1BTR for our long qso..).
3rd pass: nice condx into W via long-path on
my Moonrise. I was calling long time K6KLY (N9JIM) but no answer.. (He was
in peek 519). I was also calling Mike, K6MYC, but he worked only Uffe,
PA5DD and after his 73 (-23dB) he lost the Moon. SRI. During this
pass I heard several CW stations on 70cm, however I worked only OH2PO..
and last note: pity, that N9JIM didn't work on 23cm in JT65C...
Conclusion: TNX all for nice random qso's and CU in the next part
73 de Matej, OK1TEH
PS: I'm qrv for any of CW/SSB/JT65 EME skeds on 2m/70/23cm (I prefer CW if
it's possible) so pse don't be shy to ask me :-) |