Komentář OK1DFC: ... to je (ten) problém - žádní EME operátoři, žádní EME nadšenci, žádná motivace být aktivnější !!! KV mělo vyšší prioritu protože (se tam dá udělat) více QSO!!! To je opravdu velký kontrast s expedicí na Seychelly, kde se (povedlo) udělat 100 (EME) QSO (jen) s jedinou anténou.
Komentář OK1VPZ: to tam ani nemuseli jezdit...
Od: EME-net@yahoogroups.com za uživatele OK1DFC
Odesláno: 17. února 2006 10:44
Komu: EME
Net; Moon-net@list-serv.davidv.net
Pøedmìt: [EME-net] 3Y0X CL EME
" 2355UTC: As we don't
want to interfere with this weekend's ARRL CW contest, we've decided that we'll
only work on the WARC bands on SSB and RTTY. We are dismantling OP Shelter B and
moving two stations into OP A; our intent is to move the OP B shelter and much
equipment back abord the DAP Mares tomorrow. Tonight is our last night on EME;
we've made a very gratifiying thirty QSOS on moonbounce!"
That is problem, no EME operators, no VHF
enthusiasts, no motivation to be more active!!! HF has higher priority because
more QSOs!!! This is really big contrast with pedition on Scheychellas where
were done 100 QSO with single Yagi.
PITY ! Congrats to all who has
chance to worked with them.
73 Zdenek OK1DFC